Reputation: 12142
My shiny app is on a server and generates some text files (different content, same filename) in the local app folder each time a user uses the app. I am concerned that when multiple users use the app, the exported text files may conflict since the location and filename of the text files are same.
To avoid this possibility, I am thinking along the direction of creating a directory when a user starts a session, all working files are exported to that directory and when the session is closed, the directory must be deleted.
Any ideas on how to go about with this? Are there better solutons? How do I detect when the a session has closed? How do I figure out the number of active sessions?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1196
Reputation: 12142
This works correctly in a shiny-server environment as well as on A working example by Tareef Kawaf.
headerPanel("New directory issue"),
helpText("I would like a new directory to be created each time a new connection is made to the app OR anytime new files are uploaded."),
helpText("This app uploads one text file, creates a new directory, extracts first 5 lines and exports a text file with the contents."),
helpText("Upload one text file with minimum 5 lines of content."),
fileInput('upload', label=h4('Upload file(s):'), multiple=FALSE)
tags$h3("Str of uploaded content"),
#Get current wd and print
currwd <- getwd()
#FUNCTION - new directory
fn_dir <- function(currwd=NULL)
if(is.null(currwd)) stop("Argument 'currwd' is empty.\n")
#Create new working directory
newwd <- paste0(currwd,"/",format(Sys.time(),"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"))
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
#REACTIVE - store
store <- reactiveValues(currwd = currwd)
#REACTIVE - complete input
fn_getfilenames <- reactive({
inputdata <- input$upload
if (!is.null(inputdata))
store$newwd <- fn_dir(store$currwd)
output$display <- renderPrint({
if (is.null(fn_getfilenames())) return(NULL)
inputdata <- fn_getfilenames()
#some stuff to export to working directory
rcontent <- as.vector(scan(file = inputdata$datapath,what = "text",n = 10))
full_file_path <- file.path(store$newwd,inputdata$name)
write(x = rcontent, file = paste0(full_file_path,"-test.txt"))
Upvotes: 1