Reputation: 605
I am a novice with Angular. I have a project that a friend and I were working on that acts as a "Reef Tank Controller". It is an arduino/mysql database/angularJS page. My buddy was working on the front end but had to drop out due to work and now I have a semi completed website. From the perspective of the back-end it all works. On the front end I wanted to add a section to control the lighting. I wanted to start out by simply displaying the values of each LED color that is stored in the database. I created a new controller for each LED string I want to display the value of:
'use strict';
/* Controllers */
angular.module('reefController.controllers', ['uiSlider'])
// Main Dashboard Controller
.controller('dashboardController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
url: 'php/reef_controller_selectVals.php',
type: 'json',
success: function(data) { = data;
// Draw Charts
$.each(data.charts, function(name, chartData) {
$(chartData.series).each(function(idx, val){
// Reformat sensor names to their Human readable versions = reefController.labels[name].sensors[idx];
var options = $.extend(reefController.config.chartOptions, {
chart: {
events: {
load: function() {
var chart = this;
setInterval(function() {
url: 'php/reef_controller_selectVals.php?incremental=' +,
success: function(data) {
// Only add data points if the latest date in the DB is different
if (!(chart.xAxis[0].dataMax == data.timestamp)) {
$(chart.series).each(function(i, series) {
series.addPoint([data.timestamp, data[]], true, true);
}, reefController.config.timers.chartUpdateInterval);
renderTo: name
name: name,
series: chartData.series,
title: { text: reefController.labels[name].chart.title }
var chart = Highcharts.StockChart(options);
reefController.config.charts[name] = chart;
//Set LED Value Labels
// Set outlets
var i = 0;
if (!$(this).hasClass('constant')) {
$(this).attr('data-outlet-id', data.outlets[i].id)
.attr('data-reveal-id', 'date-time-modal')
.attr('data-on-time', data.outlets[i].on_time)
.attr('data-off-time', data.outlets[i].off_time);
if (data.outlets[i].active) {
} else {
// Bind click event to outlets
var outlet = $(this);
var id = outlet.attr('data-outlet-id');
var newOutletState = (outlet.hasClass('active')) ? 0 : 1;
// Set datepickers to currently defined DB times
// Formatter function for date time pickers
var dateFormatter = function(elem, current_time) {
elem.html(moment(current_time).format('ddd M/D/YY HH:mm'));
format: 'Y-d-m H:i:s',
inline: true,
defaultDate: outlet.attr('data-on-time'),
onChangeDateTime: function(current_time) { dateFormatter($('#on_time_display'), current_time) },
onGenerate: function(current_time) { dateFormatter($('#on_time_display'), current_time) }
format: 'Y-d-m H:i:s',
inline: true,
defaultDate: outlet.attr('data-off-time'),
onChangeDateTime: function(current_time) { dateFormatter($('#off_time_display'), current_time) },
onGenerate: function(current_time) { dateFormatter($('#off_time_display'), current_time) }
// Submit Button
$('#submit-btn').click(function() {
data = {
'id': id,
'on_time': $('#on_time').val(),
'off_time': $('#off_time').val(),
'active': newOutletState
$.ajax("php/reef_controller_loadOutlet.php", {
type: 'POST',
data: data,
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data) {
$('#date-time-modal').foundation('reveal', 'close');
// Cancel Button
$('#date-time-modal').foundation('reveal', 'close');
.controller('outletController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
url: 'img/outlet.svg',
success: function(svg) {
var svgDoc = document.importNode(svg.documentElement, true);
.controller('temperatureController', ['$scope', function($scope) { }])
.controller('phController', ['$scope', function($scope) { }])
.controller('whiteLedCtrl', ['$scope', function($scope) {}])
.controller('blueLedCtrl', ['$scope', function($scope) {}])
.controller('variousColorLedCtrl', ['$scope', function($scope) {}]);
In my dashboard.html file I have:
<table style="width: 100%;">
{{ ledValues }}
<td colspan="3" style="background: #eff4f6;"><input type="checkbox" name="overrideLightingSchema" value="overRide">
Override Current Lighting Pattern
<td colspan="3">
<select name="lightingSchemas">
<option value="feedingLightingPattern">Feeding Schema</option>
<option value="morningLightingPattern">Morning Schema</option>
<option value="standardLightingPattern">Standard Schema</option>
<option value="twilightLightingPattern">Dusk Schema</option>
<option value="nightTimeLightingPattern">Night Schema</option>
<option value="deepNightLightingPattern">Late Night Schema</option>
Sometimes this displays the values from the database other times it just says:
{{ ledValues }}
It may be an async issue of some sort but my angular, well JS for that matter, is weak. Any help would be great.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 3994
Reputation: 4768
The main issue I can see here is that you are using $ajax to make requests to the server.
You use the response from the server to set your variable... = data;
However since $ajax is not part of Angular this update occurs outside of the scope digest. Therefore Angular does not know to update the binding. You could try wrapping you assignment in $apply.
$scope.$apply(function(){ = data;
That said, I cannot see where reefController is defined. You probably want to be assigning it to the scope:
$scope.MyData = data;
However, I would actually recommend you replace the $ajax calls with the Angular $http service.
//inject $http
.controller('dashboardController', ['$scope', '$http', function($scope, $http) {
//then use it later on
method: 'GET',
url: 'php/reef_controller_selectVals.php'
}).then(function successCallback(response) {
// this callback will be called asynchronously
// when the response is available
$scope.MyData = data;
}, function errorCallback(response) {
// called asynchronously if an error occurs
// or server returns response with an error status.
Below Is a very quick example of how to use $http to get the data from the server.
The full example, including a fake service (that does not require a server response) can be found here:
'use strict';
angular.module('reefApp', [ 'uiSlider']);
.controller('dashboardController', dashboardController);
/* Define controller dependencies.
Note how we do not use $scope as we are using controller as vm syntax
And we assign our scope variables to 'ctrl' rather than scope directly.
see john papa styleguide (
dashboardController.$inject = ['ledService'];
function dashboardController(ledService)
var ctrl = this;
//define an array to hold our led data
ctrl.ledData = [];
//call method to get the data
//this method uses our service to get data from the server
//when the response is received it assigns it to our variable
//this will in turn update the data on screen
function getLedData()
ctrl.ledData =;
/* the service is responsible for calling the server to get the data.
.factory('ledService', ledService);
ledService.$inject = ['$http'];
function ledService($http)
var endpointUrl = "http://addressOfYourEndpoint";
/* expose our API */
var service = {
getLedData: getLedData,
return service;
function getLedData()
/* this is how you would call the server to get your data using $http */
/* this will return a promise to the calling method (in the controller)
when the server returns data this will 'resolve' and you will have access to the data
in the controller:
return $http.get(endpointUrl);
Taking this further, best practice would be to hold a reference to the data returned from the server inside the service; one reason is the service is a singleton - so this data service and it's data can be shared across controllers.
function ledService($http)
var endpointUrl = "http://addressOfYourEndpoint";
/* expose our API */
var service = {
ledData: [],
getLedData: getLedData,
return service;
function getLedData()
return $http.get(endpointUrl)
/* assign response to service variable, before promise is returned to caller */
service.ledData =;
Then in our controller...
function getLedData()
ctrl.ledData = ledService.ledData;
To collect more data, you could add a service for each piece of data you want to collect - or add more methods to existing service. Let's assume you add a phService.
You then inject this into your controller. And add call a new method to use the service to the data and assign to the model. It can then be shown in the view.
dashboardController.$inject = ['ledService', 'phService'];
function dashboardController(ledService, phService)
var ctrl = this;
//our data will be stored here
ctrl.ledData = [];
ctrl.phData = [];
//call methods to get the data
function getLedData()
ctrl.ledData =;
function getPhData()
ctrl.phData =;
Then in the view (HTML):
<tr ng-repeat="ph in ctrl.phData">
<td> PHValue</td>
<td >
{{ ph }}
Upvotes: 2