Reputation: 377
I want to replace a pattern, i don't know the exact word. I need to replace the first occurance of these words.
For example, this is just{an} example to show my{need}. This para{has} no meaning, just{an} example. Imagine that my{replace} should done in this para. For example, this is just{an} example to show my{need}. This para{has} no meaning, just{an} example. Imagine that my{replace} should done in this para. Some more{text}
Required output:-
For example, this is Replace_Word example to show Replace_Word. This Replace_Word no meaning, just{an} example. Imagine that Replace_Word should done in this para. For example, this is just{an} example to show my{need}. This para{has} no meaning, just{an} example. Imagine that my{replace} should done in this para. Some Replace_Word
Example pattern s/\(\w*{\w*}\)/Replace_word/g
I am a beginner in vim. I know this is wrong. I think, need to use for loop, etc
Upvotes: 1
Views: 54
Reputation: 195059
Source this function, then in your input file buffer do:
call ReplaceFirst('\S\+{[^}]*}',"REPLACE_WORD")
it should does what you want:
function! ReplaceFirst(pat, rep)
let end = line('$')
let pat_dict = {}
for i in range(1,end)
let line = getline(i)
while 1
let found = matchstr(line, a:pat)
if found == ""
let pat_dict[found] = 0
let line = substitute(line, a:pat, '','1')
"do replacement
for k in keys(pat_dict)
execute 'normal! gg'
execute '/\V'.k
execute 's/\V'.k.'/'.a:rep.'/'
test here:
Note that this function is not so generic, if your pattern contains /
, the function may fail. At least it shows my idea. For those enhancements, you can make it complete.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 9445
The following do the trick, but it really could be improved:
function! ReplaceFirst(line1, line2, pattern, replace)
let words = [] " To store all possible patterns
for i in range(a:line1, a:line2) " Loop over lines in the desired range
let line = getline(i)
let c = 1 " Counter for multiple matches in the same line
while 1 " For each match in the same line:
let s = matchstr(line, a:pattern, 0, c)
if s == ""
if index(words, s) == -1 " If this match was not already stored:
call add(words, s) " Add this match
let c = c + 1 " Go to next match in the same line
for word in words " For all found matches:
call cursor(a:line1, 1) " Go to the beginning of range,
call search('\V'.word, 'c') " Then to the first occurence of the match
" Replace the first occurence in the line:
exe 's/\V'.word."/".a:replace
" Command that takes two args: first one is the pattern, second one is the
" replace word:
command! -range -nargs=* ReplaceFirst call ReplaceFirst(<line1>, <line2>, <f-args>)
" Example:
" :%ReplaceFirst \<\w*{\w*} REPLACE_WORD
Upvotes: 1