Reputation: 55
I want to remove the function engine "map" { ... "foobar" ... }
I tried in so many ways, it's so hard because it has empty lines and '}' at the end, delimiters doesn't work
mainfunc {
var = "baz"
engine "map" {
func {
var0 = "foo"
border = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }
var1 = "bar"
mainfunc {
var = "baz"
engine "map" {
func {
var0 = "foo"
border = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }
var1 = "foobar"
... # more functions like 'mainfunc'
I tried
sed '/engine/,/^\s\s}$/d' file
but removes every engine function, I just need the one containing "foobar", maybe a pattern match everything even newlines until foobar something like this:
sed '/engine(.*)foobar/,/^\s\s}$/d' file
Is it possible?
Upvotes: 3
Views: 2056
Reputation: 1456
sed '/engine/{:a;N;/foobar/{N;N;d};/ }/b;ba}' filename
awk '/engine/{c=1}c{b=b?b"\n"$0:$0;if(/{/)a++;if(/}/)a--;if(!a){if(b!~/foobar/)print b;c=0;b="";next}}!c' filename
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 47119
I would simple count the numbers of open / close brackets when you match engine "map"
, cannot say if this only works in gawk
awk '
/^[ \t]*engine "map"/ {
ship=1; # ship is used as a boolean
b=0 # The factor between open / close brackets
ship {
b += split($0, tmp, "{"); # Count numbers of { in line
b -= split($0, tmp, "}"); # Count numbers of } in line
# If open / close brackets are equal the function ends
if(b==0) {
ship = 0;
# Ship the rest (printing)
1 # Print line
' file
Split returns the number of matches: split(string, array [, fieldsep [, seps ] ])
Divide string into pieces defined by fieldpat and store the pieces in array and the separator strings in the seps array. The first piece is stored in
, the second piece inarray[2]
, and so forth. The third argument, fieldpat, is a regexp describing the fields in string (just asFPAT
is a regexp describing the fields in input records). It may be either a regexp constant or a string. If fieldpat is omitted, the value ofFPAT
is used.patsplit()
returns the number of elements created.
Upvotes: 1