Sumeet Kumar Yadav
Sumeet Kumar Yadav

Reputation: 12975

Adding Footer to pdf using jsPDF

I am generating pdf from jsPDF api , I want to add footer to each page with page number .

How to achieve this . It is having option of adding footer from fromHTML plugin , but I am writing without HTML.

var doc = new jsPDF("portrait","px","a4");

Upvotes: 19

Views: 80772

Answers (9)

Stephen Collins
Stephen Collins

Reputation: 455

Run this function before you run

const addFooters = () => {
  const pageCount = doc.internal.getNumberOfPages();
  for (let i = 1; i <= pageCount; i++) {
    doc.text(String(i), 196, 285);

Upvotes: 11


Reputation: 41

This is updated as of jsPDF 2.5.1, based off Stephen Collins' answer. It also correctly aligns the footer for every page size and orientation.

    addFooters(doc: jsPDF) {
        const pageCount = doc.getNumberOfPages();
        const x = doc.getCurrentPageInfo().pageContext.mediaBox.topRightX - 60;
        const y = doc.getCurrentPageInfo().pageContext.mediaBox.topRightY - 15;
        for (let i = 1; i <= pageCount; i++) {
            doc.text(`Page ${i} of ${pageCount}`, x, y);


enter image description here

Upvotes: 3

Ramon G.
Ramon G.

Reputation: 153

In case someone wants to add the footer or header in html or text format, here i do both:

    let header: any = document.querySelector('#header');
    html2canvas(header).then((headerCanvas) => {
          let doc = new jsPDF({
            orientation: 'portrait',
            format: 'a4',
            unit: 'pt'
          let widthInMm = 500; // Set the width of the PDF content in millimeters
 = '600px';
          if (pdf) {
            doc.html(pdf, {
              x: 0,
              y: 0,
              html2canvas: {
                width: widthInMm,
                height: pdf.offsetHeight
              margin: [150, 0, 20, 0],
              autoPaging: 'text',
              callback: async function (doc) {
                const pageCount = (doc as any).internal.getNumberOfPages();
                // For each page, print the page number and the total pages
                for (let i = 1; i <= pageCount; i++) {
                  // Go to page i
                  var pageSize = doc.internal.pageSize;
                  var pageHeight = pageSize.height
                    ? pageSize.height
                    : pageSize.getHeight();
                    'Page ' + String(i) + ' / ' + String(pageCount),
                    doc.internal.pageSize.getWidth() - 60,
                    pageHeight - 8
                  ); //
                  const pagewidth = doc.internal.pageSize.getWidth();
                  doc.addImage(headerCanvas, 'PNG', 10, 10, pagewidth - 20, 130);

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 724

Stephen Collins is the best answer! It works well with jspdf-autotable plugin.

With this is made after all is added to the doc, so we can use easy the total page number!

Add some style to the Stephen Collins answer: "page x of total"

const addFooters = doc => {
  const pageCount = doc.internal.getNumberOfPages()

  doc.setFont('helvetica', 'italic')
  for (var i = 1; i <= pageCount; i++) {
    doc.text('Page ' + String(i) + ' of ' + String(pageCount), doc.internal.pageSize.width / 2, 287, {
      align: 'center'

let doc = new jsPDF()


Upvotes: 20

Evandson Dantas
Evandson Dantas

Reputation: 131

It's work for me:

I just put coordenates for A4 Paper;

Just add the for before like this;

// Create a document

var doc = new jsPDF('p','mm','a4');

// Some stuff
doc.text("Some text", 74, 150);
doc.text("Some text", 74, 150);
doc.text("Some text", 74, 150);
doc.text("Some text", 74, 150);
doc.text("Last page", 74, 150);

// Add Page number at bottom-right
// Get the number of pages
const pageCount = doc.internal.getNumberOfPages();

// For each page, print the page number and the total pages
for(var i = 1; i <= pageCount; i++) {
     // Go to page i
     //Print Page 1 of 4 for example
    doc.text('Page ' + String(i) + ' of ' + String(pageCount),210-20,297-30,null,null,"right");

// Save the doc'test.pdf');

Upvotes: 4

Reginald Goolsby
Reginald Goolsby

Reputation: 645

I know this post is old but I'm going to offer another solution. First define your total amount of pages. There's multiple ways to determine this so I won't go into that.

        var doc = new jsPDF('p', 'pt', 'letter'); = 1; // use this as a counter.
        var totalPages = 10; // define total amount of pages
        // HEADER
        doc.text("Report", 50, 22);// set your margins
        // FOOTER
        var str = "Page " +  + " of " +  totalPages;
        doc.setFontSize(10);// optional
        doc.text(str, 50, doc.internal.pageSize.height - 10);//key is the interal pageSize function

        // Add Page content

        //Add new page and increase page count
        doc.addPage(); ++;
        //Begin process all over again.

This works well in a loop as you can set your page count by taking your array.length + 1 (as it's zero based).

Upvotes: 9


Reputation: 1697

If you need something like "current page / totalPage" displaying for each page. Using "Total page number" plugin available in jspdf v1.0+

How to use:

        var doc = new jsPDF();; // use this as a counter.
        var totalPagesExp = "{total_pages_count_string}";

        function footer(){ 
          var str = "Page " +;           
          if (typeof doc.putTotalPages === 'function') {
            str = str + "/" + totalPagesExp;
          doc.text(150,285, str); //print number bottom right

        // call footer() after each doc.addPage()

        // and before do not forget put
        if (typeof doc.putTotalPages === 'function') {

It should work. Hope this helps.

Upvotes: 3

Niki van Stein
Niki van Stein

Reputation: 10724

You have to implement it yourself. You can do something like this:

var doc = new jsPDF();; // use this as a counter.

function footer(){ 
    doc.text(150,285, 'page ' +; //print number bottom right ++;

// and call footer() after each doc.addPage()

Upvotes: 21

Ortomala Lokni
Ortomala Lokni

Reputation: 62515

After digging into the code, I think the feature you ask is not implemented. But there is a function to generate a footer from html and you can use this code to fullfill your need. But beware some part of the code is marked as "bad hack".

From plugins/from_html.js

checkForFooter = function (elem, renderer, elementHandlers) {
    //check if we can found a <footer> element
    var footer = elem.getElementsByTagName("footer");
    if (footer.length > 0) {

        footer = footer[0];

        //bad hack to get height of footer
        //creat dummy out and check new y after fake rendering
        var oldOut = renderer.pdf.internal.write;
        var oldY = renderer.y;
        renderer.pdf.internal.write = function () {};
        DrillForContent(footer, renderer, elementHandlers);
        var footerHeight = Math.ceil(renderer.y - oldY) + 5;
        renderer.y = oldY;
        renderer.pdf.internal.write = oldOut;

        //add 20% to prevent overlapping
        renderer.pdf.margins_doc.bottom += footerHeight;

        //Create function render header on every page
        var renderFooter = function (pageInfo) {
            var pageNumber = pageInfo !== undefined ? pageInfo.pageNumber : 1;
            //set current y position to old margin
            var oldPosition = renderer.y;
            //render all child nodes of the header element
            renderer.y = renderer.pdf.internal.pageSize.height - renderer.pdf.margins_doc.bottom;
            renderer.pdf.margins_doc.bottom -= footerHeight;

            //check if we have to add page numbers
            var spans = footer.getElementsByTagName('span');
            for (var i = 0; i < spans.length; ++i) {
                //if we find some span element with class pageCounter, set the page
                if ((" " + spans[i].className + " ").replace(/[\n\t]/g, " ").indexOf(" pageCounter ") > -1) {
                    spans[i].innerHTML = pageNumber;
                //if we find some span element with class totalPages, set a variable which is replaced after rendering of all pages
                if ((" " + spans[i].className + " ").replace(/[\n\t]/g, " ").indexOf(" totalPages ") > -1) {
                    spans[i].innerHTML = '###jsPDFVarTotalPages###';

            //render footer content
            DrillForContent(footer, renderer, elementHandlers);
            //set bottom margin to previous height including the footer height
            renderer.pdf.margins_doc.bottom += footerHeight;
            //important for other plugins (e.g. table) to start rendering at correct position after header
            renderer.y = oldPosition;

        //check if footer contains totalPages which shoudl be replace at the disoposal of the document
        var spans = footer.getElementsByTagName('span');
        for (var i = 0; i < spans.length; ++i) {
            if ((" " + spans[i].className + " ").replace(/[\n\t]/g, " ").indexOf(" totalPages ") > -1) {
      'htmlRenderingFinished', renderer.pdf.putTotalPages.bind(renderer.pdf, '###jsPDFVarTotalPages###'), true);

        //register event to render footer on every new page'addPage', renderFooter, false);
        //render footer on first page

        //prevent footer rendering
        SkipNode['FOOTER'] = 1;

Upvotes: 1

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