Eclipse Syntax Coloring reset after restart
I installed Ubuntu 15 new and I installed eclipse Mars.
Now, I want to have the syntax highlighting exactly like in visual studio, so i downloadet the .epf here and imported it into eclipse.
Until here, I have no problems, but when I restart eclipse the highlighting will reset after 5 seconds to default.
I don't know why, but when I start eclipse via sudo, I don't have the problem. I have no more ideas...
I saw, that eclipse run this on startup:
I dont know, how i can stop it
Answers (2)
If you want to use Oomph to track your syntax, you can import the .epf file into the preference recorder:
- Open Window > Preferences and go to Oomph | Setup Tasks | Preference Recorder
- Make sure Record into is selected and whichever profile you want to record to is selected (probably User.) Open the recorder file using the button next to the dropdown.
- A .setup file will open in the editor. Close the preference window. An Oomph toolbar should have appeared. The third button is Import Preferences.
Oomph - Import Preferences Button
- Click it, browse to your .epf file and open it. Move whatever preferences you want to import from Available Preferences to Selected Preferences and click OK.
- The preferences will be added to the .setup file, under the root node (probably User.) Drag them into the User Preferences node (the first child node with the folder icon) and delete any existing nodes with conflicting names (it won't combine them.)
- Save the file.
You should now be able to restart Eclipse and have Oomph load in your correct syntax coloring.
Answer from this eclipse forum post with a few extra steps I had to do to get it working.
To disable all Oomph startup tasks
In preferences, choose Oomph | Setup Tasks. Then check the Skip automatic task execution at startup time.

To disable which preferences Oomph tracks
- In preferences, choose Oomph | Setup Tasks | Preference Recorder.
- Check the Record into: checkbox.
- In the table uncheck the preferences you don't want synchronized. For your case it is probably the set of
- (Optional) Click Open the recorder target file button and fully edit your preferences.