Reputation: 2536
This is the code I use to dynamically create charts in Virtual Basic
Dim Chart As Object
Set Chart = Charts.Add
With Chart
If bIssetSourceChart Then
.Paste Type:=xlFormats
End If
For Each s In .SeriesCollection
Next s
.ChartType = xlColumnClustered
.Location Where:=xlLocationAsNewSheet, Name:=chartTitle
Sheets(chartTitle).Move After:=Sheets(Sheets.count)
With .SeriesCollection.NewSeries
If Val(Application.Version) >= 12 Then
.values = values
.XValues = columns
.Name = chartTitle
Names.Add "_", columns
ExecuteExcel4Macro "series.columns(!_)"
Names.Add "_", values
ExecuteExcel4Macro "series.values(,!_)"
End If
End With
End With
#The CopySourceChart Sub:
Sub CopySourceChart()
If Not CheckSheet("Source chart") Then
Exit Sub
ElseIf TypeName(Sheets("Grafiek")) = "Chart" Then
Dim Chart As ChartObject
For Each Chart In Sheets("Grafiek").ChartObjects
Exit Sub
Next Chart
End If
End Sub
How can I keep the formatting of series that is applied in the If bIssetSourceChart
part while deleting those series' data?
Upvotes: 6
Views: 1025
Reputation: 203
I have solved this issue before. I have charts that were created by macro but it only applied to the date I made them. So a made a refresh macro that runs after every Workbook open. I used source before and found that it deletes everything. then moved on to series only. I will paste my work here and try to explain. For quick navigation the second part of the code down there called sub aktualizacegrafu() might help you if you get lost find a reference in upper part of the code starting with sub generacegrafu()
Sub generacegrafu()
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("List1").CommandButton6.BackColor = &H0&
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("List1").CommandButton6.ForeColor = &HFFFFFF
Dim najdiposlradek As Object
Dim graf As Object
Dim vkladacistring As String
Dim vykreslenysloupec As Integer
Dim hledejsloupec As Object
Dim hledejsloupec2 As Object
Dim kvantifikator As Integer
Dim grafx As ChartObject
Dim shoda As Boolean
Dim jmenografu As String
Dim rngOrigSelection As Range
Cells(1, 1).Select
If refreshcharts = True Then
Set hledejsloupec = Range("11:11").Find(What:=prvnislovo, LookIn:=xlValues)
'dynamicaly generated, prvnislovo is for first word in graph and the macro looks for match in row 11 if it doesnt find any then
'then it looks for match in option box
Set hledejsloupec = Range("11:11").Find(What:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets("List1").ComboBox1.Value, LookIn:=xlValues)
End If
If hledejsloupec Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Zadaný sloupec v první nabídce nebyl nalezen."
If refreshcharts = True Then
Set hledejsloupec2 = Range("11:11").Find(What:=druheslovo, LookIn:=xlValues)
Set hledejsloupec2 = Range("11:11").Find(What:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets("List1").ComboBox2.Value, LookIn:=xlValues)
End If
If hledejsloupec2 Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Zadaný sloupec v druhé nabídce nebyl nalezen."
jmenografu = Cells(11, hledejsloupec.Column).Value & "_" & Cells(11, hledejsloupec2.Column).Value
Set najdiposlradek = Range("A:A").Find(What:=Date, LookIn:=xlValues)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set rngOrigSelection = Selection
'This one selects series for new graph to be created
Cells(1048576, 16384).Select
Set graf = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("List1").Shapes.AddChart
rngOrigSelection.Select 'trouble with annoing excel feature to unselect graphs
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
kvantifikator = 1
shoda = False
For Each grafx In ThisWorkbook.Sheets("List1").ChartObjects
If grafx.Name = jmenografu Then
shoda = True
jmenografu = jmenografu & "(" & kvantifikator & ")"
kvantifikator = kvantifikator + 1
End If
Next grafx
'this checks if graph has younger brother in sheet
'but no we get to the part that matter do not bother playing with source of the graph because I have found it is quite hard to make it work properly
Loop Until shoda = False
'here it starts
ActiveChart.Parent.Name = jmenografu
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection.NewSeries 'add only series!
vkladacistring = "=List1!R12C" & hledejsloupec.Column & ":R" & najdiposlradek.Row & "C" & hledejsloupec.Column 'insert this into series
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Values = vkladacistring
vkladacistring = "=List1!R11C" & hledejsloupec.Column
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Name = vkladacistring
vkladacistring = "=List1!R12C" & hledejsloupec2.Column & ":R" & najdiposlradek.Row & "C" & hledejsloupec2.Column
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).XValues = vkladacistring
'here it ends and onward comes formating
ActiveChart.ChartType = xlConeColClustered
ActiveChart.ChartStyle = 41
ActiveSheet.Shapes(jmenografu).Chart.ChartArea.Format.ThreeD.RotationY = 90
ActiveSheet.Shapes(jmenografu).Chart.ChartArea.Format.ThreeD.RotationX = 0
ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue).MajorUnit = 8.33333333333333E-02
ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue).MinimumScale = 0.25
ActiveChart.Walls.Format.Fill.Visible = msoFalse
ActiveChart.Axes(xlCategory).MajorUnitScale = xlMonths
ActiveChart.Axes(xlCategory).MajorUnit = 1
ActiveChart.Axes(xlCategory).BaseUnit = xlDays
End If
End If
Call aktualizacelistboxu
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("List1").CommandButton6.BackColor = &H8000000D
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("List1").CommandButton6.ForeColor = &H0&
End Sub
the result i found is that you cannot keep formating completely when you close chart because source of chart doesnt work very well and when you delete it some format will be lost I will post my actualization of chart as well
Sub aktualizacegrafu()
Dim grafx As ChartObject
Dim hledejsloupec As Object
Dim hledejsloupec2 As Object
Dim vkladacistring As String
Dim najdiposlradek As Object
For Each grafx In ThisWorkbook.Sheets("List1").ChartObjects
prvnislovo = Left(grafx.Name, InStr(1, grafx.Name, "_") - 1)
druheslovo = Right(grafx.Name, Len(grafx.Name) - InStr(1, grafx.Name, "_"))
'now it checks the names of charts .. the data loads from respective columns that are named the same way so I ussualy choose what statistic I want by choosing the columns needed
'for example I want to reflect my arrivals to work according to the hours I worked or to the date so I set 1st option to arrival and 2nd to date
Set najdiposlradek = Range("A:A").Find(What:=Date, LookIn:=xlValues)
Set hledejsloupec = Range("11:11").Find(What:=prvnislovo, LookIn:=xlValues)
If hledejsloupec Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Hodnota v grafu již není mezi sloupci v tabulce. Aktualizace grafu " & grafx.Name & " bude ukončena."
Set hledejsloupec2 = Range("11:11").Find(What:=druheslovo, LookIn:=xlValues)
If hledejsloupec2 Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Hodnota v grafu již není mezi sloupci v tabulce. Aktualizace grafu " & grafx.Name & " bude ukončena."
here it enters string that contains adress of desired cell I always enter it as string cause its easier to see with debug.print what is being entered
result looks like this List means Sheet in czech activechart.seriescollection(1).values=List1!R12C1:R13C16 activechart.seriescollection(1).name=List1!R1C1:R1C15
vkladacistring = "=List1!R12C" & hledejsloupec.Column & ":R" & najdiposlradek.Row & "C" & hledejsloupec.Column
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Values = vkladacistring
vkladacistring = "=List1!R11C" & hledejsloupec.Column
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Name = vkladacistring
vkladacistring = "=List1!R12C" & hledejsloupec2.Column & ":R" & najdiposlradek.Row & "C" & hledejsloupec2.Column
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).XValues = vkladacistring
End If
End If
Next grafx
Call aktualizacelistboxu
End Sub
so result of this is when you actually have a chart already but want to make slight changes to the area it applies to then it keeps the formating hope this helped a bit if not I am sorry if it did keep the revard. It just got me curious because I was solving the same problem recently if you need any further explanation comment this and I will try to explain
Upvotes: 6