Reputation: 23
In Odoo 8 i have a computed field with a function which result in a error. Can't seem to make things work and need some help.
My test code:
from openerp import models, fields, api, _
from import _
import openerp.addons.decimal_precision as dp
class plano(models.Model):
_name = 'plano'
_description = "variabelen plaat toeslagen, rillen kenmerken."
name = fields.Char('Plano naam', required=True)
constructie_id = fields.Char('Fefco constructie')
testB_p1 = fields.Char('Breedte P1', help = 'Tekst veld P1 (variabele breedte P1)')
toeslagB_p1 = fields.Float('toeslag breedte P1 (variabel Breedte P1)', digits=(3, 1))
testL_p1 = fields.Char('Lengte P1', help = 'Tekst veld P1 (variabele lengte P1)')
toeslagL_p1 = fields.Float('toeslag lengte P1 (variabel lengte P1)', digits=(3, 1))
Kw = fields.Float('Kwaliteit dikte in mm', digits=(3, 0), help = "Wordt uit gerelateerd veld van model Quality gehaald.")
class calc(models.Model):
def _functionb_p1(self):
val1 = 0.0
if plano.testB_p1 != 'H+':
val1 = calc.hoogte + (2.0 * plano.Kw) + 2.0
elif plano.testB_p1 != 'B':
val1 = calc.breedte + (plano.toeslagB_p1 * plano.Kw)
return val1
_name = "calc"
_description = "kostprijs berekening."
name = fields.Many2one('plano', help = "Kostprijs berekening nummer e.g. C1234")
lengte = fields.Float('Lengte in mm', digits=(4, 0), help = "Lengte in mm")
breedte = fields.Float('Breedte in mm', digits=(4, 0))
hoogte = fields.Float('Hoogte in mm', digits=(4, 0))
aantal = fields.Float('Aantal stuks', digits=(4, 0))
planob_p1 = fields.Float('Plano Breedte P1')
planobt_p1 = fields.Float('Plano Breedte toeslag P1')
val1 = fields.Float(compute = '_functionb_p1', store=True,
string = 'Aanmaak Plano breedte P1',
help = "Berekening vanuit functie _functionb_p1")
File "....8.0\test\models\", line 47, in _functionb_p1
val1 = calc.hoogte + (2.0 * plano.Kw) + 2.0
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'float' and 'Float'
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Views: 228
Reputation: 14801
The TypeError is very weird. I never had such problems with Odoo Float...
But some hints to your computing function. It should use @api.multi or (second is deprecated) as additional decorator.
And then you should have a connection between plano and calc models. Your model relation (there is no one) doesn't allow the calculation you're looking for, because you need a plano instance/record and a calc instance/record.
You're computing your value on calc model, so i will try to get you the right method, with one condition: there is a Many2One field on calc model named plano_id.
def _functionb_p1(self):
for calc in self:
val1 = 0.0
plano = calc.plano_id
if plano.testB_p1 != 'H+':
val1 = calc.hoogte + (2.0 * plano.Kw) + 2.0
elif calc.plano_id.testB_p1 != 'B':
val1 = calc.breedte + (plano.toeslagB_p1 * plano.Kw)
calc.val1 = val1
# my condition!
plano_id = fields.Many2One(comodel_name="plano", string="Plano")
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