
Reputation: 71

Crop image after stitching

After i stitched 2 images using OpenCV C++, i want to crop the image to remove the black area around the stitched image. I will lose a part of the image but it is ok. the image look like this:

enter image description here

How can i find the image corners and crop all the black area ??

If there any good references, please provides me with some of it.


Upvotes: 1

Views: 1902

Answers (3)


Reputation: 79

Here is the Python code to crop the black or white background region of panorama images:

import cv2 as cv
import numpy as np
import imutils
import glob
from numba import jit

def crop_stitched_image (stitched, canvas_color = 'black'):

    # Print cropping
    print("[INFO] cropping...")
    # Initilize the variables
    w = stitched.shape[1]
    h = stitched.shape[0]
    # Convert the stitched image to grayscale and threshold it
    # such that all pixels greater than zero are set to 255
    # (foreground) while all others remain 0 (background)
    gray = cv.cvtColor(stitched, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    if canvas_color == 'black':
        thresh = cv.threshold(gray, 5, 255, cv.THRESH_BINARY)[1]
        thresh = cv.threshold(gray, 254, 255, cv.THRESH_BINARY_INV)[1]   
    # Find all external contours in the threshold image then find
    # the *largest* contour which will be the contour/outline of
    # the stitched image
    cnts = cv.findContours(thresh.copy(), cv.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)
    cnts = imutils.grab_contours(cnts)
    c = max(cnts, key=cv.contourArea)
    # Mask or stencil
    stencil_inner = np.zeros(stitched.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
    cv.fillPoly(stencil_inner, pts =[c], color=(255,255,255)) 
    stencil_outer = ~stencil_inner
    # Canvas outer indices
    canvas_outer_indices = np.where(stencil_outer == [255])

    # Normalize the image to -1 and others
    stitched = np.asarray(stitched, dtype=np.float32)    
    stitched[canvas_outer_indices] = -255
    stitched = stitched / 255.0

    def bulkRun():
        maxarea = 0
        height = np.zeros((w)).astype(np.int32) 
        left = np.zeros((w)).astype(np.int32) 
        right= np.zeros((w)).astype(np.int32) 
        ll = 0
        rr = 0 
        hh = 0 
        nl = 0
        for line in range(h):
            for k in range(w):
                p = stitched[line][k]
                m = max(max(p[0], p[1]), p[2])
                height[k] =  0 if m < 0 else height[k] + 1  #find Color::NO
            for k in range(w):
                left[k] = k;            
                while ((left[k] > 0) and (height[k] <= height[left[k] - 1])):
                    left[k] = left[left[k] - 1]
            for k in range(w - 1, -1, -1):
                right[k] = k
                while ((right[k] < w - 1) and (height[k] <= height[right[k] + 1])):
                    right[k] = right[right[k] + 1]
            for k in range(w):
                val = (right[k] - left[k] + 1) * height[k]
                if(maxarea < val):
                    maxarea = val
                    ll = left[k] 
                    rr = right[k]
                    hh = height[k] 
                    nl = line
        return ll, rr, hh, nl
    ll, rr, hh, nl = bulkRun()
    cropH = hh + 1
    cropW = rr - ll + 1
    offsetx = ll
    offsety = nl - hh + 1
    stitched *= 255

    return stitched[offsety : offsety + cropH, offsetx : offsetx + cropW].astype(np.uint8)

Below is the code usage:

def main():

    # Read stitched image
    image = cv.imread('result_26.jpg')
    # write the output stitched and cropped image to disk
    # stitched_cropped = crop_stitched_image (image, 'white')
    stitched_cropped = crop_stitched_image (image, 'black')
    cv.imwrite('cropped.jpg', stitched_cropped)

if __name__ == '__main__':

I have also uploaded Python and MATLAB versions in GitHub and MATLAB File Exchange, respectively.

Upvotes: 0

Lukas Weber
Lukas Weber

Reputation: 721

cropping is now integrated in the opencv_stitching_tool

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 405

I've been using this piece of code from DJI dev guide (search for section "Cropping the Panorama").

The algorithm does not seem very robust at first glance, but so far it has proven to be good enough for my stitching use cases. However, I believe the code got a couple of bugs on these two lines

bool isBottomNotBlack=checkBlackRow(gray, roiRect.y+roiRect.height,roiRect);
bool isRightNotBlack=checkBlackColumn(gray, roiRect.x+roiRect.width,roiRect);

which should be changed to

bool isBottomNotBlack=checkBlackRow(gray, roiRect.y+roiRect.height-1,roiRect);
bool isRightNotBlack=checkBlackColumn(gray, roiRect.x+roiRect.width-1,roiRect);

Otherwise, you may get non-systematic C's bad excess error. Hope that helps!

Upvotes: 4

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