Reputation: 47
I'm needing to parse a string containing standard interval notation (i.e. (8,100), [6,10), and so forth) into a Guava Range object. How would I go about doing that in Java? Is there a utility package that would parse the string into the components I would need to construct a Guava Range object?
Upvotes: 3
Views: 1839
Reputation: 535
Had a similar problem and came up with this solution:
private static final Pattern INTERVAL_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("([\\[\\(])(-?∞?\\d*)(?:\\,|\\.\\.)(-?∞?\\d*)([\\]\\)])");
* Parses integer ranges of format (2,5], (2..5], (2,), [2..), [2..∞), [2,∞)
* @param notaiton The range notation to parse
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the interval is not in the defined notation format.
public static Range<Integer> parseIntRange(@NonNull String notaiton) {
Matcher matcher = INTERVAL_PATTERN.matcher(notaiton);
if (matcher.matches()) {
Integer lowerBoundEndpoint = Ints.tryParse(;
Integer upperBoundEndpoint = Ints.tryParse(;
if (lowerBoundEndpoint == null && upperBoundEndpoint == null) {
return Range.all();
boolean lowerBoundInclusive ="[");
boolean upperBoundInclusive ="]");
//lower infinity case
if (lowerBoundEndpoint == null) {
if (upperBoundInclusive) {
return Range.atMost(upperBoundEndpoint);
} else {
return Range.lessThan(upperBoundEndpoint);
} //upper infinity case
else if (upperBoundEndpoint == null) {
if (lowerBoundInclusive) {
return Range.atLeast(lowerBoundEndpoint);
} else {
return Range.greaterThan(lowerBoundEndpoint);
//non infinity cases
if (lowerBoundInclusive) {
if (upperBoundInclusive) {
return Range.closed(lowerBoundEndpoint, upperBoundEndpoint);
} else {
return Range.closedOpen(lowerBoundEndpoint, upperBoundEndpoint);
} else {
if (upperBoundInclusive) {
return Range.openClosed(lowerBoundEndpoint, upperBoundEndpoint);
} else {
return, upperBoundEndpoint);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(notaiton + " is not a valid range notation");
Unit tests:
public void testParseIntRange_infinites_parsesOK() {
assertThat(NumberUtils.parseIntRange("(,2)"), is(Range.lessThan(2)));
assertThat(NumberUtils.parseIntRange("(2,)"), is(Range.greaterThan(2)));
assertThat(NumberUtils.parseIntRange("(,2]"), is(Range.atMost(2)));
assertThat(NumberUtils.parseIntRange("[2,)"), is(Range.atLeast(2)));
assertThat(NumberUtils.parseIntRange("(..2)"), is(Range.lessThan(2)));
assertThat(NumberUtils.parseIntRange("(2..)"), is(Range.greaterThan(2)));
assertThat(NumberUtils.parseIntRange("(..2]"), is(Range.atMost(2)));
assertThat(NumberUtils.parseIntRange("[2..)"), is(Range.atLeast(2)));
assertThat(NumberUtils.parseIntRange("(∞,2)"), is(Range.lessThan(2)));
assertThat(NumberUtils.parseIntRange("(2,∞)"), is(Range.greaterThan(2)));
assertThat(NumberUtils.parseIntRange("(∞,2]"), is(Range.atMost(2)));
assertThat(NumberUtils.parseIntRange("[2,∞)"), is(Range.atLeast(2)));
assertThat(NumberUtils.parseIntRange("(∞..2)"), is(Range.lessThan(2)));
assertThat(NumberUtils.parseIntRange("(2..∞)"), is(Range.greaterThan(2)));
assertThat(NumberUtils.parseIntRange("(∞..2]"), is(Range.atMost(2)));
assertThat(NumberUtils.parseIntRange("[2..∞)"), is(Range.atLeast(2)));
assertThat(NumberUtils.parseIntRange("(-∞,2)"), is(Range.lessThan(2)));
assertThat(NumberUtils.parseIntRange("(-∞,2]"), is(Range.atMost(2)));
assertThat(NumberUtils.parseIntRange("(-∞,]"), is(Range.all()));
public void testParseIntRange_parsesOK() {
assertThat(NumberUtils.parseIntRange("(-2,3)"), is(, 3)));
assertThat(NumberUtils.parseIntRange("(-2,-1)"), is(, -1)));
assertThat(NumberUtils.parseIntRange("(2,3)"), is(, 3)));
assertThat(NumberUtils.parseIntRange("[2,3)"), is(Range.closedOpen(2, 3)));
assertThat(NumberUtils.parseIntRange("(2,3]"), is(Range.openClosed(2, 3)));
assertThat(NumberUtils.parseIntRange("[2,3]"), is(Range.closed(2, 3)));
assertThat(NumberUtils.parseIntRange("(2..3)"), is(, 3)));
assertThat(NumberUtils.parseIntRange("[2..3)"), is(Range.closedOpen(2, 3)));
assertThat(NumberUtils.parseIntRange("(2..3]"), is(Range.openClosed(2, 3)));
assertThat(NumberUtils.parseIntRange("[2..3]"), is(Range.closed(2, 3)));
public void testParseIntRange_WithInvalidStrings_failsAccordingly() {
String[] invalidParams = {
null, "", "(4 5", "[2,3] ", " [2,3]", "[2,3][2,3]", "[a,b]", " [2..3]", "[2.3]",
"[3...4]", "(3 4)", "[2]", "(5,1)", "ab[2,4]", "[2,4]cd", "(2,-2)", "(2,2)"
for (String invalidParam : invalidParams) {
try {
fail("Parsing '" + invalidParam + "' did not fail");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 93892
If we look at the pattern, the interval either starts with a '['
or a '('
, then it is followed by at least one digit, followed by a comma, again one or more digit and finished by either ']'
or ')'
So the regular expression will look like this :
Here it is decomposed :
[\\(|\\[] -> start either with `'['` or `'('` (we need to escape the special characters with `\\`)
(\\d+) -> followed by one or more digit that we capture in a group
, -> followed by a comma
(\\d+) -> followed again by one or more digit that we capture in another group
[\\)|\\]] -> and that finishes either with `']'` or `')'`
and $
assert that the all string matched the expression and not only a part of it.
So we have the regex, yay!
Now we need to create a Pattern
instance from it, so that will be able to fetch a matcher from. Finally we check if the string matches the pattern and we grab the corresponding groups
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("^[\\(|\\[](\\d+),(\\d+)[\\)|\\]]$");
Matcher m = p.matcher("(0,100)");
if(matcher.matches()) {
int lowerBound = Integer.parseInt(;
int upperBound = Integer.parseInt(;
System.out.println(lowerBound + "_" + upperBound);
The following outputs 0_100
Now the final step, get the first and last character and create the appropriate range from it; putting it all together:
class RangeFactory {
private static final Pattern p = Pattern.compile("^[\\(|\\[](\\d+),(\\d+)[\\)|\\]]$");
public static Range from(String range) {
Matcher m = p.matcher(range);
if(m.matches()) {
int length = range.length();
int lowerBound = Integer.parseInt(;
int upperBound = Integer.parseInt(;
if(range.charAt(0) == '(') {
if(range.charAt(length - 1) == ')') {
return, upperBound);
return Range.openClosed(lowerBound, upperBound);
} else {
if(range.charAt(length - 1) == ')') {
return Range.closedOpen(lowerBound, upperBound);
return Range.closed(lowerBound, upperBound);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Range " + range + " is not valid.");
Here's some test cases :
List<String> ranges =
Arrays.asList("(0,100)", "[0,100]", "[0,100)", "(0,100]", "", "()", "(0,100", "[,100]", "[100]");
for(String range : ranges) {
try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
which outputs:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Range is not valid.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Range () is not valid.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Range (0,100 is not valid.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Range [,100] is not valid.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Range [100] is not valid.
You can ameliorate the regex (to accept ranges with infinite bounds, etc.), but it should give you a good starting point.
Hope it helps! :)
Upvotes: 4