Reputation: 7347
Using just pure t-sql, I need to check whether a given date is under daylight savings or not for the Pacific Time Zone. How do I do that?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 7672
Reputation: 1
Taking Jelgab's answer a step further, (this will only work for United States), but this is how I'm doing it.
For a given date (my examples are 3/1/23 and 4/1/23)
SELECT (DATEPART(TZOFFSET,CONVERT(DATETIME,'03/01/2023') AT TIME ZONE 'US Eastern Standard Time') / 60) + 5 AS IsDST-- off
SELECT (DATEPART(TZOFFSET,CONVERT(DATETIME,'04/01/2023') AT TIME ZONE 'US Eastern Standard Time') / 60) + 5 AS IsDST-- on
As others have said, you still have to know if DST is observed, but this will tell you whether or not the date you are concerned about is inside the DST window. If you are concerned about the specific date and time, just replace the CONVERT(DATETIME,'03/01/2023') piece with your DateTime value.
SELECT (DATEPART(TZOFFSET,CONVERT(DATETIME,'03/12/2023 01:59') AT TIME ZONE 'US Eastern Standard Time') / 60) + 5 AS IsDST-- off
SELECT (DATEPART(TZOFFSET,CONVERT(DATETIME,'03/12/2023 02:00') AT TIME ZONE 'US Eastern Standard Time') / 60) + 5 AS IsDST-- on
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1900
This is a question from 2015 but, if you can use SQL Server 2016, I use a quick function that I created for such cases and for zone conversions:
Create Function GetOffsetValue( @dateToCheck DateTime2, @timeZoneId VarChar( 60 ) ) Returns Int
As Begin
Return DatePart( TzOffset, @dateToCheck At Time Zone @timeZoneId ) --In minutes. Divide by 60 if more convenient
Select dbo.GetOffsetValue( Convert( DateTime2, '2019-01-01 13:00:00' ), 'Pacific Standard Time' ) -- -480
Select dbo.GetOffsetValue( Convert( DateTime2, '2019-10-01 13:00:00' ), 'Pacific Standard Time' ) -- -420
You can then check whether the value is -480 minutes (DST Off) or -420 minutes (DST On) and you can also use it for other purposes.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 16917
The start and end values are known, so you can build a DST table that has the start and end times per year and check against that.
This article was referenced for this solution:
Create Table TZCalendar
Year Int Primary Key,
UTC_DST_Start SmallDateTime Not Null,
UTC_DST_End SmallDateTime Not Null,
PT_DST_Start As Convert(SmallDateTime, DateAdd(Hour, -7, UTC_DST_Start)),
PT_DST_End As Convert(SmallDateTime, DateAdd(Hour, -8, UTC_DST_End))
Set DateFirst 7;
;With Tally (Number) As
Select Row_Number() Over (Order By (Select Null)) - 1 Number
From (Values (0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0)) a(n)
Cross Join (Values (0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0)) b(n)
Cross Join (Values (0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0)) c(n)
),Cte(d,p) As
Select Top (Year(GetDate()) - 2000 + 51)
DateAdd(Year, Number, '20000101'),
Case When Number < 7 Then 1 Else 0 End
From Tally
Order By Number
Insert TZCalendar
(Year, UTC_DST_Start, UTC_DST_End)
Select Year(d),
DateAdd(Hour, 7, DateAdd(Day, (7 - DatePart(WeekDay, DateAdd(Month, 2 + p, d)) + 1) % 7
+ (7 * Abs(p - 1)), DateAdd(Month, 2 + p, d))),
DateAdd(Hour, 6, DateAdd(Day, (7 - DatePart(WeekDay, DateAdd(Month, 10, d)) + 1) % 7
- (7 * p), DateAdd(Month, 10, d)))
From Cte
Order By d;
Then check for a given date:
Select Case When Exists
Select *
From TZCalendar
Where @DateToCheck Between PT_DST_Start And PT_DST_End
Then 'Daylight Savings Time'
Else 'Standard Time'
End As IsDST
Keep in mind though, not all parts of the world utilize Daylight Savings Time.
Upvotes: 3