Reputation: 109
Been banging my head up against the wall with this for a while. Despite the fact that I THINK I have a proper Vertex Format defined with D3D11_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC, no matter what I do, I can't see to read my TEXCOORD1 values from this shader. To test this shader, I put random values into my second set of UV coordinates just to see if they were reaching the shader, but to my dismay, I haven't been able to find these random values anywhere. I have also watched the data go into the mapped memory directly, and I am pretty sure the random values were there when they were mapped.
Here is the Shader code:
sampler ImageSampler: register(s0);
Texture2D <float4> ImageTexture: register(t0);
Texture2D <float4> ReflectionTexture: register(t1);
//Texture2D <float4> ReflectionMap: register(t0);
struct PS_IN
float4 InPos: SV_POSITION;
float2 InTex: TEXCOORD;
float2 InRef: TEXCOORD1;
float4 InCol: COLOR0;
float4 main(PS_IN input): SV_TARGET
float4 res;
float4 mul;
float2 tcRef;
float4 res1 = ImageTexture.Sample(ImageSampler, input.InTex) * input.InCol;
float4 res2 = ReflectionTexture.Sample(ImageSampler, input.InRef+input.InTex);
mul.r = 0.5;
mul.g = 0.5;
mul.b = 0.5;
mul.a = 0.5;
res = res1 + res2;
res = res * mul;
res.a = res1.a;
res.r = input.InRef.x;//<-----should be filled with random stuff... not working
res.b = input.InRef.y;//<-----should be filled with random stuff... not working
return res;
Here is my D3D11_ELEMENT_DESC... (sorry it is in pascal, but I like pascal)
CanvasVertexLayout: array[0..3] of D3D11_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC =
((SemanticName: 'POSITION';
SemanticIndex: 0;
InputSlot: 0;
AlignedByteOffset: 0;
InstanceDataStepRate: 0),
(SemanticName: 'TEXCOORD';
SemanticIndex: 0;
InputSlot: 0;
AlignedByteOffset: 8;
InstanceDataStepRate: 0),
(SemanticName: 'TEXCOORD';
SemanticIndex: 1;
InputSlot: 0;
AlignedByteOffset: 16;
InstanceDataStepRate: 0),
(SemanticName: 'COLOR';
SemanticIndex: 0;
InputSlot: 0;
AlignedByteOffset: 24;
InstanceDataStepRate: 0)
And here's the Vertext Struct
TVertexEntry = packed record
X, Y: Single;
U, V: Single;
Color: LongWord;
Since the COLOR semantic follows the TEXTURE semantics, my best guess is that the problem is with the SHADER and not the pascal code... but since I'm new to this kind of stuff, I'm obviously lost
Any insight is appreciated.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 495
Reputation: 109
Answering my own question. Since I'm new to Shaders in general, maybe this will help some other newbs.
I was assuming that all I needed to do was add a second set of UV coordinates to the Vertex Format and add a D3D11_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC for it. However, there is also a vertex shader involved, more-or-less a passthrough and that vertex shader needs to be aware of the new UV coordinates and let them pass through. I was just making a 2D engine so I didn't think that I'd even have to mess with VertexShaders... go figure. So I modified the vertex shader, and this was the result:
void main(
float2 InPos: POSITION0,
float2 InTex: TEXCOORD0,
float2 InTex2: TEXCOORD1,//<--added
float4 InCol: COLOR0,
out float4 OutPos: SV_POSITION,
out float2 OutTex: TEXCOORD2,
out float2 OutTex2: TEXCOORD3,//<--added
out float4 OutCol: COLOR0)
OutPos = float4(InPos, 0.0, 1.0);
OutTex = InTex;
OutCol = InCol;
OutTex2 = InTex2;//<--added
Upvotes: 2