
Reputation: 3015

IOS UIPageViewController - Swipe only some part of the screen

I m trying to design one screen which contain swipe part. I have one screen with one imageview and at the bottom there are two buttons. I want to swipe only the imageview not the bottom area. Screen is like this

enter image description here

At the moment the problem it is swiping the whole screen including buttons too.

Here is my code


import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController, UIPageViewControllerDataSource {

    var pageImages:NSArray!
    var pageViewController:UIPageViewController!

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        pageImages = NSArray(objects: "startscreen1","startscreen2","startscreen3")

        self.pageViewController = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("MyPageViewController") as! UIPageViewController

        self.pageViewController.dataSource = self

        let initialContenViewController = self.pageTutorialAtIndex(0) as TutorialScreenViewController

        let viewControllers = NSArray(object: initialContenViewController)

        self.pageViewController.setViewControllers(viewControllers as! [UIViewController], direction: UIPageViewControllerNavigationDirection.Forward, animated: true, completion: nil)

       /* self.pageViewController.setViewControllers(viewControllers as [AnyObject], direction: UIPageViewControllerNavigationDirection.Forward, animated: true, completion: nil)*/

        self.pageViewController.view.frame = CGRectMake(0, 100, self.view.frame.size.width, self.view.frame.size.height-100)



    override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
        // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.

    func pageTutorialAtIndex(index: Int) -> TutorialScreenViewController

        let pageContentViewController = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("TutorialScreenViewController") as! TutorialScreenViewController

        pageContentViewController.imageFileName = pageImages[index] as! String
        pageContentViewController.pageIndex = index

        return pageContentViewController


    func pageViewController(pageViewController: UIPageViewController, viewControllerBeforeViewController viewController: UIViewController) -> UIViewController?

        let viewController = viewController as! TutorialScreenViewController
        var index = viewController.pageIndex as Int

        if(index == 0 || index == NSNotFound)
            return nil


        return self.pageTutorialAtIndex(index)


     func pageViewController(pageViewController: UIPageViewController, viewControllerAfterViewController viewController: UIViewController) -> UIViewController?

        let viewController = viewController as! TutorialScreenViewController
        var index = viewController.pageIndex as Int

        if((index == NSNotFound))
            return nil


        if(index == pageImages.count)
            return nil

        return self.pageTutorialAtIndex(index)

    func presentationCountForPageViewController(pageViewController: UIPageViewController) -> Int


    return pageImages.count

    func presentationIndexForPageViewController(pageViewController: UIPageViewController) -> Int // The selected item reflected in the page indicator.

    return 0




@IBOutlet weak var myImageView: UIImageView!
    var imageFileName: String!
    var pageIndex:Int!
    var width:CGFloat!

    @IBOutlet weak var loginButton: UIButton!

    @IBOutlet weak var registerButton: UIButton!

      override func viewDidLoad() {

       myImageView.image = UIImage(named:imageFileName)


Upvotes: 4

Views: 4165

Answers (1)


Reputation: 438467

You can use view controller containment:

  1. Create a standard view controller that has the the two buttons and "container" view. Just search for "container" in the object library on the right panel in Interface builder and then drag that onto your main view controller's scene:

    enter image description here

    Obviously, set up your constraints so that this container view is properly laid out with the buttons.

  2. Now control-drag from the container view to your page view controller, and choose the "embed" segue.

You'll end up with a scene that looks like:

enter image description here

Now you can enjoy the page view controller functionality from within a standard view controller with other buttons.

Upvotes: 13

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