Reputation: 119
I currently working on my school assignment. I currently facing some issue on creating a SQLITE DB when debugging my app.
E/SQLiteLog﹕ (14) os_unix.c:30046: (2) open(/data/data/com.asus.microfilm/databases/Sugar.db) -
E/SQLiteDatabase﹕ Failed to open database '/data/data/com.asus.microfilm/databases/Sugar.db'.
I wondering why it open up the other package DB. I have search some example online and I couldn't find any solution that's why I decided to post it here.
Besides, I have already used adb-shell and I found nothing in my package.
public class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper
public DatabaseHelper(Context context)
super(context, context.getExternalFilesDir(null).getAbsolutePath() + "/" + DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION);
DatabaseHelper myDb;
myDb = new DatabaseHelper(getActivity());
my is a fragment.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 441
Reputation: 709
Try this and let me know if it creates the file there
public class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper
public DatabaseHelper(Context context)
super(context, context.getExternalFilesDir("MyDatabase") + "/" + DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION);
or you can try this too if want to use internal memory , as its more secure
public class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper
public DatabaseHelper(Context context)
super(context, context.getFilesDir() + "/" + DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION);
Update 1: Try Using this
public DatabaseHelper(final Context context) {
super(context, Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()
+ File.separator + FILE_DIR
+ File.separator + DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION);
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 2391
try this:
public class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper
public DatabaseHelper(Context context)
super(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION);
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 11
SQLiteOpenHelper have two constructor:
SQLiteOpenHelper(Context context, String name, SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory factory, int version)
SQLiteOpenHelper(Context context, String name, SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory factory, int version, DatabaseErrorHandler errorHandler)
You have to implement one of them,and create tables in onCreate method.
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Reputation: 157
my solution for example
public class NotesDB extends SQLiteOpenHelper {
private static final String DB_NAME = "NotesFile";
private static final String LOG_TAG = "myLogs";
private static final String TABLE_NAME = "Notes";
private static final String COLUMN_KEY = "key";
private static final String COLUMN_NOTE = "note";
private static final String COLUMN_NAME = "name";
private static final String COLUMN_QUESTION = "question";
private String table = "";
public NotesDB(Context context) {
super(context, DB_NAME, null, 1);
public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "--- onCreate database ---");
db.execSQL("create table "+TABLE_NAME+" ("
+ "id integer primary key autoincrement,"
+ COLUMN_NAME+" text,"
+ COLUMN_KEY+" integer,"
+ COLUMN_NOTE+" text" + ");");
public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
SQLiteDatabase db = new NotesDB(getAppContext()).getWritableDatabase();
c=db.query("Notes", null, selection, selectionArgs , null, null, null );................
Upvotes: 1