Reputation: 75
I have two functions , one to get the squareRoot of a number which differs from the previous item by < 0.0001
, approx is fine.
squareRoot n = squareRoot' (approx n)
squareRoot' ( n : n2 : ns ) | abs (n2 - n) < 0.0001 = n2
| otherwise = squareRoot' ( n2 : ns )
And another which uses it to list the infinite list of primes
primes = [ n | n <- [ 2 .. ], isPrime n ]
isPrime 2 = True
isPrime 3 = True
isPrime n = isPrime' n (squareRoot n) primes
isPrime' n squareRoot (h : t)
| h < squareRoot && mod n ( h :: Int ) /= 0 = False
| otherwise = isPrime' n squareRoot t
I simple cannot see the instance declaration that I must make that results in
No instance for (Fractional Int) arising from a use of `squareRoot'
Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Fractional Int)
In the second argument of isPrime', namely `(squareRoot n)'
In the expression: isPrime' n (squareRoot n) primes
In an equation for `isPrime':
isPrime n = isPrime' n (squareRoot n) primes
Could someone help me out ? Thanks
Upvotes: 1
Views: 50
Reputation: 52280
aside from the things already mentioned in the comments I think that you want to use your squareRoot
to got only to sqrt p
while checking for divisors for your isPrime
predicate right?
if so, then instead of using conversion and sqrt
and stuff you can just make use of
m <= sqrt n <=> m^2 <= n
like this:
isPrime :: Integer -> Bool
isPrime 1 = False
isPrime p = null [ d | d <- takeWhile (\ m -> m^2 <= p) [2..], p `mod` d == 0 ]
and get:
λ> take 20 primes
as well ;)
in case you are looking for a way to get floor (sqrt p)
for (I assume approx
is some kind of algorithm to get you a series of numbers to calculate roots), than using the same observation this would just be
sqrtn :: Integer -> Integer
sqrtn n = head [ m | m <- [n,n-1..1], m^2 <= n ]
Upvotes: 2