Reputation: 1272
When I attempt to create a database diagram, I get the following error:
Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'diagram_id', table 'MyDB.dbo.sysdiagrams'; column does
not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
The statement has been terminated.
The 'sp_creatediagram' procedure attempted to return a status of NULL, which is not allowed. A status of
0 will be returned instead. (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)
I am using SSMS 2012.
The database is set at a compatibility level of SQL Server 2012 (110)
@@Version is Microsoft SQL Server 2012 - 11.0.5343.0 (X64)
Upvotes: 3
Views: 1685
Reputation: 61
@Monzur's answer does work - but if you want to keep any existing diagrams then best to rename the [dbo].[sysdiagrams] table rather than drop it.
So, steps would be:
lemon squeezie
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1435
Hope this will help you, this script solved my issues
DROP TABLE dbo.sysdiagrams;
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[sysdiagrams]
[name] [sysname] NOT NULL,
[principal_id] [int] NOT NULL,
[diagram_id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY,
[version] [int] NULL,
[definition] [varbinary](max) NULL,
CONSTRAINT [UK_principal_name] UNIQUE ([principal_id],[name])
EXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty
@value=1 ,
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 21
Go to system tables and look for systemdiagrams table, and turn to YES the "indentity Specification" property for the field diagram_id
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 880
Your problem is the diagram_ID when the table was created probably looked something like this
CREATE TABLE <table_name>
This basically means that a NULL value cannot be inserted into that column because of the NOT NULL condition. So an insert statement like:
INSERT INTO <table_name>
(Diagram_ID, n...,)
(NULL, n...,)
Would fail because of the NULL you would need to have a value in there like (since I called it an integer):
INSERT INTO <table_name>
(Diagram_ID, n...,)
(23, n...,)
The column may also be an indentity column in which case you have no controll over what can be inserted into the table.
Upvotes: 2