Reputation: 145
This batch is to create a report which outputs the latest file of a folder. Main purpose is to see the date of generated files inside directories. To also easily check whether the target directory is update or not.
Issue :
Change the output to get the three latest files instead, also got stuck here with the For Loop inside another For Loop, I'm also using delayed expansion.
Try to use delayed expansion variable inside FOR loop (!forOPT!)
FOR ... (
FOR /F "!forOPT!" %%a IN ('dir "!path2check!" /A-D /OD /t:w ^| FIND "/"') DO ( )
I would like to use variable "forOPT" in an another For Loop as to replace the "skip=10 tokens=1-5" but since For Loop doesn't like delayed expansion (!forOPT!), I'm stuck.
Edit :
Issue is now solved by the suggestion and advice of Mofi. Thank you Mofi.
As for the answer to show how, also had been made by Jeb. So thank you too Jeb.
The solution to my regarding issue is to use a CALL function instead of nesting FOR loops.
Please see my answer for the final code with also some tweaks and additional requirement to accomplish my needs.
@if (@CodeSection == @Batch) @then
SET "path2check=NULLLL"
SET "TargetDIR=%~dp0"
SET "curPATH=%~F0"
SET "newSize1=0"
SET JScall=Cscript //nologo //E:JScript !curPATH!
FOR /f "usebackq delims=" %%I IN (destPath.txt) DO (
SET "path2check=%%I"
SET cnt=0
SET totalSkip=1
FOR %%A IN ("!path2check!\*") DO SET /a cnt+=1
SET /a totalSkip=!cnt!-3
SET "forOPT=skip=!totalSkip! tokens=1-5"
ECHO !forOPT! ^<^<^< shows option
ECHO ---------------------
FOR /F "!forOPT!" %%a IN ('dir "!path2check!" /A-D /OD /t:w ^| FIND "/"') DO (
SET "Date1=%%a"
SET "Time1=%%b"
SET "Time2=%%c"
SET "Size1=%%d"
SET "Filename1=%%e"
SET newSize1=!size1:,=!
IF !newSize1! LEQ 1000 (
SET "newSize2=!newSize1! Bytes"
IF !newSize1! GEQ 1000 (
FOR /F %%a IN ('!JScall! "!newSize1!/1024"') DO SET "newSize2=%%a"
FOR /F "delims=." %%z IN ("!newSize2!") DO SET "newSize2=%%z KB"
IF !newSize1! GEQ 1000000 (
FOR /F %%a IN ('!JScall! "!newSize1!/1024/1024"') DO SET "newSize2=%%a"
FOR /F "delims=." %%z IN ("!newSize2!") DO SET "newSize2=%%z MB"
ECHO !Filename1! - !newSize2! - !Time1!!Time2! - !Date1!
ECHO - EOR - !path2check!
The report should also look like below. (The three latest file of each directory)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Most recently file of path : E:\
Date: dd/mm/yyyy hh:mmPM | Size: xxx MB | Filename:
Date: dd/mm/yyyy hh:mmPM | Size: xxx MB | Filename:
Date: dd/mm/yyyy hh:mmPM | Size: xxx MB | Filename:
- EOR -
This batch file was also combined and mixed together from many sites on both StackOverflow (<Thank you) and SS64 (<Thank you).
Even in explaining I'm not that good, but you can ask and I can clarify. :)
If the title need to be edited please let me know, this also may help others with similar problems.
Thank you Stack Overflow, Mofi and Jeb.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1264
Reputation: 82247
In the FOR options only the percent expansion works, therefore you need to use a function.
FOR /f "usebackq delims=" %%I IN (destPath.txt) DO (
SET "forOPT=skip=!totalSkip! tokens=1-5"
call :innerLoop
FOR /F "%forOPT%" %%a IN ('dir "!path2check!" ...) do (
exit /b
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 145
With help and suggestion of Mofi and Jeb this is what I came up with.
Final code.
@if (@CodeSection == @Batch) @then
SET "path2check=NULLLL"
SET "TargetDIR=%~dp0"
SET "curPATH=%~F0"
SET "newSize1=0"
SET JScall=Cscript //nologo //E:JScript !curPATH!
FOR /f "usebackq delims=" %%I IN (destPath.txt) DO (
SET "path2check=%%I"
ECHO - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ECHO Most recently file of path : !path2check:~0,47!
CALL :countFilesFunc path2check forOPT Date1 Time1 Time2 newSize2 Filename1
REM- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
REM- Count files in folder function section starts below
REM- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
:countFilesFunc - passing a variable by reference
SET "cnt=0"
SET "totalSkip=1"
FOR %%A IN ("!path2check!\*") DO SET /a cnt+=1
SET /a totalSkip=!cnt!-3
SET "forOPT=skip=!totalSkip! tokens=1-4*"
FOR /F "%forOPT%" %%a IN ('dir "!path2check!" /A-D /OD /t:w ^| FIND "/"') DO (
SET "Date1=%%a"
SET "Time1=%%b"
SET "Time2=%%c"
SET "Size1=%%d"
SET "Filename1=%%e"
SET newSize1=!size1:,=!
IF !newSize1! LEQ 1000 (
SET "newSize2=!newSize1! Bytes"
IF !newSize1! GEQ 1000 (
FOR /F %%a IN ('!JScall! "!newSize1!/1024"') DO SET "newSize2=%%a"
FOR /F "delims=." %%z IN ("!newSize2!") DO SET "newSize2=%%z KB"
IF !newSize1! GEQ 1000000 (
FOR /F %%a IN ('!JScall! "!newSize1!/1024/1024"') DO SET "newSize2=%%a"
FOR /F "delims=." %%z IN ("!newSize2!") DO SET "newSize2=%%z MB"
ECHO !Filename1!> tempfile.txt
FOR %%? IN (tempfile.txt) DO ( SET /A strlength=%%~z? - 2 )
IF !strlength! GEQ 15 SET "Filename1=!Filename1:~0,15!.."
ECHO Date: !Date1! !Time1!!Time2! ^| Size: !newSize2! ^| Filename: !Filename1!
See below example of the output.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Most recently file of path : E:\
Date: 05/07/2015 08:19PM | Size: 278 MB | Filename: 353.30-desktop-..
Date: 09/07/2015 08:27PM | Size: 2 MB | Filename: teracopy.exe
Date: 10/07/2015 09:23PM | Size: 51 Bytes | Filename: a amprex.txt
- EOR -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Most recently file of path : C:\NVIDIA\DisplayDriver\337.88\Win8_WinVista_Wi
Date: 11/06/2014 03:58PM | Size: 27 KB | Filename: setup.cfg
Date: 11/06/2014 03:58PM | Size: 14 KB | Filename: EULA.txt
Date: 11/06/2014 04:01PM | Size: 200 KB | Filename: ListDevices.txt..
- EOR -
Upvotes: 0