Michael Garner
Michael Garner

Reputation: 1092

Android AWS S3 SDK TransferUtility Not Working in Service

I am trying to use the AWS Android SDK for S3 in a started service. I am a little new to both the SDK and Services. I am pretty confident that the Transfer Utility is also running a service.

Handler (android.os.Handler) {11629d87} sending message to a Handler on a dead thread
    java.lang.IllegalStateException: Handler (android.os.Handler) {11629d87} sending message to a Handler on a dead thread
    at android.os.MessageQueue.enqueueMessage(MessageQueue.java:325)
    at android.os.Handler.enqueueMessage(Handler.java:631)
    at android.os.Handler.sendMessageAtTime(Handler.java:600)
    at android.os.Handler.sendMessageDelayed(Handler.java:570)
    at sksDoneLater(TransferService.java:189)
    at com.amazonaws.mobileconnectors.s3.transferutility.TransferService.access$200(TransferService.java:44)
    at com.amazonaws.mobileconnectors.s3.transferutility.TransferService$2.handleMessage(TransferService.java:166)
    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:98)
    at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:135)
    at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61)

Here is the code I am using to start it up:

    AmazonS3 amazonS3 = new AmazonS3Client(credentialsProvider);
    mTransferUtility = new TransferUtility(amazonS3, getApplicationContext());
    TransferObserver observer = mTransferUtility.upload(

    observer.setTransferListener(new TransferListener() {...})

The line previous it says it can't get s3 client. I created the client just as shown above in application class and successfully used the same code in an activity to perform a successful transfer so it must be something obvious about services that I am ignorant of. The above code is called in a method that is called from onStartCommand() in the service.

Any help would be much appreciated.

UPDATE - Whole Class was requested and is shown here:

public class VideoCompressionService extends Service {;

private Bus bus;
private TransferUtility mTransferUtility;
private int mVidWidth;
private int mVidHeight;
private File mCompressedVidFile;
private File mVidFile;
private String mVidFileKey;
private NotificationManager mNotificationManager;
private android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.Builder mNotification;

public VideoCompressionService() {


public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
    if (intent != null) {
        String realPath = MediaUtils.getRealVideoPathFromURI(this.getContentResolver(), intent.getData());
        if (realPath != null) {
            this.mVidFile = new File(realPath);
            this.mVidFileKey = intent.getStringExtra(EXTRA_VID_FILE_KEY);
            this.mVidWidth = intent.getIntExtra(EXTRA_VID_WIDTH, 0);
            this.mVidHeight = intent.getIntExtra(EXTRA_VID_HEIGHT, 0);
            this.bus = CoPhotoApplication.getVideoCompressionBus();
            if (mVidFile != null && mVidFile.exists() && mVidFile.canRead()) {
                mNotificationManager = (NotificationManager) this.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
                mNotification = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this)
                        .setContentTitle("Compressing Video - Step 1 of 3")
                        .setContentText("Uploading video for processing...")
                if (mVidWidth == 0 || mVidHeight == 0) {
                    MediaMetadataRetriever mmr = new MediaMetadataRetriever();
                    mVidWidth = Integer.parseInt(mmr.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_VIDEO_WIDTH));
                    mVidHeight = Integer.parseInt(mmr.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_VIDEO_HEIGHT));
            return Service.START_NOT_STICKY;
        } else {
            return Service.START_NOT_STICKY;
    } else {
        return Service.START_NOT_STICKY;

public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
    return null;

private void uploadVidToS3() {
    CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = new CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider(
            "*********ID HERE********", // Identity Pool ID
            Regions.US_EAST_1 // Region

    AmazonS3 amazonS3 = new AmazonS3Client(credentialsProvider);
    mTransferUtility = new TransferUtility(amazonS3, getApplicationContext());
    TransferObserver observer = mTransferUtility.upload(

    observer.setTransferListener(new TransferListener() {
        public void onStateChanged(int id, TransferState state) {
            if (state == TransferState.COMPLETED) {
            } else if (state == TransferState.FAILED) {

        public void onProgressChanged(int id, long bytesCurrent, long bytesTotal) {
            int progress = Math.round(100 * ((float) bytesCurrent / bytesTotal));
            String progressPercentage = String.valueOf(progress) + "%";
            compressionUploadProgress(progress, progressPercentage);

        public void onError(int id, Exception ex) {

private void compressionUploadStarted() {
    bus.post(new CompressionUploadStartedEvent());

private void compressionUploadProgress(int progress, String progressPercentage) {
    bus.post(new CompressionUploadProgressEvent(progress, progressPercentage));
    mNotification.setProgress(100, progress, false);

private void compressionUploadFinished(boolean successfully) {
    bus.post(new CompressionUploadFinishedEvent(successfully));
    if (successfully) {
        mNotification.setContentText("Upload complete");
    } else {
        mNotification.setContentTitle("Compression Failed");
        mNotification.setContentText("Upload failed. Please try again later.");
    if (!successfully) {

private void updateNotification() {
    mNotificationManager.notify(NOTIFICATION_ID, mNotification.build());

Upvotes: 3

Views: 2903

Answers (2)

Vinicius Lima
Vinicius Lima

Reputation: 1631

I found myself in the same issue... Here it is what solved for me:

I noticed I had the following service for my SyncAdapter registered in Manifest:

            <action android:name="android.content.SyncAdapter"/>
        <meta-data android:name="android.content.SyncAdapter"
            android:resource="@xml/syncadapter" />

The android:process=":sync" tells service to run in a private process called :sync So I just told the TransferService from Amazon SDK to run in this same thread.

        android:enabled="true" />

After that, I no more got the error TransferService can't get s3 client, and it will stop, and finally was able to upload my pictures to S3

Upvotes: 10

P. Pueyo
P. Pueyo

Reputation: 23

You should declare the client as a global variable, as the garbage collector could delete it if you don't do it.

Upvotes: 2

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