Reputation: 33
Consider such domain logic: three types of users: Civilians, ServiceMembers and Veterans. Each of them has 'name', stored in different attributes.
Task is to write a function, accepting each of the types and returning 'C' char for Civilians, 'V' char for Veterans and 'S' char for ServiceMembers.
I have such record declarations:
data ServiceMemberInfo = ServiceMemberInfo { smname::String }
data VeteranInfo = VeteranInfo { vname::String }
data CivilianInfo = CivilianInfo { cname::String }
My first idea was to combine them by such typeclass:
class UserLetter a where
userLetter :: a -> Char
And implement instances:
instance UserLetter ServiceMemberInfo where
userLetter _ = 'S'
instance UserLetter VeteranInfo where
userLetter _ = 'V'
instance UserLetter CivilianInfo where
userLetter _ = 'C'
In this case, userLetter
is a function I wanted.
But I really would like to write something like that (without typeclasses)
userLetter1 :: UserLetter a => a -> Char
userLetter1 (CivilianInfo _) = 'C'
userLetter1 (ServiceMemberInfo _) = 'S'
userLetter1 (VeteranInfo _) = 'V'
which throws compilation error: 'a' is a rigid type variable bound by
Another way is to use ADT:
data UserInfo = ServiceMemberInfo { smname::String }
| VeteranInfo { vname::String }
| CivilianInfo { cname::String }
Then userLetter1 declaration becomes obvious:
userLetter1 :: UserInfo -> Char
userLetter1 (CivilianInfo _) = 'C'
userLetter1 (ServiceMemberInfo _) = 'S'
userLetter1 (VeteranInfo _) = 'V'
But, lets say, I don't have control over ServiceMemberInfo (and others) declarations. How userLetter1 can be defined?
Is there a way to declare one ADT with existing ServiceMemberInfo (and others) types?
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Views: 85
Reputation: 120751
“Is there a way to declare one ADT with existing ServiceMemberInfo (and others) types?”
Why, sure there is!
data UserInfo = ServiceMemberUserInfo ServiceMemberInfo
| VeteranUserInfo VeteranInfo
| CivilianUserInfo CivilianInfo
Then userLetter1 :: UserInfo -> Char
can be defined as before, but you still keep the seperate record definitions of ServiceMemberInfo
, VeteranInfo
and CivilianInfo
Instead of declaring this as a new named ADT, you can also make it an “anonymous variant type”:
type (+) = Either
type UserInfo = ServiceMemberInfo + VeteranInfo + CivilianInfo
Then you can define
userLetter1 :: UserInfo -> Char
userLetter1 (Left (Left _)) = 'C'
userLetter1 (Left (Right _)) = 'S'
userLetter1 (Right _) = 'V'
Clearly, this is not really preferrable: the anonymous constructors are much less descriptive.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 14598
I would just redefine the datatypes like so:
newtype UserInfo = User { type :: UserType, name :: String }
data UserType = Civilian | ServiceMember | Veteran
But if you really can't change the original datatypes, then you can do something like the following with ViewPattern
and optiononally PatternSynonyms
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms, ViewPatterns, StandaloneDeriving, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
import Data.Typeable
data ServiceMemberInfo = ServiceMemberInfo { smname::String }
data VeteranInfo = VeteranInfo { vname::String }
data CivilianInfo = CivilianInfo { cname::String }
deriving instance Typeable ServiceMemberInfo
deriving instance Typeable VeteranInfo
deriving instance Typeable CivilianInfo
pattern ServiceMemberInfo_ x <- (cast -> Just (ServiceMemberInfo x))
pattern VeteranInfo_ x <- (cast -> Just (VeteranInfo x))
pattern CivilianInfo_ x <- (cast -> Just (CivilianInfo x))
type UserLetter = Typeable
-- without pattern synonyms
userLetter :: UserLetter a => a -> Char
userLetter (cast -> Just (CivilianInfo{})) = 'C'
userLetter (cast -> Just (ServiceMemberInfo{})) = 'S'
userLetter (cast -> Just (VeteranInfo{})) = 'V'
userLetter _ = error "userLetter"
-- with pattern synonyms
userLetter1 :: UserLetter a => a -> Char
userLetter1 (CivilianInfo_ _) = 'C'
userLetter1 (ServiceMemberInfo_ _) = 'S'
userLetter1 (VeteranInfo_ _) = 'V'
userLetter1 _ = error "userLetter"
This isn't very safe because you can call userLetter
with any Typeable
(which is everything); it could be better (but more work) to define a class like:
class Typeable a => UserLetter a
instance UserLetter ServiceMemberInfo
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 153172
It is possible to use existing type-classes to do this, and meet the pattern-matching-like syntax requirements you have, by defining a type-level function which returns the appropriate string, then picking the term-level string that corresponds to the type-level one. Here's a complete working example:
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
import GHC.TypeLits
import Data.Proxy
data ServiceMemberInfo = ServiceMemberInfo { smname::String }
data VeteranInfo = VeteranInfo { vname::String }
data CivilianInfo = CivilianInfo { cname::String }
type family Label x :: Symbol
type instance Label ServiceMemberInfo = "S"
type instance Label VeteranInfo = "V"
type instance Label CivilianInfo = "C"
label :: forall a. KnownSymbol (Label a) => a -> String
label x = symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy (Label a))
We can see it go in ghci:
*Main> label (ServiceMemberInfo "")
However, there's a lot not to like about this solution: it requires many extensions; it's complicated (hence will be a maintenance problem); and it is in some sense done this way only to paper over a design problem in the underlying types, which would be better served by eliminating the technical debt you've incurred already.
Upvotes: 1