Reputation: 1895
There are two pandas DataFrame, say dfx, dfy
of the same shape and exactly the same column and row indices. I want to apply a function to the corresponding rows of these two DataFrame.
In other words, suppose we have a function as follows
def fun( row_x, row_y):
...# a function of the corresponding rows
Let index
be the common index of dfx, dfy. I want to compute in pandas the following list/Series
[fun(dfx[i], dfy[i]) for i in index] (pseudo-code)
By the following code, I make a grouped two-level indexed DataFrame. Then I do not know how to apply agg
in the proper way.
dfxy = pd.concat({'dfx':dfx, 'dfy':dfy})
dfxy = dfxy.swaplevel(0,1,axis=0).sort_index(level=0)
Upvotes: 0
Views: 355
Reputation: 28093
Could this be what you are looking for?
In [1]: import pandas as pd
In [2]: import numpy as np
In [3]: dfx = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.randint(0,100,50).reshape(10,-1),
columns=['index', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
In [4]: dfy = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.randint(0,100,50).reshape(10,-1),
columns=['index', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
In [5]: dfy['index'] = dfx['index']
In [6]: print(dfx)
index a b c d
0 25 41 46 18 98
1 0 21 9 20 29
2 18 78 63 94 70
3 86 71 71 95 64
4 23 33 19 34 29
5 69 10 91 19 42
6 92 68 60 12 58
7 74 49 22 74 1
8 47 35 56 41 80
9 93 20 44 16 49
In [7]: print(dfy)
index a b c d
0 25 28 35 96 89
1 0 44 94 50 43
2 18 18 39 75 45
3 86 18 87 72 88
4 23 2 28 24 4
5 69 53 55 55 40
6 92 0 52 54 91
7 74 8 1 96 59
8 47 74 21 7 7
9 93 42 83 42 60
In [8]: print(dfx.merge(dfy, on='index'))
index a_x b_x c_x d_x a_y b_y c_y d_y
0 25 41 46 18 98 28 35 96 89
1 0 21 9 20 29 44 94 50 43
2 18 78 63 94 70 18 39 75 45
3 86 71 71 95 64 18 87 72 88
4 23 33 19 34 29 2 28 24 4
5 69 10 91 19 42 53 55 55 40
6 92 68 60 12 58 0 52 54 91
7 74 49 22 74 1 8 1 96 59
8 47 35 56 41 80 74 21 7 7
9 93 20 44 16 49 42 83 42 60
In [9]: def my_function(x):
...: return sum(x)
In [10]: print(dfx.merge(dfy, on='index').drop('index', axis=1).apply(my_function, axis=1))
0 451
1 310
2 482
3 566
4 173
5 365
6 395
7 310
8 321
9 356
dtype: int64
In [11]: print(pd.DataFrame(
dfx.merge(dfy, on='index').\
drop('index', axis=1).apply(my_function, axis=1),
index my_function
0 25 451
1 0 310
2 18 482
3 86 566
4 23 173
5 69 365
6 92 395
7 74 310
8 47 321
9 93 356
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 5414
In [19]:
dfx = pd.DataFrame(data = np.random.randint(0 , 100 , 50).reshape(10 ,-1) , columns=list('abcde'))
a b c d e
3 44 8 55 95
26 5 18 34 10
20 20 91 15 8
83 7 50 47 27
97 65 10 94 93
44 6 70 60 4
38 64 8 67 92
44 21 42 6 12
30 98 34 7 79
76 7 14 58 5
In [4]:
dfy = pd.DataFrame(data = np.random.randint(0 , 100 , 50).reshape(10 ,-1) , columns=list('fghij'))
f g h i j
82 48 29 54 78
7 31 78 38 30
90 91 43 8 40
52 88 13 87 39
41 88 90 51 91
55 4 94 62 98
31 23 4 59 93
87 12 33 77 0
25 99 39 23 1
7 50 46 39 66
In [13]:
dfxy = pd.concat({'dfx':dfx, 'dfy':dfy} , axis = 1)
dfx dfy
a b c d e f g h i j
20 76 5 98 38 82 48 29 54 78
39 36 9 3 74 7 31 78 38 30
43 12 50 72 14 90 91 43 8 40
89 41 95 91 86 52 88 13 87 39
33 30 55 64 94 41 88 90 51 91
89 84 48 1 60 55 4 94 62 98
68 40 27 10 63 31 23 4 59 93
33 10 86 89 67 87 12 33 77 0
56 89 0 70 67 25 99 39 23 1
48 58 98 18 24 7 50 46 39 66
def f(x , y):
return pd.Series(data = [np.mean(x) , np.mean(y)] , index=['x_mean' , 'y_mean'])
In [17]:
dfxy.apply( lambda x : f(x['dfx'] , x['dfy']) , axis = 1)
x_mean y_mean
0 47.4 58.2
1 32.2 36.8
2 38.2 54.4
3 80.4 55.8
4 55.2 72.2
5 56.4 62.6
6 41.6 42.0
7 57.0 41.8
8 56.4 37.4
9 49.2 41.6
Upvotes: 2