Reputation: 197
I have an unconstrained quadratic optimization problem- I have to find u that will minimize norm (u^H * A_k *u - d_k)) where A_k is 4x4 matrix (k=1,2...180) and u is 4x1 vector(H denotes hermitian).
There are several functions in MATLAB to solve optimization problems but I am not able to figure out the method I need to use for my OP. I would highly appreciate if anyone provides me some hint or suggestion to solve this problem in MATLAB.
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Views: 148
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If A is symmetric, positive definite, then the the matrix A defines a norm. This norm, called the A norm, is written ||x||_A = x'Ax. Your problem, minimize (over x) |x'*A*x - d|
is equivalent to searching for a vector x
whose 'A norm' is equal to d
. Such a vector is trivial to find by simply scaling up or down any non-zero vector until it has the appropriate magnitude.
(can't be all zero). eg. y = [1; zeros(n-1, 1)]
; or y = rand(n, 1)
;x = c*y
and x'Ax=d
. Substituting we get c^2 y'Ay=d
hence:.y = [1; zeros(n-1)]; %Any arbitrary y will do as long as its not all zero
c = sqrt(d / (y'*A*y))
x = c * y`
now solves your problem. No toolbox required!
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 507
options = optimoptions('fminunc','GradObj','on','TolFun',1e-9,'TolX',1e-9);
x = fminunc(@(x)qfun(x,A,d),zeros(4,1),options);
function [y,g]=qfun(x,A,d)
Seems to work.
Upvotes: 1