Reputation: 13
I need help with Assembly code which I just started learning.
.intel_syntax noprefix;
.globl main;
mov eax, 3;
mov ebx, 0;
push eax;
push ebx;
call f;
add esp, 8;
push eax;
mov eax, offset message;
push eax;
call printf
add esp,8;
mov eax,0;
mov eax, [esp+8];
mov ebx, [esp+4];
cmp eax,3;
jge ety2;
cmp eax,2;
je ety1;
cmp eax,0;
je ety1;
cmp eax,1;
je ety3;
mov eax,0;
mov eax,1;
xor ebx,ebx;
dec eax;
push eax;
push ebx;
call f;
add esp,8;
add ebx,[esp+4];
add ebx,eax;
mov eax,[esp+8];
dec eax;
dec eax;
push eax;
push ebx;
call f;
add esp,8;
add ebx,[esp+4];
add ebx,eax;
add ebx,eax;
mov eax,[esp+8];
dec eax;
dec eax;
dec eax;
push eax;
push ebx;
call f;
add esp,8;
add ebx,[esp+4];
sub ebx,eax;
mov eax,[esp+8];
mov eax,ebx;
.asciz "Result=%i\n";
.att_syntax prefix;
In main function 'eax' register is used as a 'n' parameter for function that:
for n=0 or n=2 returns 1;
for n=1 returns 0;
for n>=3 returns f(n-1)+(2*f(n-2))-f(n-3);
So for n=3 function returns 0, n=4 returns 2, n=5 returns 1, n=6 returns 5 e.t.c.
The recursion is pretty problematic, for values < 5 fuction works fine, but for 6, 7 e.t.c. function returns tremendously high or low (negative) values. I've been working on it for +10 hours, and I can't manage to make it work property. What am I doing wrong?
It is required to use "PUSH" and "[esp+4]", "add esp,4;" and other simple instructions that are already in the code. Program is compiled under -m32 command parameter(gcc -Wall funcas.s -m32 -o test).
I wrote down the same code in C to show what i'm trying to achieve
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int funkcja(int n)
return (funkcja(n-1)+(2*funkcja(n-2))-funkcja(n-3));
if(n==2)return 1;
if(n==1)return 0;
if(n==0)return 1;
return -1;
int main()
int a=6;
printf("%d\n", funkcja(a));
return 0;
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Views: 1193
Reputation: 28931
The problem is that the code keeps accumulating all of the results. Change f to only use one parameter. Example Microsoft type assembler code. In both f() and main(), n is stored on the stack.
.model flat,c
; ...
fmt db '%d',00ah,000h
extern printf:proc
public main
f proc ;int f(int n)
mov eax, [esp+4]
cmp eax,3
jge f2
cmp eax,2
je f1
cmp eax,1
je f0
cmp eax,0
je f1
mov eax,-1
f0: mov eax,0
f1: mov eax,1
f2: push ebx ;save ebx
dec eax ;eax = n-1
push eax ;[esp] = n-1
call f ;eax = f(n-1)
mov ebx,eax ;ebx = f(n-1)
dec dword ptr [esp] ;[esp] = n-2
call f ;eax = f(n-2)
add eax,eax ;eax = 2*f(n-2)
add ebx,eax ;ebx = f(n-1) + 2*f(n-2)
dec dword ptr [esp] ;[esp] = n-3
call f ;eax = f(n-3)
add esp,4 ;restore esp
sub ebx,eax ;ebx = f(n-1) + 2*f(n-2) - f(n-3)
mov eax,ebx ;eax = f(n-1) + 2*f(n-2) - f(n-3)
pop ebx ;restore ebx
f endp
main proc near
push dword ptr 0 ;[esp] = n
main0: call f
push eax
push offset fmt
call printf
add esp,8
inc dword ptr [esp]
cmp dword ptr [esp],20
jl main0
add esp,4
xor eax,eax
main endp
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 14409
I don't understand your action with EBX
and the second argument on the stack.
Let's start from scratch. A recursive function is a function as well. When you call it you have to preserve registers which can be altered by the function and you need unaltered after the function return. The function calls itself three times with different n
and operates with the different results. While you've got n
on the stack for arbitrary recovery, you have to preserve the results. It becomes more clear when you split return (funkcja(n-1)+(2*funkcja(n-2))-funkcja(n-3));
int result = 0;
result += funkcja(n-1);
result += ( 2 * funkcja(n-2) );
result -= funkcja(n-3);
return result;
is a so called local variable. It's only needed for this run of the function and will lost with the function return. A local variable is usually stored on the stack. You don't need to build a stackframe with prolog and epilog, a simple push/pop combination will do it as well.
# f(n) = f(n-1) + (2*f(n-2)) - f(n-3)
# 0 1
# 1 0
# 2 1
# 3 0 1 + 0 - 1
# 4 2 0 + 2 - 0
# 5 1 2 + 0 - 1
# 6 5 1 + 4 - 0
# 7 5 5 + 2 - 2
# 8 14 5 + 10 - 1
# 9 19 14 + 10 - 5
.intel_syntax noprefix
.globl main
mov eax, 9
push eax
call funkcja
add esp, 4
push eax
mov eax, offset message
push eax
call printf
add esp,8
mov eax,0
mov eax, [esp+4]
cmp eax,3
jge 3f
cmp eax,2
jne 0f
mov eax, 1
cmp eax,0
jne 1f
mov eax, 1
xor eax, eax
push 0 # Result = 0
# 1. Call
mov eax, [esp+8] # +8: retrieve n behind push and return address
sub eax, 1
push eax
call funkcja
add esp, 4
add [esp], eax # Result += EAX
# 2. Call
mov eax, [esp+8] # +8: retrieve n behind push and return address
sub eax, 2
push eax
call funkcja
add esp, 4
add eax, eax
add [esp], eax # Result += EAX
# 3. Call
mov eax, [esp+8] # +8: retrieve n behind push and return address
sub eax, 3
push eax
call funkcja
add esp, 4
sub [esp], eax # Result -= EAX
pop eax # Return EAX = Result
message: .asciz "Result=%i\n"
.att_syntax prefix
Upvotes: 1