Reputation: 4867
I'm trying to create a pie chart in swift, and would like to create the code from scratch rather than use a 3rd party extension.
I like the idea of it being @IBDesignable, so I started with this:
import Foundation
import UIKit
@IBDesignable class PieChart: UIView {
var data: Dictionary<String,Int>?
required init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
self.contentMode = .Redraw
override init(frame: CGRect) {
super.init(frame: frame)
self.backgroundColor = UIColor.clearColor()
self.contentMode = .Redraw
override fun drawRect(rect: CGRect) {
// draw the chart in here
What I'm not sure about, is how best to get the data into the chart. Should I have something like this:
@IBOutlet weak var pieChart: PieChart!
override func viewDidLoad() { = pieData
Or is there a better way? Presumably, there is no way to include the data in the init function?
Thanks in advance!
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Views: 5223
Reputation: 4867
Just in case anybody looks at this question again, I wanted to post my finished code so that it can be useful to others. Here it is:
import Foundation
import UIKit
@IBDesignable class PieChart: UIView {
var dataPoints: Dictionary<String,Double> = ["Alpha":1,"Beta":2,"Charlie":3,"Delta":4,"Echo":2.5,"Foxtrot":1.4] {
didSet { setNeedsDisplay() }
@IBInspectable var lineWidth: CGFloat = 1.0 {
didSet { setNeedsDisplay()
@IBInspectable var lineColor: UIColor = uicolor_normal {
didSet { setNeedsDisplay() }
required init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
self.contentMode = .Redraw
override init(frame: CGRect) {
super.init(frame: frame)
self.backgroundColor = UIColor.clearColor()
self.contentMode = .Redraw
override func drawRect(rect: CGRect) {
// set font for labels
let fieldColor: UIColor = UIColor.darkGrayColor()
let fieldFont = uifont_piechartkey
var fieldAttributes: NSDictionary = [
NSForegroundColorAttributeName: fieldColor,
NSFontAttributeName: fieldFont!
// get the graphics context and prepare an inset box for the pie
let ctx = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()
let margin: CGFloat = lineWidth
let box0 = CGRectInset(self.bounds, margin, margin)
let keyHeight = CGFloat( ceil( Double(dataPoints.count) / 3.0) * 24 ) + 16
let side : CGFloat = min(box0.width, box0.height-keyHeight)
let box = CGRectMake((self.bounds.width-side)/2, (self.bounds.height-side-keyHeight)/2,side,side)
let radius : CGFloat = min(box.width, box.height)/2.0
// converts percentages to radians for drawing the segment
func percent_to_rad(p: Double) -> CGFloat {
let rad = CGFloat(p * 0.02 * M_PI)
return rad
// draws a segment
func draw_arc(start: CGFloat, end: CGFloat, color: CGColor) {
CGContextMoveToPoint(ctx, box.midX, box.midY)
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(ctx, color)
// draws a key item
func draw_key(keyName: String, keyValue: Double, color: CGColor, keyX: CGFloat, keyY: CGFloat) {
CGContextMoveToPoint(ctx, keyX, keyY)
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(ctx, color)
CGContextAddArc(ctx,keyX,keyY,8,0,CGFloat(2 * M_PI),0)
keyName.drawInRect(CGRectMake(keyX + 12,keyY-8,self.bounds.width/3,16),withAttributes: fieldAttributes as? [String : AnyObject])
let total = Double(dataPoints.values.reduce(0, combine: +)) // the total of all values
// convert dictionary to sorted touples
let dataPointsArray = dictionary_to_sorted_array(dataPoints)
// now sort the dictionary into an Array
var start = -CGFloat(M_PI_2) // start at 0 degrees, not 90
var end: CGFloat
var i = 0
// draw all segments
for dataPoint in dataPointsArray {
end = percent_to_rad(Double( (dataPoint.value)/total) * 100 )+start
draw_arc(start,end:end,color: uicolors_chart[i%uicolors_chart.count].CGColor)
start = end
// the key
var keyX = self.bounds.minX + 8
var keyY = self.bounds.height - keyHeight + 32
i = 0
for dataPoint in dataPointsArray {
draw_key(dataPoint.key, keyValue: dataPoint.value, color: uicolors_chart[i%uicolors_chart.count].CGColor, keyX: keyX, keyY: keyY)
if((i+1)%3 == 0) {
keyX = self.bounds.minX + 8
keyY += 24
} else {
keyX += self.bounds.width / 3
This will create a pie chart, that looks something like this:
The other bits of code you'll need are the colours array:
let uicolor_chart_1 = UIColor.init(red: 0.0/255, green:153.0/255, blue:255.0/255, alpha:1.0) //16b
let uicolor_chart_2 = UIColor.init(red: 0.0/255, green:200.0/255, blue:120.0/255, alpha:1.0)
let uicolor_chart_3 = UIColor.init(red: 140.0/255, green:220.0/255, blue:0.0/255, alpha:1.0)
let uicolor_chart_4 = UIColor.init(red: 255.0/255, green:240.0/255, blue:0.0/255, alpha:1.0)
let uicolor_chart_5 = UIColor.init(red: 255.0/255, green:180.0/255, blue:60.0/255, alpha:1.0)
let uicolor_chart_6 = UIColor.init(red: 235.0/255, green:60.0/255, blue:150.0/255, alpha:1.0)
let uicolors_chart : [UIColor] = [uicolor_chart_1,uicolor_chart_2,uicolor_chart_3,uicolor_chart_4,uicolor_chart_5,uicolor_chart_6]
And the code to convert the dictionary to an array:
func dictionary_to_sorted_array(dict:Dictionary<String,Double>) ->Array<(key:String,value:Double)> {
var tuples: Array<(key:String,value:Double)> = Array()
let sortedKeys = (dict as NSDictionary).keysSortedByValueUsingSelector("compare:")
for key in sortedKeys {
tuples.append((key:key as! String,value:dict[key as! String]!))
return tuples
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 438487
No, you cannot set the data in the init
method if you have added this to a scene in a storyboard (because init(coder:)
will be called).
So, yes, you could just populate the data for the pie chart in viewDidLoad
override func viewDidLoad() {
pieChart.dataPoints = ...
But, because this PieChart
is IBDesignable
, that means that you probably wanted to see a rendition of the pie chart in IB. So you can implement prepareForInterfaceBuilder
in the PieChart
class, supplying some sample data:
override public func prepareForInterfaceBuilder() {
dataPoints = ...
That way you can now enjoy the designable view (e.g., see a preview; other inspectable properties can be manifested) in Interface Builder. The preview is our sample data, not the data that will be shown at runtime, but it may be enough to appreciate the overall design:
And, as vacawama said, you'd want to move the setNeedsDisplay
into the didSet
observer for the property.
public class PieChart: UIView {
public var dataPoints: [DataPoint]? { // use whatever type that makes sense for your app, though I'd suggest an array (which is ordered) rather than a dictionary (which isn't)
didSet { setNeedsDisplay() }
@IBInspectable public var lineWidth: CGFloat = 2 {
didSet { setNeedsDisplay() }
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 154731
You could create a convenience init that includes the data, but that would only be useful if you are creating the view from code. If your view is added in the Storyboard, you will want a way to set the data after the view has been created.
It is good to look at the standard UI elements (like UIButton
) for design clues. You can change properties on a UIButton
and it updates without you having to call myButton.setNeedsDisplay()
, so you should design your pie chart to work in the same manner.
It is fine to have a property of your view that holds the data. The view should take responsibility for redrawing itself, so define didSet
for your data
property and call setNeedsDisplay()
var data: Dictionary<String,Int>? {
didSet {
// Data changed. Redraw the view.
Then you can simply set the data, and the pie chart will redraw: = pieData
You can extend this to other properties on your pie chart. For instance, you might want to change the background color. You'd define didSet
for that property as well and call setNeedsDisplay
Note that setNeedsDisplay
just sets a flag and the view will be drawn later. Multiple calls to setNeedsDisplay
won't cause your view to redraw multiple times, so you can do something like: = pieData
pieChart.backgroundColor = .redColor()
pieChart.draw3D = true // draw the pie chart in 3D
and the pieChart would redraw just once.
Upvotes: 3