Reputation: 4216
I am currently using "Execute System groovy script" in Jenkins. The following code I have written inside the editor box inside Jenkins.
import hudson.model.*
import groovy.json.JsonBuilder
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
// Get the list of all jobs and print them
activeJobs = hudson.model.Hudson.instance.items.findAll{job -> job.isBuildable()}
//activeJobs.each{run -> println(}
println ('total number of jobs :'+ activeJobs.size())
// find failed runs
failedRuns = activeJobs.findAll{job -> job.lastBuild != null && job.lastBuild.result == hudson.model.Result.FAILURE}
//failedRuns.each{run -> println(}
println ('total number of jobs :'+ failedRuns.size())
// find successful runs
successfulRuns = activeJobs.findAll{job -> job.lastBuild != null && job.lastBuild.result == hudson.model.Result.SUCCESS}
//successfulRuns.each{run -> println(}
println ('total number of jobs :'+ successfulRuns.size())
//get current date
Date date = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())
String formattedDate = date.format('yyyy.MM.dd')
//writing to JSON Object
def directory = "D:\\Programs\\Jenkins\\jobs\\Groovy-Project\\workspace\\History\\"
def fileName = "build_job_data"
def extension = ".csv"
def filePath = directory+fileName+extension
File file = new File(filePath)
//check if the file exists
println("File doesn't exists. Creating the file ..");
println("File already exists");
//reading the file
String fileContents = new File(filePath).text
int flag = 0;
println("Already deployed today at least once! Deleting old values and writing the new one..")
flag = 1;
def result = []
String textToWrite = "";
int count = 0;
result = fileContents.split('\n')
for(int i = 0; i<result.size();i++){
textToWrite = textToWrite + '\n' + result[i]
for(int i = 0; i<result.size();i++){
textToWrite = textToWrite+ '\n' + result[i]
//make a backup of old record
def newFile = directory+fileName+"_bkp_"+new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()).format('yyyy-MM-dd_hh_mm_ss') + extension
println("creating back up file At :: " + newFile)
File bkpfile = new File(newFile)
println("file creation done")
//update the current history file
file = new File(filePath)
def newDataToAdd = formattedDate+","+activeJobs.size()+","+failedRuns.size()+","+successfulRuns.size()+"\r\n"
println('print done')
Now, I need to run this same script( I mean same functionality) as an external groovy script in Jenkins. I created a groovy file with the above code and added the groovy file in the job workspace. But, while running the job, this error is coming :
Caught: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: hudson for class: TestClass
groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: hudson for class: TestClass
Build step 'Execute Groovy script' marked build as failure
Can anyone please point out what is the cause of this error?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 6418
Reputation: 4216
I solved the problem. By mistake I was trying to execute it as a groovy script , but I should have used Execute System Groovy script.
Now it is running fine.
Upvotes: 7