
Reputation: 1612

CLPlacemark to string in iOS 9

I want to format CLPlacemark to string.

The well known way is to use ABCreateStringWithAddressDictionary but it was deprecated in iOS 9. Warning tells me to use CNPostalAddressFormatter instead.

However, CNPostalAddressFormatter can only format CNPostalAddress. There is no way to properly convert CLPlacemark to CNPostalAddress; only these 3 properties are shared by CLPlacemark and CNPostalAddress: country, ISOcountryCode, and postalCode.

So how should I format CLPlacemark to string now?

Upvotes: 24

Views: 8589

Answers (4)


Reputation: 534885

Take the placemark's addressDictionary and use its "FormattedAddressLines" key to extract the address string. Note that this is an array of the lines of the string.

(You are correct, however, that the Apple developers tasked with converting to the Contacts framework seem to have forgotten completely about the interchange between Address Book and CLPlacemark. This is a serious bug in the Contacts framework - one of many.)

EDIT Since I posted that answer originally, Apple fixed this bug. A CLPlacemark now has a postalAddress property which is a CNPostalAddress, and you can then use a CNPostalAddressFormatter to get a nice multi-line address string. Be sure to import Contacts!

Upvotes: 28


Reputation: 1698

Swift 4.1 (and 3 & 4, save 1 line)

I read the question to ask 'How might I implement this?':

extension String {
    init?(placemark: CLPlacemark?) {
        // Yadda, yadda, yadda

Two Methods

I first went for porting the AddressDictionary method, as did other posters. But that means losing the power and flexibility of the CNPostalAddress class and formatter. Hence, method 2.

extension String {
    // original method (edited)
    init?(depreciated placemark1: CLPlacemark?) {
    // UPDATE: **addressDictionary depreciated in iOS 11**
            let myAddressDictionary = placemark1?.addressDictionary,
            let myAddressLines = myAddressDictionary["FormattedAddressLines"] as? [String]
    else { return nil }

        self.init(myAddressLines.joined(separator: " "))

    // my preferred method - let CNPostalAddressFormatter do the heavy lifting
    init?(betterMethod placemark2: CLPlacemark?) {
        // where the magic is:
        guard let postalAddress = CNMutablePostalAddress(placemark: placemark2) else { return nil }
        self.init(CNPostalAddressFormatter().string(from: postalAddress))

Wait, what is that CLPlacemarkCNPostalAddress initializer??

extension CNMutablePostalAddress {
    convenience init(placemark: CLPlacemark) {
        street = [placemark.subThoroughfare, placemark.thoroughfare]
            .compactMap { $0 }           // remove nils, so that...
            .joined(separator: " ")      // ...only if both != nil, add a space.
    // Equivalent street assignment, w/o flatMap + joined:
        if let subThoroughfare = placemark.subThoroughfare,
            let thoroughfare = placemark.thoroughfare {
            street = "\(subThoroughfare) \(thoroughfare)"
        } else {
            street = (placemark.subThoroughfare ?? "") + (placemark.thoroughfare ?? "")
        city = placemark.locality ?? ""
        state = placemark.administrativeArea ?? ""
        postalCode = placemark.postalCode ?? ""
        country = ?? ""
        isoCountryCode = placemark.isoCountryCode ?? ""
        if #available(iOS 10.3, *) {
            subLocality = placemark.subLocality ?? ""
            subAdministrativeArea = placemark.subAdministrativeArea ?? ""


func quickAndDirtyDemo() {
    let location = CLLocation(latitude: 38.8977, longitude: -77.0365)

    CLGeocoder().reverseGeocodeLocation(location) { (placemarks, _) in
        if let address = String(depreciated: placemarks?.first) {
            print("\nAddress Dictionary method:\n\(address)") }

        if let address = String(betterMethod: placemarks?.first) {
            print("\nEnumerated init method:\n\(address)") }

/* Output:
Address Dictionary method:
The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC  20500 United States

Enumerated init method:
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington DC 20500
United States

Whoever read until here gets a free T-shirt. (not really)

*This code works in Swift 3 & 4, except that flatMap for removing nil values has been depreciated/renamed to compactMap in Swift 4.1 (Doc here, or see SE-187 for the rationale).

Upvotes: 8


Reputation: 2896

Swift 3.0

if let lines = myCLPlacemark.addressDictionary?["FormattedAddressLines"] as? [String] {
    let placeString = lines.joined(separator: ", ")
    // Do your thing

Upvotes: 15

Sourabh Sharma
Sourabh Sharma

Reputation: 8322

Swift 3.0 Helper Method

class func addressFromPlacemark(_ placemark:CLPlacemark)->String{
        var address = ""

        if let name = placemark.addressDictionary?["Name"] as? String {
            address = constructAddressString(address, newString: name)

        if let city = placemark.addressDictionary?["City"] as? String {
            address = constructAddressString(address, newString: city)

        if let state = placemark.addressDictionary?["State"] as? String {
            address = constructAddressString(address, newString: state)

        if let country ={
          address = constructAddressString(address, newString: country)

        return address

Upvotes: 2

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