Reputation: 153
I'm trying to build an API (using ASP.NET WebApi) that will be consumed by a native mobile app for a school project. (I'm not concerned about/developing the mobile app, this responsibility falls on a different member) I'm at a point where I need to implement a token based Facebook login. There are a lot of tutorials available for how to implement this feature for browser based apps (this is pretty straight forward and most of it comes inbuilt), but I don't think I follow how this would work with native apps. What I don't understand is how the redirects would work?
According to this link, nothing needs to be handled specifically by my server. And I don't think I understand how this would work? How would the tokens from Facebook be handled?
Also, what part of token handling should I implement, I couldn't really find good documentation for WebApi external login authentication.
Anyway, if someone could point me to the exact flow of token exchanges that happen and what is implemented by default by ASP.NET, that would be super helpful.
Also, the biggest point of confusion for me is I don't understand how the token returned by Facebook will be handled.
I'm sorry if this is something I should've been able to figure out. I did do quite a bit of research and I found myself drowning in (related & unrelated) information. I don't think I even know how to search for the information I need.
Some links I've read:
Claims And Token Based Authentication (ASP.NET Web API)
Token Based Authentication using ASP.NET Web API 2, Owin, and Identity
ASP.NET Web API 2 external logins with Facebook and Google in AngularJS app
Upvotes: 15
Views: 6509
Reputation: 23571
I followed this article. The flow is basically this
Honestly I have no idea if this approach is legit...
The code of the action buttons should redirect to:
public async Task<IEnumerable<ExternalLoginDto>> GetExternalLogins(string returnUrl, bool generateState = false)
IEnumerable<AuthenticationScheme> loginProviders = await SignInManager.GetExternalAuthenticationSchemesAsync();
var logins = new List<ExternalLoginDto>();
string state;
if (generateState)
const int strengthInBits = 256;
state = RandomOAuthStateGenerator.Generate(strengthInBits);
state = null;
foreach (AuthenticationScheme authenticationScheme in loginProviders)
var routeValues = new
provider = authenticationScheme.Name,
response_type = "token",
client_id = Configuration["Jwt:Issuer"],
redirect_uri = $"{Request.Scheme}//{Request.Host}{returnUrl}",
state = state
var login = new ExternalLoginDto
Name = authenticationScheme.DisplayName,
Url = Url.RouteUrl("ExternalLogin", routeValues),
State = state
return logins;
The code for the callback action:
[Authorize(AuthenticationSchemes = "Identity.External")]
[Route("ExternalLogin", Name = "ExternalLogin")]
public async Task<IActionResult> GetExternalLogin(string provider, string state = null, string client_id = null, string error = null)
if (error != null)
if (!User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
return new ChallengeResult(provider);
string providerKey = User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier);
var externalLoginInfo = new ExternalLoginInfo(User, User.Identity.AuthenticationType, providerKey, User.Identity.AuthenticationType);
if (externalLoginInfo.LoginProvider != provider)
await HttpContext.SignOutAsync(IdentityConstants.ExternalScheme);
return new ChallengeResult(provider);
var userLoginInfo = new UserLoginInfo(externalLoginInfo.LoginProvider, externalLoginInfo.ProviderKey, externalLoginInfo.ProviderDisplayName);
User user = await UserManager.FindByLoginAsync(externalLoginInfo.LoginProvider, externalLoginInfo.ProviderKey);
if (client_id != Configuration["Jwt:Issuer"])
return Redirect($"/#error=invalid_client_id_{client_id}");
if (user != null)
return await LoginWithLocalUser(user, state);
string email = null;
string firstName = null;
string lastName = null;
IEnumerable<Claim> claims = externalLoginInfo.Principal.Claims;
if (externalLoginInfo.LoginProvider == "Google")
email = claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == ClaimTypes.Email)?.Value;
firstName = claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == ClaimTypes.GivenName)?.Value;
lastName = claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == ClaimTypes.Surname)?.Value;
else if (externalLoginInfo.LoginProvider == "Facebook")
email = claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == ClaimTypes.Email)?.Value;
string[] nameParts = claims.First(c => c.Type == ClaimTypes.Name)?.Value.Split(new[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
firstName = nameParts?.First();
lastName = nameParts?.Last();
//some fallback just in case
firstName ??= externalLoginInfo.Principal.Identity.Name;
lastName ??= externalLoginInfo.Principal.Identity.Name;
user = new User
UserName = email,
Email = email,
FirstName = firstName,
LastName = lastName,
EmailConfirmed = true //if the user logs in with Facebook consider the e-mail confirmed
IdentityResult userCreationResult = await UserManager.CreateAsync(user);
if (userCreationResult.Succeeded)
userCreationResult = await UserManager.AddLoginAsync(user, userLoginInfo);
if (userCreationResult.Succeeded)
return await LoginWithLocalUser(user, state);
string identityErrrors = String.Join(" ", userCreationResult.Errors.Select(ie => ie.Description));
Logger.LogWarning($"Error registering user with external login. Email:{email}, Errors:" + Environment.NewLine + identityErrrors);
return Redirect($"/#error={identityErrrors}");
private async Task<RedirectResult> LoginWithLocalUser(User user, string state)
await HttpContext.SignOutAsync(IdentityConstants.ExternalScheme);
DateTime expirationDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(365);
string token = user.GenerateJwtToken(Configuration["Jwt:Key"], Configuration["Jwt:Issuer"], expirationDate);
return Redirect($"/#access_token={token}&token_type=bearer&expires_in={(int)(expirationDate - DateTime.UtcNow).TotalSeconds}&state={state}");
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 466
I had to do pretty much the same thing for an application I was working on. I also had a lot of trouble finding information about it. It seemed like everything I found was close to what I needed, but not exactly the solution. I ended up taking bits and pieces from a bunch of different blog posts, articles, etc. and putting them all together to get it to work.
I remember two of the links you posted "Claims and Token Based Authentication" and "ASP.NET Web API 2 external logins with Facebook and Google in AngularJS app" as being ones that had useful information.
I can't give you a comprehensive answer since I don't remember everything I had to do, nor did I even understand everything I was doing at the time, but I can give you the general idea. You are on the right track.
Essentially I ended up using the token granted by Facebook to confirm that they were logged into their Facebook account, created a user based on their Facebook user ID, and granted them my own bearer token that they could use to access my API.
The flow looks something like this:
There ended up being a lot of custom code for implementing the OAuth stuff with ASP.NET Identity, and those links you included show you some of that. Hopefully this information will help you a little bit, sorry I couldn't help more.
Upvotes: 15