Reputation: 51
I'm doing a Visual Studio extension and it contains editor margin, which show comment for each code line and data linked by line number.
When I have code have collapsed regions (functions, code blocks or regions), I'm getting incorrect line numbers.
How can I calculate what lines collapsed? Or more simply, how can I expand all collapsed blocks and disable collapse buttons?
Upvotes: 4
Views: 249
Reputation: 51
I found solution:
Dim _outliningManager As Outlining.IOutliningManager
Dim _oldCollapsedRegions As List(Of ICollapsed)
'Getting access to ServiceProvider
Dim ServiceProvider As SVsServiceProvider
'Getting IOutliningManagerService object
Dim componentModel As IComponentModel = ServiceProvider.GetService(GetType(SComponentModel))
Dim outliningManagerService As IOutliningManagerService = componentModel.GetService(Of IOutliningManagerService)()
'Creating IOutliningManager for current textView
If outliningManagerService IsNot Nothing Then
_outliningManager = outliningManagerService.GetOutliningManager(textView)
If _outliningManager IsNot Nothing Then AddHandler _outliningManager.RegionsCollapsed, AddressOf RegionCollapsed
End If
'Getting all regions and expand them
If _outliningManager IsNot Nothing Then
Dim snapshot = _textView.TextSnapshot
Dim snapshotSpan = New Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.SnapshotSpan(snapshot, New Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Span(0, snapshot.Length))
_oldCollapsedRegions = _outliningManager.GetCollapsedRegions(snapshotSpan).ToList()
For Each reg In _oldCollapsedRegions
End If
'Blocking regions collapsed
Sub RegionCollapsed(sender As Object, e As RegionsCollapsedEventArgs)
If Me.Visibility = Windows.Visibility.Visible Then
For Each reg In e.CollapsedRegions
End If
End Sub
Require referenses to:, Microsoft.VisualStudio.ComponentModelHost and, sure, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text
Upvotes: 1