
Reputation: 16488

Iterated Interpolation: First interpolate grids, then interpolate value

I want to interpolate from x onto z. But there's a caveat:

Depending on a state y, I have a different xGrid - which i need to interpolate.

I have a grid for y, yGrid. Say yGrid=[0,1]. And xGrid is given by

1    10
2    20
3    30 

The corresponding zGrid, is

100  1000
200  2000
300  3000

This means that for y=0, [1,2,3] is the proper grid for x, and for y=1, [10,20,30] is the proper grid. And similar for z.

Everything is linear and even-spaced for demonstration of the problem, but it is not in the actual data.

In words,

Here's the problem: What if is y=0.5? In this simple case, I want the interpolated grids to be [5.5, 11, 33/2] and [550, 1100, 1650], so x=10 would be something close to 1000.

It appears to me, that I need to interpolate 3 times:

This is part of a bottleneck and efficiency is vital. How do I code this most efficiently?

Here is how I can code it quite inefficiently:

xGrid = np.array([[1, 10], [2, 20], [3, 30]])
zGrid = np.array([[100, 1000], [200, 2000], [300, 3000]])
yGrid = np.array([0, 1])
yValue = 0.5
xInterpolated = np.zeros(xGrid.shape[0])
zInterpolated = np.zeros(zGrid.shape[0])
for i in np.arange(xGrid.shape[0]): 
    f1 = interpolate.interp1d(pGrid, xGrid[i,:])
    f2 = interpolate.interp1d(pGrid, zGrid[i,:])
    xInterpolated[i] = f1(yValue)
    zInterpolated[i] = f2(yValue)
f3 = interpolate.interp1d(xInterpolated, zInterpolated)

And the output is

In[73]: xInterpolated, zInterpolated
Out[73]: (array([  5.5,  11. ,  16.5]), array([  550.,  1100.,  1650.]))
In[75]: f3(10)
Out[75]: array(1000.0)

Actual use-case data


array([[  0.30213582,   0.42091889,   0.48596506,   0.55045007,
          0.61479495,   0.67906768,   0.74328653,   0.8074641 ,
          0.8716093 ,   0.93572867,   0.99982708,   1.06390825,
          1.12797508,   1.19202984,   1.25607435,   1.32011008,
          1.38413823,   1.44815978,   1.51217558,   1.57618631],
       [  1.09945362,   1.17100971,   1.23588956,   1.30034354,
          1.36467675,   1.42894086,   1.49315319,   1.55732567,
          1.62146685,   1.68558297,   1.74967873,   1.8137577 ,
          1.87782269,   1.94187589,   2.00591907,   2.06995365,
          2.1339808 ,   2.1980015 ,   2.26201653,   2.32602659],
       [  1.96474476,   2.03281806,   2.09757883,   2.16200519,
          2.22632562,   2.29058026,   2.35478537,   2.41895223,
          2.48308893,   2.54720144,   2.61129424,   2.67537076,
          2.73943368,   2.80348513,   2.86752681,   2.93156011,
          2.99558615,   3.05960586,   3.12362004,   3.18762935],
       [  2.97271432,   3.03917779,   3.10382629,   3.16822546,
          3.23253177,   3.29677589,   3.36097295,   3.42513351,
          3.48926519,   3.55337363,   3.61746308,   3.68153682,
          3.74559741,   3.80964688,   3.87368686,   3.93771869,
          4.00174345,   4.06576206,   4.12977526,   4.1937837 ],
       [  4.17324037,   4.23880534,   4.30336811,   4.36773934,
          4.43202986,   4.49626215,   4.56045011,   4.62460351,
          4.68872947,   4.75283326,   4.81691888,   4.88098942,
          4.94504732,   5.0090945 ,   5.07313252,   5.13716266,
          5.20118595,   5.26520326,   5.32921533,   5.39322276],
       [  5.64337535,   5.70841895,   5.77290336,   5.83724805,
          5.90152063,   5.96573939,   6.02991687,   6.094062  ,
          6.15818132,   6.22227969,   6.28636083,   6.35042763,
          6.41448236,   6.47852685,   6.54256256,   6.60659069,
          6.67061223,   6.73462802,   6.79863874,   6.86264497],
       [  7.51378714,   7.57851747,   7.6429358 ,   7.70725236,
          7.77150412,   7.83570702,   7.89987216,   7.9640075 ,
          8.0281189 ,   8.09221078,   8.15628654,   8.22034883,
          8.28439974,   8.34844097,   8.41247386,   8.47649955,
          8.54051897,   8.60453289,   8.66854195,   8.73254673],
       [ 10.03324294,  10.09777483,  10.162134  ,  10.22641722,
         10.29064401,  10.35482771,  10.41897777,  10.48310105,
         10.54720264,  10.61128646,  10.67535549,  10.73941211,
         10.80345821,  10.8674953 ,  10.93152463,  10.99554722,
         11.05956392,  11.12357544,  11.1875824 ,  11.25158529],
       [ 13.77079831,  13.83519161,  13.89949459,  13.96373623,
         14.02793138,  14.09209044,  14.15622093,  14.2203284 ,
         14.28441705,  14.34849012,  14.41255015,  14.47659914,
         14.54063872,  14.6046702 ,  14.66869465,  14.73271299,
         14.79672596,  14.86073419,  14.92473821,  14.9887385 ],
       [ 20.60440125,  20.66868421,  20.7329108 ,  20.79709436,
         20.8612443 ,  20.92536747,  20.98946899,  21.05355274,
         21.11762172,  21.1816783 ,  21.24572435,  21.30976141,
         21.37379071,  21.43781328,  21.50182995,  21.56584146,
         21.6298484 ,  21.69385127,  21.75785053,  21.82184654]])


array([[ 0.30213582,  0.42091889,  0.48596506,  0.55045007,  0.61479495,
         0.67906768,  0.74328653,  0.8074641 ,  0.8716093 ,  0.93572867,
         0.99982708,  1.06390825,  1.12797508,  1.19202984,  1.25607435,
         1.32011008,  1.38413823,  1.44815978,  1.51217558,  1.57618631],
       [ 0.35871288,  0.43026897,  0.49514882,  0.5596028 ,  0.62393601,
         0.68820012,  0.75241245,  0.81658493,  0.88072611,  0.94484223,
         1.00893799,  1.07301696,  1.13708195,  1.20113515,  1.26517833,
         1.32921291,  1.39324006,  1.45726076,  1.52127579,  1.58528585],
       [ 0.37285697,  0.44093027,  0.50569104,  0.5701174 ,  0.63443782,
         0.69869247,  0.76289758,  0.82706444,  0.89120114,  0.95531365,
         1.01940644,  1.08348296,  1.14754589,  1.21159734,  1.27563902,
         1.33967232,  1.40369835,  1.46771807,  1.53173225,  1.59574155],
       [ 0.38688189,  0.45334537,  0.51799386,  0.58239303,  0.64669934,
         0.71094347,  0.77514053,  0.83930108,  0.90343277,  0.96754121,
         1.03163066,  1.0957044 ,  1.15976498,  1.22381445,  1.28785443,
         1.35188626,  1.41591103,  1.47992963,  1.54394284,  1.60795127],
       [ 0.40252392,  0.46808889,  0.53265166,  0.59702289,  0.66131341,
         0.7255457 ,  0.78973366,  0.85388706,  0.91801302,  0.98211681,
         1.04620243,  1.11027297,  1.17433087,  1.23837805,  1.30241607,
         1.36644621,  1.4304695 ,  1.49448681,  1.55849888,  1.62250631],
       [ 0.42106765,  0.48611125,  0.55059566,  0.61494035,  0.67921293,
         0.74343169,  0.80760917,  0.87175431,  0.93587362,  0.99997199,
         1.06405313,  1.12811993,  1.19217466,  1.25621915,  1.32025486,
         1.38428299,  1.44830454,  1.51232032,  1.57633104,  1.64033728],
       [ 0.4442679 ,  0.50899823,  0.57341657,  0.63773312,  0.70198488,
         0.76618779,  0.83035293,  0.89448826,  0.95859966,  1.02269154,
         1.08676731,  1.15082959,  1.21488051,  1.27892173,  1.34295463,
         1.40698032,  1.47099973,  1.53501365,  1.59902272,  1.66302749],
       [ 0.47525152,  0.53978341,  0.60414258,  0.6684258 ,  0.73265259,
         0.79683629,  0.86098635,  0.92510963,  0.98921122,  1.05329504,
         1.11736407,  1.18142069,  1.24546679,  1.30950388,  1.37353321,
         1.4375558 ,  1.5015725 ,  1.56558403,  1.62959098,  1.69359387],
       [ 0.52099935,  0.58539265,  0.64969564,  0.71393728,  0.77813242,
         0.84229149,  0.90642197,  0.97052944,  1.03461809,  1.09869116,
         1.16275119,  1.22680018,  1.29083976,  1.35487124,  1.4188957 ,
         1.48291403,  1.546927  ,  1.61093523,  1.67493926,  1.73893954],
       [ 0.60440125,  0.66868421,  0.7329108 ,  0.79709436,  0.8612443 ,
         0.92536747,  0.98946899,  1.05355274,  1.11762172,  1.1816783 ,
         1.24572435,  1.30976141,  1.37379071,  1.43781328,  1.50182995,
         1.56584146,  1.6298484 ,  1.69385127,  1.75785053,  1.82184654]])


array([   1.        ,    6.21052632,   11.42105263,   16.63157895,
         21.84210526,   27.05263158,   32.26315789,   37.47368421,
         42.68421053,   47.89473684,   53.10526316,   58.31578947,
         63.52631579,   68.73684211,   73.94736842,   79.15789474,
         84.36842105,   89.57894737,   94.78947368,  100.        ])

I've created the interpolater following the given answer, and then interpolated some points:

yGrid = yGrid + np.zeros(xGrid.shape)
f3 = interpolate.interp2d(xGrid,yGrid,zGrid,kind='linear')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(np.linspace(0.001, 5, 100), [f3(y, 2) for y in np.linspace(0.001, 5, 100)])
plt.plot(xGrid[:, 1], zGrid[:, 1])
plt.plot(xGrid[:, 0], zGrid[:, 0])

And here's the output:

interpolated function

The blue line is the interpolated one. I am worried that for very small values of x, it should be tilted downwards a bit (following the weighted average of the two functions), but it is not at all.

Upvotes: 2

Views: 367

Answers (1)

You're actually looking at 2d interpolation: you need z(x,y) with interpolated values of x and y. The only subtlety is that you need to broadcast yGrid to have the same shape as the x and z data:

import scipy.interpolate as interpolate

xGrid = np.array([[1, 10], [2, 20], [3, 30]])
zGrid = np.array([[100, 1000], [200, 2000], [300, 3000]])
yGrid = np.array([0, 1]) + np.zeros(xGrid.shape)

yValue = 0.5

f3 = interpolate.interp2d(xGrid,yGrid,zGrid,kind='linear')

This is a bivariate function, you can call it as

In [372]: f3(10,yValue)
Out[372]: array([ 1000.])

You can turn it into a univariate function returning a scalar by using a lambda:

f4 = lambda x,y=yValue: f3(x,y)[0]

this will return a single value for your (assumedly) single y value, which is set to be yValue at the moment of the lambda definition. Use it like so:

In [376]: f4(10)
Out[376]: 1000.0

However, the general f3 function might be more suited to your problem, as you can dynamically change the value of y according to your needs, and can use array input to obtain array output for z.


For oddly shaped x,y data, interp2d might give unsatisfactory results, especially at the borders of the grid. So another approach is using interpolate.LinearNDInterpolator instead, which is based on a triangulation of your input data, inherently giving a local piecewise linear approximation

f4 = interpolate.LinearNDInterpolator((xGrid.flatten(),yGrid.flatten()),zGrid.flatten())

With your update data set:

plt.plot(np.linspace(0.001, 5, 100), f4(np.linspace(0.001, 5, 100), 2))
plt.plot(xGrid[:, 0], zGrid[:, 0])
plt.plot(xGrid[:, 1], zGrid[:, 1])


Note that this interpolation also has its drawbacks. I suggest plotting both interpolated functions as a surface and looking at how they are distorted compared to your original data:

from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

zz3=f3(xx,yy) #from interp2d
zz4=f4(xxs,yys) #from LinearNDInterpolator

#plot raw data

#plot interp2d case

#plot LinearNDInterpolator case

This will allow you to rotate the surfaces around and see what kind of artifacts they contain (with an appropriate backend).

Upvotes: 3

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