Reputation: 2907
I'm trying to write a program that will find element in a tree and return how many elements in the tree is < my element.
data Bst a = Empty | Node (Bst a) a (Bst a)
lElems :: Ord a => a -> Bst a -> Int
lElems n t = (counto (findEl n 0 0 t) t)
counto :: Ord a => a -> Bst a -> Int
counto n Empty = 0
counto n (Node l m r)
| m == n = counto n l
| n > m = 1 + (counto n l) + (counto n r)
| n < m = counto n l
findEl:: Ord a => a -> a -> a -> Bst a -> a
findEl n anc sta Empty = anc
findEl n anc sta (Node l m r)
| m == n = anc
| n > m = if anc == sta || anc > m then findEl n m sta r else findEl n anc sta r
| n < m = if anc > m || anc == sta then findEl n m sta l else findEl n anc sta r
and findEl
are working good, but when I try to use them together I have this error
Here's my test tree
lElems 2 (Node (Node (Node Empty 1 (Node Empty 2 Empty)) 3 (Node Empty 5 (Node Empty 4 Empty))) 6 (Node (Node Empty 7 Empty) 8 (Node Empty 9 Empty)))
And I'd like to not change anything in data Bst
So, why a
cant be Integer? And what's wrong in lElems
First 0 it's 0 which will be returned if there is no such element in the tree. Second 0 it's 0 to compare with first 0 and it's only one way how findEl work on my computer
However, if I change zeros to variables p
and m
,and call lElems
with zeros lElems 2 0 0 tree
it works
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Views: 182
Reputation: 16105
If you augment each subtree with the number of elements it contains,
data BinaryTree a = Empty | Node a Integer (BinaryTree a) (BinaryTree a)
insert :: Ord a => a -> BinaryTree a -> BinaryTree a
insert x Empty = Node x 1 Empty Empty
insert x (Node y n left right) =
case x `compare` y of
LT -> Node y (n+1) (insert x left) right
GT -> Node y (n+1) left (insert x right)
EQ -> Node y n left right
numElems :: BinaryTree a -> Integer
numElems Empty = 0
numElems (Node _ n _ _) = n
Then the number of elements less than an element (disregarding duplicates) is found more easily:
countLT :: Ord a => a -> BinaryTree a -> Integer
countLT x Empty = 0
countLT x (Node y n left right) =
case x `compare` y of
LT -> countLT x left
GT -> 1 + numElems left + countLT x right
EQ -> numElems left
ghci> let t = insert 43 (insert 41 (insert 42 Empty))
ghci> map (\i -> countLT i t) [41,42,43,44]
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