Pixel Perfect
Pixel Perfect

Reputation: 1336

OkHttp Post Body as JSON

So, back when I was using Koush's Ion, I was able to add a json body to my posts with a simple .setJsonObjectBody(json).asJsonObject()

I'm moving over to OkHttp, and I really don't see a good way to do that. I'm getting error 400's all over the place.

Anyone have any ideas?

I've even tried manually formatting it as a json string.

String reason = menuItem.getTitle().toString();
JsonObject json = new JsonObject();
json.addProperty("Reason", reason);

String url = mBaseUrl + "/" + id + "/report";

Request request = new Request.Builder()
        .header("X-Client-Type", "Android")
                        "{\"Reason\": \"" + reason + "\"}"

client.newCall(request).enqueue(new com.squareup.okhttp.Callback() {
    public void onFailure(Request request, IOException throwable) {

    public void onResponse(Response response) throws IOException {
        if (!response.isSuccessful()) throw new IOException(
                "Unexpected code " + response);
        runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                Toast.makeText(context, "Report Received", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

/*Ion.with(getContext(), url)
        .setHeader("X-Client-Type", "Android")
        .setCallback(new FutureCallback<JsonObject>() {
            public void onCompleted(Exception e, JsonObject result) {
                Toast.makeText(context, "Report Received", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

Upvotes: 94

Views: 195249

Answers (4)


Reputation: 3207

You can create your own JSONObject then toString().

Remember run it in the background thread like doInBackground in AsyncTask.

OkHttp version > 4:

import okhttp3.MediaType.Companion.toMediaType

// create your json here
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
try {
    jsonObject.put("KEY1", "VALUE1");
    jsonObject.put("KEY2", "VALUE2");
} catch (JSONException e) {

val client = OkHttpClient()
val mediaType = "application/json; charset=utf-8".toMediaType()
val body = jsonObject.toString().toRequestBody(mediaType)
val request: Request = Request.Builder()

var response: Response? = null
try {
    response = client.newCall(request).execute()
    val resStr = response.body!!.string()
} catch (e: IOException) {

OkHttp version 3:

// create your json here
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
try {
    jsonObject.put("KEY1", "VALUE1");
    jsonObject.put("KEY2", "VALUE2");
} catch (JSONException e) {

  OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
  MediaType JSON = MediaType.parse("application/json; charset=utf-8");
  // put your json here
  RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(JSON, jsonObject.toString());
  Request request = new Request.Builder()

  Response response = null;
  try {
      response = client.newCall(request).execute();
      String resStr = response.body().string();
  } catch (IOException e) {

Upvotes: 34

Ostap Andrusiv
Ostap Andrusiv

Reputation: 4907

Just use JSONObject.toString(); method. And have a look at OkHttp's tutorial:

public static final MediaType JSON
    = MediaType.parse("application/json; charset=utf-8");

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

String post(String url, String json) throws IOException {
  RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(json, JSON); // new
  // RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(JSON, json); // old
  Request request = new Request.Builder()
  Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
  return response.body().string();

Upvotes: 175


Reputation: 1550

In kotlin, in okhttp v4.* I got it working that way

// import the extensions!
import okhttp3.MediaType.Companion.toMediaType
import okhttp3.RequestBody.Companion.toRequestBody

// ...

json : String = "..."

val JSON : MediaType = "application/json; charset=utf-8".toMediaType()
val jsonBody: RequestBody = json.toRequestBody(JSON)

// go on with Request.Builder() etc

Upvotes: 8

Another approach is by using FormBody.Builder().
Here's an example of callback:

Callback loginCallback = new Callback() {
    public void onFailure(Call call, IOException e) {
        try {
            Log.i(TAG, "login failed: " + call.execute().code());
        } catch (IOException e1) {

    public void onResponse(Call call, Response response) throws IOException {
        // String loginResponseString = response.body().string();
        try {
            JSONObject responseObj = new JSONObject(response.body().string());
            Log.i(TAG, "responseObj: " + responseObj);
        } catch (JSONException e) {
        // Log.i(TAG, "loginResponseString: " + loginResponseString);

Then, we create our own body:

RequestBody formBody = new FormBody.Builder()
        .add("username", userName)
        .add("password", password)
        .add("customCredential", "")
        .add("isPersistent", "true")
        .add("setCookie", "true")

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient.Builder()
Request request = new Request.Builder()

Finally, we call the server:


Upvotes: 12

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