Reputation: 1
Hoi chummers,
I could need some help with a project here.
I am currently learning Assembler (Tasm) by myself. I wrote some simple 1-file programs to get used to the stuff. Now I am at a point where I want to exclude some macros and other data from the code and put them into different files (so I can re-use them easy).
I am working with GUI Turbo Assembler x64 Version 3.0
It is a IDE that links and assembles stuff for you, so that I am not forced to open DOS-Box every time and write a lot of redundant lines.
Here is my .asm file:
INCLUDE progMacros ;makrobibliothek einbinden
INCLUDE progConstanten ;Konstanten einbinden (z.b. 4CH)
.Model Small
.Stack 100h
variable DB 6 ;normale Variable
INCLUDE progDaten ;bibliothek mit variablen
textLoop Hallo,variable
textLoop Ciao,1
mov ah,beenden
int EXEC
END Start
You see, a very basic and simple program that loops output of a string in a macro I defined @ progMacros
Now the problem:
Everytime I try and Assemble, it gives me this:
Assembling file - C:\Users\ [private] \Desktop\Assembler\bibliotheken\mainProg.asm
Turbo Assembler Version 4.1 Copyright (c) 1988, 1996 Borland International
Assembling file: mainProg.asm **Fatal** mainProg.asm(1) Can't locate file: progMacros
Error messages: 1
Warning messages: None
Passes: 1
Remaining memory: 469k
[note i won't give you my username in windows]
Here's my first troubleshooting:
1) Renamed all files and directives proper as seen in a tutorial
(f.e. macros.bib and progData.dat)
2) shortened the file names, moved whole project to C:\
3) specified "iPath" with the path to the folder where the files are
(btw: they are all in the same folder mainProg.asm is in)
I dunno what else to do, this is frustrating, Assembler is much fun, and on Linux it was super easy to write some sample code.... But I want to code on windows too!
Please, oh mighty community of SOF, help me out of this misery
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Views: 1543
Reputation: 11
I had the same problem, the Macro library couldnt be found when i dragged a program into Dosbox. So I opened Dosbox, mounted the whole drive as C: and set the paths manually and it worked fine.
Upvotes: 1