Reputation: 16060
I get the list of column names as follows:
featuresA = [str(col) + '_x' for col in group.index]
where group is Series. I receive a list of 10 column names like 'Col1_x', 'Col2_x', etc.
Now I want to read Series values into a DataFrame object:
mergedrow = pd.DataFrame()
mergedrow[featuresA] = group[featuresA]
The error message says:
raise KeyError('%s not in index' % objarr[mask])
When I directly convert group
to DataFrame using group.to_frame(), the result is 0.
The complete code looks as follows:
featuresA = [str(col) + '_x' for col in group.index]
featuresB = [str(col) + '_y' for col in match.iloc[[idx]].columns]
mergedrow = pd.DataFrame()
mergedrow[featuresA] = group[featuresA]
mergedrow[featuresB] = match.iloc[[idx]]
UPDATE: This is the whole error message:
raise KeyError('%s not in index' % objarr[mask])
KeyError: "['airportResources.baggage_x' 'airportResources.arrivalTerminal_x'\n 'arrivalAirportFsCode_x' 'operationalTimes.scheduledGateArrival.dateLocal_x'\n 'schedule.flightType_x' 'schedule.serviceClasses_x' 'status_x'\n 'operationalTimes.actualDateTime_x'] not in index"
Upvotes: 2
Views: 11303
Reputation: 4375
gives the values for you to create dataframe.
If you are trying to convert series to one row dataframe you could do like this,
import pandas as pd
In [33]: group
a 0.316286
b -0.338733
c -1.050260
d -0.365461
e 0.996902
dtype: float64
In [34]: group.index
Out[34]: Index([u'a', u'b', u'c', u'd', u'e'], dtype='object')
In [35]: group.values
Out[35]: array([ 0.31628576, -0.33873327, -1.05026027, -0.3654615 , 0.99690196])
In [38]: featuresA = [str(col) + '_x' for col in group.index]
In [39]: df = pd.DataFrame([group.values], columns = featuresA)
In [40]: df
a_x b_x c_x d_x e_x
0 0.316286 -0.338733 -1.05026 -0.365461 0.996902
Upvotes: 2