Reputation: 18408
Plain old ASP, not .NET
I've got a really large and complicated class for making an upload progress bar and I'm trying to find out the uploaded file name. I think easiest way to accomplish that would be dumping the variable structure but, even if it isn't (and I appreciate if someone can point me), I've ended up wondering about it and the question here is still just that.
ASP doesn't have an equivalent as far as I know, so I'm looking here for a complete home made solution (unlike this one), which can dump the whole object structure.
Thanks in advance for all the trouble of finding or even making this, if you will. :)
Upvotes: 4
Views: 5351
Reputation: 590
I looked at loads of ways of trying to this as well but couldn't do anything with classes because vbscript doesn't support introspection. However in case it helps anyone trying to do a more simple print_r with classic ASP. I did manage to get a good way along just not with classes.
function print_r(data, dumpRef)
dim dumpData
if isArray(data) or cbool(instr(TypeName(data),"Dictionary")) or TypeName(data) = "ISessionObject" or TypeName(data) = "IForm" or TypeName(data) = "Field" then
dumpData = dump(data, 0)
select case TypeName(data)
case "Recordset"
dumpData = dumpQuery(data, "html")
case "IXMLDOMElement"
dumpData = pre(htmlencode(data.xml))
case else
on error resume next
dumpData = TypeName(data) & ": " & data
if err.number <> 0 then
dumpData = "Unable to output data for data type " & TypeName(data)
end if
on error goto 0
end select
end if
dumpData = "----------- DUMP CALLED " & dumpRef &" -------------" & vbcrlf & dumpData
globalDumpData = globalDumpData & vbcrlf & dumpData
if left(dumpRef,5) = "[pre:" then
response.write "<pre>"&dumpData&"</pre>"
if dumpRef = "[pre:stop]" then
end if
end if
print_r = dumpData
end function
function print_r_go(data)
print_r data, "[pre:]"
end function
function print_r_stop(data)
print_r data, "[pre:stop]"
end function
function dumpQuery(recordset, format)
dim col, header, data, wrapper, q, colCount
colCount = 1
if format = "html" then
wrapper = "<table border=""1"">" & vbnewline
end if
set q = recordset
if q.recordcount > 0 then
end if
if q.absoluteposition = 1 then
if format = "html" then
header = " <tr>" & vbnewline
end if
for each col in q.fields
if format = "html" then
header = header & " <th align=""left"" valign=""top"">"&"</th>" & vbnewline
if colCount <> 1 then
header = header & ","
end if
header = header & cleanCSVValue(
end if
colCount = colCount + 1
if format = "html" then
header = header & " </tr>" & vbnewline
header = header & vbnewline
end if
end if
if q.recordcount > 0 then
if format = "html" then
data = q.GetString(2, q.recordcount+1, "</td>" & vbnewline & " <td valign=""top"">", "[#]", "")
data = left(data, len(data) - 3)
data = replace(data, "[#]", "</td>" & vbnewline & " </tr>" & vbnewline & " <tr>" & vbnewline & " <td valign=""top"">")
data = " <tr>" & vbnewline & " <td valign=""top"">" & data & "</td>" & vbnewline & " </tr>"
data = q.GetString(2, q.recordcount+1, """,""", "[#]", "")
data = replace(data, "[#]", """" & vbnewline & """")
data = """" & data & """"
end if
end if
wrapper = wrapper & header & data
if format = "html" then
wrapper = wrapper & vbnewline & "</table>"
end if
if q.recordcount > 0 then
end if
dumpQuery = wrapper
end function
function dump(data, depth)
dim output, x, y, localData
if isArray(data) then
on error resume next
dim secondDim : secondDim = ubound(data, 2)
if err.number <> 0 then
secondDim = -1
end if
on error goto 0
output = ""
if secondDim => 0 then
output = "Two Dimensional "
end if
output = output & "Array <br />"
output = output & Tab(depth) & "(<br />"
if secondDim => 0 then
for x=0 to uBound(data)
for y = 0 to secondDim
output = output & Tab(depth+1) & "["&x&","&y&"] => "
output = output & dump(data(x,y), depth+2)
output = output & "<br />"
for x=0 to uBound(data)
output = output & Tab(depth+1) & "["&x&"] => "
output = output & dump(data(x), depth+2)
output = output & "<br />"
end if
output = output & Tab(depth) & ")"
elseif cbool(instr(TypeName(data),"Dictionary")) then
output = TypeName(data) & " <br />"
output = output & Tab(depth) & "(<br />"
for each x in data
output = output & Tab(depth+1) & "["&x&"] => "
output = output & dump(data(x), depth+2)
output = output & "<br />"
output = output & Tab(depth) & ")"
elseif TypeName(data) = "ISessionObject" then
output = TypeName(data) & "<br />(<br/>"& Tab(depth+1) & "Contents<br />"
output = output & Tab(depth+1) & "(<br />"
for each x in data.contents
output = output & Tab(depth+2) & "["&x&"] => "
output = output & dump(data(x), depth+2)
output = output & "<br />"
output = output & Tab(depth+1) & ")<br/><br/>"
output = output & Tab(depth+1) & "StaticObjects<br />"
output = output & Tab(depth+1) & "(<br />"
for each x in data.StaticObjects
output = output & Tab(depth+2) & "["&x&"] => "
output = output & dump(data(x), depth+2)
output = output & "<br />"
output = output & Tab(depth+1) & ")<br/>"
output = output & Tab(depth) & ")"
elseif TypeName(data) = "Recordset" then
output = output & dumpQuery(data)
output = output & "<br />"
elseif TypeName(data) = "IForm" then
for each x in data
output = output & "["&"] => "
output = output & dump(x, depth+2)
output = output & "<br />"
elseif TypeName(data) = "Field" then
output = output & "["&"] => "
output = output & dump(data.value, depth+2)
output = output & "<br />"
on error resume next
output = output & data
if err.number <> 0 then
output = output & "Unable to dump data for data type " & TypeName(data)
end if
on error goto 0
end if
dump = output
end function
public function Tab(spaces)
dim val, x
val = ""
for x=1 to spaces
val = val & " "
Tab = val
end function
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 4384
There's no such tool that I know of, but you can debug classic ASP with Visual Studio, set breakpoints and hover over objects to inspect them like in .NET. I have done so for recordsets and simple value types, but I imagine it would also work for nested objects. You'll have to have VS installed on the machine you develop the site on, and enable debugging in IIS for this to work.
Upvotes: 2