Reputation: 1965
I'm trying to use the Stanford CoreNLP relation extractor (
I've installed the CoreNLP, like it suggested and I tried adding the relation parameter to the annotator pipeline but to no avail. Below is the code that I tried entering through my command line in Linux.
java -cp "*" -Xxm1g edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLP -annotators tokenize,ssplit,pos,lemma,parse,relation -file <path toinput file>
The error message is that when it's trying to add the annotator relation, it states:
Unable to resolve "edu/stanford/nlp/models/supervised_relation_extractor/roth_relation_model_pipelineNER.ser" as either a class path, filename or URL.
I tried searching the web to see if I could just download the roth_relation_model_pipelineNER.ser file and just stick it in the models directory but I can't find it (I also don't know Java very well).
Please let me know if you have any suggestions. Thanks.
In response to @StanfordNLPHelp 's (thank you for your quick reply BTW):
I am running the command with the models.jar file in the same directory and it is picking it up (screenshot below):
In addition, I downloaded the newest version of the CoreNLP zip file from the website. Unzipped it and also unpacked the models.jar file (stanford-parser-3.5.2-models.jar). I went to the models directory but there was only the lexparser and parser directories there, I didn't see one for supervised_relation_extractor. Attached is a screenshot.
Also, this is a side note but I had a similar problem with the pos annotator as well. I was running into the same issue where it couldn't find the file. But I was able to download a separate .jar file and place it where the program wanted it using this website (question #6 - and that was able to work.
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Views: 415
Reputation: 8739
That file is in this jar: stanford-corenlp-3.5.2-models.jar
When you run your command in the Terminal, that .jar file needs to be in the directory you are running the command in for the -cp "*" to pick it up. If you see that error it means that you don't have stanford-corenlp-3.5.2-models.jar in your classpath.
Upvotes: 2