Reputation: 115
Let me say first of all I barely know what I'm doing, I'm aware.
Basically, the idea is to convert from decimal to binary, and then back to decimal (pointless, I know). I've successfully converted the decimal to binary, but now I need to convert it back to decimal. How might I do that?
Here is my code:
org 100h
section .data
prompt1 db 0dh, 0ah, 0dh, 0ah, "Please input a signed base-10 integer: $"
prompt2 db 0dh, 0ah, "Your number in binary is: $"
prompt3 db 0dh, 0ah, "Pretty sure that wasn't a number. Please enter a number value. $"
prompt4 db 0dh, 0ah, "Your number in octal is: $"
section .text
mov ah, 9 ;Display input prompt
mov dx, prompt1
int 21h
mov bx, 0 ;Get input
mov ah, 1
int 21h
cmp al, 0dh ;compare input to carriage return; check if user is finished
je DEC_OUT ;if yes, go display the prompt
cmp al, '0' ;compare to '0'
jg IS_DIGIT ;jump to IS_DIGIT to confirm that it is a number
jl NAN_ERROR ;if below 0, print error prompt and start over
cmp al, '9' ;confirms digit value
jl BIN_CONV ;if digit, convert to binary
jg NAN_ERROR ;if not, print 'not a number' error message
and ax,000Fh ; convert from ASCII to base 10 value
push ax ; and save it on stack
mov ax,10 ; set up to multiply bx by 10
imul bx ; dx:ax = bx*10
pop bx ; saved value in bx
add bx,ax ; bx = old bx*10 + new digit
mov ah,1 ; input char function
int 21h ; read next character
jmp DEC_IN ; loop until done
mov ah, 9 ;display error message
mov dx, prompt3
int 21h
jmp START ;Go back to beginning
mov ah, 9 ;Display the signed decimal value
mov dx, prompt2
int 21h
mov cx, 16
TOP: rol bx,1 ; rotate msb into CF
jc ONE ; CF = 1?
mov dl,'0' ; no, set up to print a 0
jmp print ; now print
ONE: mov dl,'1' ; printing a 1
print: mov ah,2 ; print char fcn
int 21h ; print it
loop TOP ; loop until done
mov ah, 2 ;Display decimcal value in bx
mov dl, bl
int 21h
jmp EXIT
mov ah,04ch ;DOS function: exit
mov al,0 ;exit code
int 21h ;call DOS, exit
Upvotes: 1
Views: 14870
Reputation: 39166
I've successfully converted the decimal to binary, but now I need to convert it back to decimal. How might I do that?
In order to do so you would have to store the binary representation somewhere (not just print it to the screen).
mov di, Storage
mov cx, 16
mov al, '0'
rol bx, 1
adc al, 0
mov dl, al
mov ah, 2
int 21h
loop TOP
To recreate the 16-bit number use this routine:
mov si, Storage
mov cx, 16
cmp al, '1'
rcr bx, 1
loop Again
Upvotes: 1