Reputation: 8390
Upon getting session information of type map[string]interface{}
with this.GetSession("session_key")
, I did have to explicitly set the context and type assert the session like this in order to explicitly pass the data to the template.
// Get the session
profile := this.GetSession("profile")
// Have to add data to the template's context
this.Data["nickname"] = profile.(map[string]interface{})["nickname"].(string)
this.Data["picture"] = profile.(map[string]interface{})["picture"].(string)
// Render template
this.TplNames = "user.html"
The session data (type map[string]interface{}
) looks like this:
{"nickname": "joe", "picture": "urltotheimg"}
However, according to the Beego's session doc, it looks like the session is passed implicitly without any need of type assertions or context passing (the template has immediate access to session values i.e. {{.nickname}}
and {{.picture}}
This is the controller setting the session before redirecting to /user
// Inherit beego's base controller
type MyController struct {
func (this *MyController) Get() {
// code for getting token here
// Getting the User information
client := conf.Client(oauth2.NoContext, token)
resp, err := client.Get("https://" + domain + "/userinfo")
if err != nil {
this.Redirect("/error", 500)
// Reading the body for user's information
raw, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
defer resp.Body.Close()
if err != nil {
this.Redirect("/error", 500)
// Unmarshalling the JSON of the Profile
var profile map[string]interface{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(raw, &profile); err != nil {
this.Redirect("/error", 500)
// Saving the information to the session.
this.SetSession("profile", profile)
// redirect to /user
this.Redirect("/user", 301)
This is the controller of "/user"
type UserController struct {
func (this *UserController) Get() {
// get the saved session
profile := this.GetSession("profile")
// without setting the template data here, the session data won't be
// available in user.html
this.Data["nickname"] = profile.(map[string]interface{})["nickname"].(string)
this.Data["picture"] = profile.(map[string]interface{})["picture"].(string)
this.TplNames = "user.html"
Only this then I can map the template to the data like this:
<img src="{{ .picture }}">
<p>Hello, {{ .nickname }}</p>
I'm quite sure it's necessary to set the template data. I'm just not sure why the above doc didn't do that.
Any help would be appreciated.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1593
Reputation: 629
I just tried running the Beego quickstart project and ran it successfully.
Make sure you have both the beego and bee installed. After creating a new project with bee new projectname
make sure you edit the projectname/conf/app.conf file and add the sessionon = true:
appname = quickstart
httpport = 8080
runmode = dev
sessionon = true
I created a redirect controller like:
type RedirectController struct {
func (c *RedirectController) Get() {
profile := make(map[string]interface{})
profile["nickname"] = "User's Nickname"
profile["picture"] = "/path/to/img.jpg"
c.SetSession("profile", profile)
c.Redirect("/", 301)
The main controller:
type MainController struct {
func (c *MainController) Get() {
profile := c.GetSession("profile")
c.Data["nickname"] = profile.(map[string]interface{})["nickname"]
c.Data["picture"] = profile.(map[string]interface{})["picture"]
c.TplNames = "index.tpl"
My index.tpl file:
<p>Nickname: {{.nickname}}</p>
<p>Picture: {{.picture}}</p>
And the router:
func init() {
beego.Router("/", &controllers.MainController{})
beego.Router("/redirect", &controllers.RedirectController{})
I would also recommend you to use a structure to store the profile values like:
// Define struct.
type Profile struct{
Nickname string
Picture string
// Save it for template rendering.
this.Data["profile"] = &Profile{Nickname:"astaxie", Picture:"img.jpg"}
// And render it like this:
Nickname: {{.profile.Nickname}}
Picture: {{.profile.Picture}}
Make sure to read this to understand how template rendering is done. I hope this is what you were asking for, if not, please edit your question and add more helpful information and I will edit this answer.
Upvotes: 1