Reputation: 539
I have created a tableview with their components inside it, assigned cellValueFactory and have set the properties editable
to true
. Somewhere in my code, I have the following :
(_, _, newValue) => col_uname.setCellFactory(TextFieldTableCell.forTableColumn());
With it, I managed to create to convert it to textfield and are allowed to type in it. However,after finishing typing, the text reversed back to previous text before the edit. What type/piece of code should I include make sure that the text is updated properly? I've tried searching on google, but there's no explanation for it so far.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 920
Reputation: 1533
You should be able to edit table by, as you mentioned, editable = true
and adding cell factory with a text field, for instance:
new TableColumn[Person, String] {
text = "First Name"
cellValueFactory = {_.value.firstName}
cellFactory = TextFieldTableCell.forTableColumn()
prefWidth = 180
The JavaFX Table View Tutorial also suggests using OnEditCommit
. Not sure if that is really necessary. Here is a complete example that works without using OnEditCommit
import scalafx.application.JFXApp
import scalafx.application.JFXApp.PrimaryStage
import scalafx.collections.ObservableBuffer
import scalafx.event.ActionEvent
import scalafx.scene.Scene
import scalafx.scene.control.TableColumn._
import scalafx.scene.control.cell.TextFieldTableCell
import scalafx.scene.control.{Button, TableColumn, TableView}
import scalafx.scene.layout.VBox
object EditableTableView extends JFXApp {
class Person(firstName_ : String, lastName_ : String) {
val firstName = new StringProperty(this, "firstName", firstName_)
val lastName = new StringProperty(this, "lastName", lastName_)
firstName.onChange { (_, oldValue, newValue) => println(s"Value changed from `$oldValue` to `$newValue`") }
lastName.onChange { (_, oldValue, newValue) => println(s"Value changed from `$oldValue` to `$newValue`") }
override def toString = firstName() + " " + lastName()
val characters = ObservableBuffer[Person](
new Person("Peggy", "Sue"),
new Person("Rocky", "Raccoon")
stage = new PrimaryStage {
title = "Editable Table View"
scene = new Scene {
root = new VBox {
children = Seq(
new TableView[Person](characters) {
editable = true
columns ++= List(
new TableColumn[Person, String] {
text = "First Name"
cellValueFactory = {_.value.firstName}
cellFactory = TextFieldTableCell.forTableColumn()
prefWidth = 180
new TableColumn[Person, String]() {
text = "Last Name"
cellValueFactory = {_.value.lastName}
cellFactory = TextFieldTableCell.forTableColumn()
prefWidth = 180
new Button {
text = "Print content"
onAction = (ae: ActionEvent) => {
Upvotes: 1