Reputation: 5243
I can flatten a nested data structure with ease, but the dual operation seems awfully difficult (at least for me).
Given a List of type [(a,b,c)]
, how can I create a nested structure, i.e.
unflatten :: (Ord a, Ord b) => [(a,b,c)] -> [(a, [(b, [c])])]
such that each a
only occurs only once and likewise each combination of (a,b)
I don't quite know why I am struggling with this, because the dual operation is really simple
flatten :: [(a, [(b, [c])])] -> [(a,b,c)]
flatten xs = [(a,b,c) | (a,bcs) <- xs, (b,cs) <- bcs, c<-cs]
Following EricR's suggestion I wrote a function which does one level of un-flattening, but I am still struggling to extend it
grp :: Ord b => [(b,c)] -> [(b,[c])]
grp xs = do
b <- (nub . sort . map fst) xs
let cs = [c' | (b',c') <- xs, b'==b]
return (b,cs)
Upvotes: 1
Views: 888
Reputation: 5243
Following ErikR's advice, a pattern emerged how to extend it to longer and longer tuples.
-- construct some raw material
l a i = map ((a ++) . show) [1..i]
l4 = [(a,b,c,d) | d<-l "d" 3, c <- l "c" 3, b<-l "b" 3, a<-l "a" 2 ]
grp2 :: Ord a => [(a,b)] -> [(a,[b])]
grp2 xs = do
a <- (nub . sort . map fst) xs
let bs = [b' | (a',b') <- xs, a'==a]
return (a,bs)
grp3 :: (Ord a, Ord b) => [(a,b,c)] -> [(a,[(b,[c])])]
grp3 ys = do
(a, bcs) <- grp2 (map split3 ys)
return (a, grp2 bcs)
split3 (a,b,c) = (a,(b,c))
grp4 :: (Ord a, Ord b, Ord c) => [(a,b,c,d)] -> [(a,[(b,[(c,[d])])])]
grp4 zs = do
(a, bcds) <- grp2 (map split4 zs)
return (a, grp3 bcds)
split4 (a,b,c,d) = (a,(b,c,d))
*Main> pp $ grp4 l4
[ ( "a1"
, [ ( "b1"
, [ ( "c1" , [ "d1" , "d2" , "d3" ] )
, ( "c2" , [ "d1" , "d2" , "d3" ] )
, ( "c3" , [ "d1" , "d2" , "d3" ] )
, ( "b2"
, [ ( "c1" , [ "d1" , "d2" , "d3" ] )
, ( "c2" , [ "d1" , "d2" , "d3" ] )
, ( "c3" , [ "d1" , "d2" , "d3" ] )
, ( "b3"
, [ ( "c1" , [ "d1" , "d2" , "d3" ] )
, ( "c2" , [ "d1" , "d2" , "d3" ] )
, ( "c3" , [ "d1" , "d2" , "d3" ] )
, ( "a2"
, [ ( "b1"
, [ ( "c1" , [ "d1" , "d2" , "d3" ] )
, ( "c2" , [ "d1" , "d2" , "d3" ] )
, ( "c3" , [ "d1" , "d2" , "d3" ] )
, ( "b2"
, [ ( "c1" , [ "d1" , "d2" , "d3" ] )
, ( "c2" , [ "d1" , "d2" , "d3" ] )
, ( "c3" , [ "d1" , "d2" , "d3" ] )
, ( "b3"
, [ ( "c1" , [ "d1" , "d2" , "d3" ] )
, ( "c2" , [ "d1" , "d2" , "d3" ] )
, ( "c3" , [ "d1" , "d2" , "d3" ] )
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1635
Personally I'd put that data into a nested map. You can always pull it out again into nested association lists afterwards.
First convert each item into a (small) nested map with 1 element in the list [c]
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.List
triplesToMaps :: [(a,b,c)] -> [M.Map a (M.Map b [c])]
triplesToMaps = map (\(a,b,c) -> M.singleton a (M.singleton b [c]))
then combine them all using unionWith
combineMaps :: (Ord a, Ord b) => [M.Map a (M.Map b [c])] -> M.Map a (M.Map b [c])
combineMaps = foldl' (M.unionWith (M.unionWith (++))) M.empty
and then, if you want, bring it back to lists:
flattenToLists :: M.Map a (M.Map b [c]) -> [(a,[(b,[c])])]
flattenToLists = M.assocs . ( M.assocs)
> flattenToLists . combineMaps . triplesToMaps $ [(1,2,3),(1,2,4),(1,3,5),(2,6,8)]
In practice you probably wouldn't flattenToLists
because the nested map is the more useful structure.
Incidentally, if Map
had the "right" Monoid structure then M.unionWith (M.unionWith (++))
would just be mappend
, and the whole thing could be foldMap (\(a,b,c) -> M.singleton a (M.singleton b [c]))
[edited : added the dual as in the question]
Oh, and to go back to [(a,b,c)]
two approaches spring to mind. The list comprehension just like yours, but using assocs
flatten :: M.Map a (M.Map b [c]) -> [(a,b,c)]
flatten m = [(a,b,c) | (a,bcs) <- M.assocs m, (b,cs) <- M.assocs bcs, c <- cs]
or the version using foldMap:
flatten' :: M.Map a (M.Map b [c]) -> [(a,b,c)]
flatten' = M.foldMapWithKey (\a -> M.foldMapWithKey (\b -> foldMap (\c -> [(a,b,c)])))
Upvotes: 4