
Reputation: 4197

d3 tooltip - add div for a tooltip in d3 line chart

I am trying to get the tooltip to show near the mouse pointer, but it always points to the top of the graph. What's the mistake? Is it the wrong addition of the div? Additionaly the tooltip does not change even if I alter the x and y positions using the left and top attributes in the style tag.

Can somebody help ?

            <title>Kaplan Meier</title>
            <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
            <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
            <script src=""></script>
                    font-family:'Ubuntu', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial;
                    margin:20px auto;
                    font: bold;


                /* Globals */
                var w = 900, h = 520, m = 35, max = min = 0;
                /* Data Given */
data = {
                treatments: [// Order matters | data.treatments[a][i].t is always less than data.treatments[a][i+1].t
                        //concurrent therapy
                        {t: 0, d: 0, n: 20},
                        {t: 11.267, d: 1, n: 20},
                        {t: 31.2, d: 1, n: 19},
                        {t: 33.167, d: 0, n: 18},
                        {t: 33.367, d: 1, n: 17},
                        {t: 35.667, d: 1, n: 16},
                        {t: 39.033, d: 0, n: 15},
                        {t: 39.3, d: 1, n: 14},
                        {t: 40.067, d: 1, n: 13},
                        {t: 53.867, d: 0, n: 12},
                        {t: 56.7, d: 1, n: 11},
                        {t: 56.9, d: 0, n: 10},
                        {t: 57.7, d: 1, n: 9},
                        {t: 59.4, d: 1, n: 8},
                        {t: 71.3, d: 1, n: 7},
                        {t: 73.333, d: 1, n: 6},
                        {t: 81.967, d: 0, n: 5},
                        {t: 82.367, d: 0, n: 4},
                        {t: 84.867, d: 0, n: 3},
                        {t: 98.667, d: 0, n: 2},
                        {t: 125.9, d: 0, n: 1}
                        //induction therapy
                        {t: 0, d: 0, n: 6},
                        {t: 5.767, d: 1, n: 6},
                        {t: 60.733, d: 0, n: 5},
                        {t: 105.9, d: 1, n: 4},
                        {t: 110.067, d: 1, n: 3},
                        {t: 117.367, d: 1, n: 2},
                        {t: 287.967, d: 0, n: 1}
                        //induction + chemo
                        {t: 0, d: 0, n: 11},
                        {t: 12.7, d: 1, n: 11},
                        {t: 15.4667, d: 1, n: 10},
                        {t: 18.8667, d: 1, n: 9},
                        {t: 33.5333, d: 0, n: 8},
                        {t: 35.4333, d: 0, n: 6},
                        {t: 45.2333, d: 1, n: 5},
                        {t: 48.4333, d: 1, n: 4},
                        {t: 48.8333, d: 0, n: 3},
                        {t: 49.6333, d: 1, n: 2},
                        {t: 66.9667, d: 0, n: 1}
                        //no Chemo
                        {t: 0, d: 0, n: 59},
                        {t: 5.7, d: 1, n: 59},
                        {t: 6.533, d: 1, n: 58},
                        {t: 7.2, d: 1, n: 57},
                        {t: 8.7, d: 1, n: 56},
                        {t: 10.267, d: 0, n: 55},
                        {t: 10.533, d: 0, n: 54},
                        {t: 11.9, d: 1, n: 53},
                        {t: 12.167, d: 1, n: 52},
                        {t: 12.467, d: 0, n: 51},
                        {t: 12.9, d: 1, n: 50},
                        {t: 13.1, d: 1, n: 49},
                        {t: 15.1, d: 1, n: 48},
                        {t: 15.167, d: 1, n: 47},
                        {t: 16.2, d: 1, n: 46},
                        {t: 17.167, d: 1, n: 45},
                        {t: 19.8, d: 1, n: 44},
                        {t: 20.433, d: 1, n: 43},
                        {t: 21, d: 1, n: 42},
                        {t: 22.3, d: 1, n: 41},
                        {t: 26.167, d: 1, n: 40},
                        {t: 26.6, d: 1, n: 39},
                        {t: 28.1, d: 1, n: 38},
                        {t: 29.8, d: 1, n: 37},
                        {t: 30.6, d: 1, n: 36},
                        {t: 31.033, d: 1, n: 35},
                        {t: 32.4, d: 1, n: 34},
                        {t: 32.433, d: 1, n: 33},
                        {t: 32.633, d: 1, n: 32},
                        {t: 36.367, d: 1, n: 31},
                        {t: 38.967, d: 1, n: 30},
                        {t: 41.467, d: 1, n: 29},
                        {t: 42.833, d: 1, n: 28},
                        {t: 44.667, d: 1, n: 27},
                        {t: 44.833, d: 1, n: 26},
                        {t: 47.667, d: 0, n: 25},
                        {t: 50.333, d: 1, n: 24},
                        {t: 50.633, d: 1, n: 23},
                        {t: 55.533, d: 1, n: 22},
                        {t: 57.7, d: 1, n: 21},
                        {t: 61.833, d: 1, n: 20},
                        {t: 63.367, d: 1, n: 19},
                        {t: 66.667, d: 1, n: 18},
                        {t: 78.633, d: 1, n: 17},
                        {t: 85.467, d: 1, n: 16},
                        {t: 85.967, d: 1, n: 15},
                        {t: 98.267, d: 1, n: 14},
                        {t: 105.867, d: 0, n: 13},
                        {t: 109.4, d: 1, n: 12},
                        {t: 116.2, d: 0, n: 11},
                        {t: 116.267, d: 1, n: 10},
                        {t: 136.133, d: 0, n: 9},
                        {t: 151.667, d: 1, n: 8},
                        {t: 152.1, d: 0, n: 7},
                        {t: 167.367, d: 1, n: 6},
                        {t: 192.5, d: 1, n: 5},
                        {t: 193.8, d: 1, n: 4},
                        {t: 195.6, d: 0, n: 3},
                        {t: 241.967, d: 1, n: 2},
                        {t: 279.1, d: 1, n: 1}]

                /* Computed Data progression, survival, prob, censored */
                for (var a = 0; a < data.treatments.length; a++) {
                    for (var b = 0; b < data.treatments[a].length; b++) {
                        var reed = data.treatments[a][b];
                        var brad = (b > 0) ? data.treatments[a][b - 1].n - reed.d : reed.n;
                        reed.progression = reed.d / reed.n;
                        reed.survival = 1 - reed.progression;
                        reed.prob = (b == 0) ? reed.survival : data.treatments[a][b - 1].prob * reed.survival;
                        max = (max < reed.t) ? reed.t : max;
                        reed.censored = (reed.n < brad) ? true : false;
                /* Begin d3.js */
                //Scalar functions
                var x = d3.scale.linear().domain([0, max]).range([0, w - m * 2]);
                var y = d3.scale.linear().domain([1, 0]).range([0, h - m]);
                //Define axses
                var xAxis = d3.svg.axis()
                var yAxis = d3.svg.axis()
                //This is the accessor function
                var lineFunction = d3.svg.line()
                        .x(function (d) {
                            return x(d.t) + 2 * m;
                        .y(function (d) {
                            return y(d.prob);
                var tip = d3.tip()
                        .attr('class', 'd3-tip')
                        .offset([x, y]);

                var div ="body")
                                    .attr("class", "toopltip");
                //Draw the svg container
                var kaplan ="body").append("svg")
                        .attr("width", w + (2 * m))
                        .attr("height", h + (4 * m));

                //Draw the lines
                var redLine = kaplan.append("path")
                        .attr("d", lineFunction(data.treatments[0]))
                        .attr("stroke", "#ff4c4c")
                        .attr("stroke-width", 3)
                        .attr("fill", "none")
                        .attr("opacity", 0.7)
                        .on('mouseover', function () {
                                            //on mouseover of each line, give it a nice thick stroke
                                    .style("stroke-width", '6px');

                                    .style("opacity", 0.8);
                            div.html("<strong> Months Survived : " + d3.format(".2f")(x.invert(d3.mouse(this)[0])) + " Probability of Survival : " + y.invert(d3.format(".2f")(d3.mouse(this)[1])))
                                    .style("left", (d3.event.pageX + 200) + "px")
                                    .style("top", (d3.event.pageY + 500) + "px");
                        .on('mouseout', function () {
                  "stroke-width", "3px");
                                    .style("opacity", 0);
                var blueLine = kaplan.append("path")
                        .attr("d", lineFunction(data.treatments[1]))
                        .attr("stroke", "#197319")
                        .attr("stroke-width", 3)
                        .attr("fill", "none")
                        .attr("opacity", 0.7);
                var thirdLine = kaplan.append("path")
                        .attr("d", lineFunction(data.treatments[2]))
                        .attr("stroke", "#6666ff")
                        .attr("stroke-width", 3)
                        .attr("fill", "none")
                        .attr("opacity", 0.7);
                var fourthLine = kaplan.append("path")
                        .attr("d", lineFunction(data.treatments[3]))
                        .attr("stroke", "#ffc04c")
                        .attr("stroke-width", 3)
                        .attr("fill", "none")
                        .attr("opacity", 0.7);

                //Draw the x-axis
                var theXAxis = kaplan.append("g")
                        .attr("class", "xaxis")
                        .attr("transform", "translate(" + 2 * m + "," + h + ")")
                        .text("Overall Survival (in months)");
                //Draw the y-axis
                var theYAxis = kaplan.append("g")
                        .attr("class", "yaxis")
                        .attr("transform", "translate(" + 1.75 * m + ", " + m + ")")
                        .attr('text-anchor', 'bottom')
                        .attr('transform', 'rotate(-90)')
                        .text("Survival Rate");

Upvotes: 0

Views: 609

Answers (1)

Paul Murray
Paul Murray

Reputation: 1012

Your tooltip <div> needs its position attribute to be absolute for left and top to have any effect:"body")
  .attr("class", "tooltip")
  .style("position", "absolute")

After changing this, the tooltip position can simply be set to the mouse position:

.style("left", d3.event.pageX)
.style("top", d3.event.pageY)

Here is an example.

(Also, you spelled "tooltip" wrong, originally)

Upvotes: 1

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