Reputation: 5268
I'm trying to write a function that replaces text in all buffers. So I call Ack to search all the matches and next step I want to set into Quickfix command line this code
:QuickFixDoAll %s/foo/boo/gc
Seems like I can only call 'exec' function which runs this command immediately and there is no ablility to edit it or cancel at all
I also tried "input" function to read user input but got this error at runtime
not an editor command
Any ideas?
function! ReplaceInFiles(o, n)
exec "Ack '" . a:o . "'"
exec "QuickFixDoAll %s/" . a:o . "/" . a:n . "/gc"
" QuickFixDoAll
function! QuickFixDoAll(command)
if empty(getqflist())
let s:prev_val = ""
for d in getqflist()
let s:curr_val = bufname(d.bufnr)
if (s:curr_val != s:prev_val)
exec "edit " . s:curr_val
exec a:command
let s:prev_val = s:curr_val
exec "quit"
command! -nargs=+ QuickFixDoAll call QuickFixDoAll(<f-args>)
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Views: 405
Reputation: 172768
This queries both values interactively:
function! ReplaceInFiles()
let l:o = input('search? ')
let l:n = input('replace? ')
exec "Ack '" . l:o . "'"
exec "QuickFixDoAll %s/" . l:o . "/" . l:n . "/gc"
nnoremap <Leader>r :call ReplaceInFiles()<CR>
nnoremap <Leader>r :let o = ''<Bar>exec "Ack '" . o . "'"<Bar>exec "QuickFixDoAll %s/" . o . "//gc"<Home><Right><Right><Right><Right><Right><Right><Right><Right><Right>
This one puts the cursor on the right spot for the search. As this value is used twice (Ack and QuickFixDoAll), it is assigned to a variable. After that, move to the end of the command and fill in the replacement in between the //gc
The most comfortable option would be a custom command :AckAndSubstAll/search/replacement/
. For that, you'd need to parse the two parts in the custom command (like :s
does). You could do that with matchstr()
, or use ingo#cmdargs#substitute#Parse()
from my ingo-library plugin.
Upvotes: 1