Reputation: 161
I am new using Grails 2.5.1. I need to run some unit and integration test but I can't make them work.
My domain class is:
class Role {
String roleName
Role(String _roleName) {
roleName = _roleName
static constraints = {
roleName(blank: false, nullable: false)
String toString(){
My controller class is:
class RoleController {
static allowedMethods = [save: "POST", update: "PUT", delete: "DELETE"]
def index(Integer max) {
params.max = Math.min(max ?: 10, 100)
respond Role.list(params), model:[roleInstanceCount: Role.count()]
def show(Role roleInstance) {
respond roleInstance
def create() {
respond new Role(params)
Under test/unit I have the class RoleControllerSpec:
import grails.test.mixin.*
import spock.lang.*
class RoleControllerSpec extends Specification {
def 'index action: 1 role'() {
controller.index() == [roleInstanceList: [roleInstance], roleInstanceTotal: 1]
roleInstance = new Role(roleName: "Role1")
def "create action"() {
controller.params.roleName = roleName
def model = controller.create()
model.roleInstance != null
model.roleInstance.roleName == roleName
roleName = "Role1"
When I run the test with test-app -unit RoleController it give me the following exceptions:
|Configuring classpath
|Environment set to test
|Running without daemon...
|Compiling 1 source files
|Running 2 unit tests...
|Running 2 unit tests... 1 of 2
Failure: |
index action: 1 role(accessmanagement.RoleControllerSpec)
Condition not satisfied:
controller.index() == [roleInstanceList: [roleInstance], roleInstanceTotal: 1]
| | | |
| null false Role1
|Running 2 unit tests... 2 of 2
Failure: |
create action(accessmanagement.RoleControllerSpec)
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'roleInstance' on null object
at accessmanagement.RoleControllerSpec.create action(RoleControllerSpec.groovy:34)
|Completed 2 unit tests, 2 failed in 0m 6s
Error |
Forked Grails VM exited with error
It seems that controller is null in my tests. In the first test controller.index() is null. In the second test def model = controller.create() is not creating the object, then when I try to access model.roleInstance it cannot get the property.
Any idea would be appreciated. Thanks!
Upvotes: 1
Views: 681
Reputation: 12238
Since you are using respond and not simply returning a map from the controller, you need to check the model property
def 'index action: 1 role'() {
Role roleInstance = new Role(roleName: "Role1").save()
model == [roleInstanceList: [roleInstance], roleInstanceTotal: 1]
I would suggest you read the documentation on testing controllers
Upvotes: 2