Reputation: 1751
I would like to ask if someone knows how to manage the palette indicators in gnuplot, I want it to fit with my colors(12) and not to be added automatically
my code is
set palette model HSV
set palette rgb 3,2,2
set palette maxcolors 12
set view map
set size square
set key off
set title "Neural network output (fitted curve)"
set xlabel "x"
set ylabel "y"
set zlabel "z"
set xrange [ -7.6625930750000002 : 27.166801390000000 ]
set yrange [ 0.35422432799999998 : 30.163194489999999 ]
set zrange [ -55.934824620000001 : 2.4059901000000002E-002 ]
set grid
set terminal png size 1200,900
set output "output/fitted_curve.png "
splot "output/plot_data_pl.txt " with points palette pt 7 ps 1
Upvotes: 3
Views: 2833
Reputation: 3065
For the maximum flexibility, you should define your own palette
Here is what I once did to obtain a plot with 7 distinct colors. Thereby, I can also define which color represents a given range of values.
set palette defined (0 "black",\
0.5 "black",\
0.5 "red",\
1.5 "red",\
1.5 "orange-red",\
2.5 "orange-red",\
2.5 "orange",\
3.5 "orange",\
3.5 "yellow",\
4.5 "yellow",\
4.5 "light-green",\
5.5 "light-green",\
5.5 "green",\
6.5 "green")
Hence, you actually have to define from / to which value you want a color to span.
Of course, you can use rgb definitions for your color. A list of gnuplot-defined colors is here.
For the sake of completeness, here is the entire code I used:
set view map
set pm3d
set term pngcairo crop font 'lmroman10,32' size 1152,864
set border lw 2
set palette defined (0 "black", 0.5 "black", 0.5001 "red", 1.5 "red", 1.5001 "orange-red", 2.5 "orange-red", 2.5001 "orange", 3.5 "orange", 3.5001 "yellow", 4.5 "yellow", 4.5001 "light-green", 5.5 "light-green", 5.5001 "green", 6.5 "green")
set xlab 'time step ' offset 0,1
set xtics 2500 offset 0,0.65
set ylab 'position [cell]' offset +.5,0
set cblab 'velocity [cells/(time step)]' offset -.8,0
set cbtics offset -1.2,0
set xrange[100000:110000]
set yrange[0:10000]
set cbrange[0:6.5]
set style line 1 lt 1 lc rgb "blue" lw .85 pt 6 ps .6
splot '6.csv' u (($1)):($2):($3) w p palette t '', 'data.csv' u (($1)):($2):($3*0) w l ls 1 t '', 'data2.csv' u (($1)):($2):($3*0) w l ls 1 t ''
Upvotes: 2