Reputation: 71
From Excel VBA i connect to MySQL to fetch my_stored_procedure. Working fine except that when I use date filter as parameters to pass to MySQL SP i receive a run-time error.
The date filters are entered by the user in two cells as start-date and end-date. The cells are defined defined as ranges dateFrom and dateTo.
So I'm using these ranges to pass on to mySql rs, but VBA throws back:
Run-time error '-2147217900 (80040e14)'
You have an error in MySQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MYSQL server version... 'my_stored_procedure '2015-10-01', '2015-10-30'' at line 1.
Below is my VBA code:
Const ConnStr As String = "Driver={MySQL ODBC 5.3 ANSI Driver};Server=;Database=db;User=user;Password=pw;Option=3;PORT=3306;Connect Timeout=20;"
Function MySqlCommand(strSql As String) As Variant
Dim conMySQL
Set conMySQL = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set cmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
conMySQL.ConnectionString = ConnStr
Set cmd.ActiveConnection = conMySQL
cmd.CommandText = strSql
ReturnValue = cmd.Execute
End Function
Function MySqlRS(strSql As String) As ADODB.Recordset
Dim conMySQL
Set conMySQL = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
conMySQL.ConnectionString = ConnStr
Set rs.ActiveConnection = conMySQL
rs.Open strSql
Set MySqlRS = rs
End Function
Public Sub fetchReport()
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Set rs = MySqlRS("my_stored_procedure '" & Format(Range("dateFrom"), "yyyy-mm-dd") & "' ,'" & Format(Range("dateTo"), "yyyy-mm-dd") & "' ")
Dim hd As Integer
If Not rs.EOF Then
For hd = 0 To rs.Fields.Count - 1
Worksheets("data").Cells(1, hd + 1).Value = rs.Fields(hd).Name 'insert column headers
Sheets("data").Range("A2").CopyFromRecordset rs 'insert data
Sheets("data").Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Name = "rsRange" 'set named range for pivot
End If
End Sub
And here is my SP syntax:
CREATE DEFINER=`user`@`%` PROCEDURE `my_stored_procedure`
in fromDate date,
in toDate date
WHERE dateColumn >= fromDate AND dateColumn <= toDate
Any help is appreciated.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1438
Hi try this and see how it goes
Option Explicit
Const strCONNECTION As String = "Driver={MySQL ODBC 5.3 ANSI Driver};Server=;Database=db;User=user;Password=pw;Option=3;PORT=3306;Connect Timeout=20;"
Function GetConnection(ByVal strConnString As String) As ADODB.Connection
Dim ret As ADODB.Connection
Set ret = New ADODB.Connection
ret.Open strConnString
' Return the connection object
Set GetConnection = ret
End Function
Function GetCommand(ByRef oConn As ADODB.Connection, ByVal strCommand As String) As ADODB.Command
Dim ret As ADODB.Command
Set ret = New ADODB.Command
With ret
Set .ActiveConnection = oConn
.CommandText = strCommand
.CommandType = adCmdText
End With
' Return the command
Set GetCommand = ret
End Function
Function GetRecordSet(ByRef oCommand As ADODB.Command) As ADODB.Recordset
Set GetRecordSet = oCommand.Execute
End Function
Public Sub fetchReport()
Dim oCon As ADODB.Connection
Dim oCom As ADODB.Command
Dim oRecordSet As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strCommand As String
Dim hd As Integer
' Create and load the objects
strCommand = "exec my_stored_procedure '" & Format(Range("dateFrom"), "yyyy-mm-dd") & "' ,'" & Format(Range("dateTo"), "yyyy-mm-dd") & "' "
' Connection string > Connection > Command > RecordSet
Set oCon = GetConnection(strCONNECTION)
Set oCom = GetCommand(oCon, strCommand)
Set oRecordSet = GetRecordSet(oCom)
If Not oRecordSet.EOF Then
For hd = 0 To oRecordSet.Fields.Count - 1
Worksheets("data").Cells(1, hd + 1).Value = oRecordSet.Fields(hd).Name 'insert column headers
Sheets("data").Range("A2").CopyFromRecordset oRecordSet 'insert data
Sheets("data").Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Name = "rsRange" 'set named range for pivot
End If
End Sub
I hope this helps :)
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 24960
I hope this is helpful. Been a long time since I have done this.
create table myTable
( id int auto_increment primary key,
dateColumn date not null,
stuff varchar(100) not null
insert myTable(dateColumn,stuff) values
drop procedure if exists `my_stored_procedure`;
CREATE PROCEDURE `my_stored_procedure`
in fromDate date,
in toDate date
from myTable
WHERE dateColumn >= fromDate AND dateColumn <= toDate;
Function MySqlStoredProcRS(strSql As String) As ADODB.Recordset
Dim conMySQL
Set conMySQL = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
conMySQL.ConnectionString = ConnStr ' not shown but like yours in Op Question
Set rs.ActiveConnection = conMySQL
rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rs.Open strSql, conMySQL, , , adCmdText
Set MySqlStoredProcRS = rs
End Function
Public Sub fetchReport()
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim sql As String
sql = "call my_stored_procedure ('" & Format(Range("dateFrom"), "yyyy-mm-dd") & "' ,'" & Format(Range("dateTo"), "yyyy-mm-dd") & "')"
Set rs = MySqlStoredProcRS(sql)
Dim hd As Integer
If Not rs.EOF Then
For hd = 0 To rs.Fields.Count - 1
Worksheets("data").Cells(1, hd + 1).Value = rs.Fields(hd).Name 'insert column headers
Sheets("data").Range("A2").CopyFromRecordset rs 'insert data
Sheets("data").Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Name = "rsRange" 'set named range for pivot
End If
End Sub
I guess explore the changes to the new function MySqlStoredProcRS
, the handling of the ADODB.RecordSet, using call
, and parentheses wrapping the parameters in the call string.
Good luck.
Upvotes: 1