Reputation: 841
I have written a custom function and am not sure how to figure out the issue. If someone knows why it is erroring out, that would be of interest for sure so that I can get it to work. But in the spirit of learning to fish I also need to know how to sort this out on my own next time. If I change it to a sub and uncomment the test variables section (and comment the function= line at the end so the sub doesn't complain about it) I use it perfectly.
If I go to the sheet and put the function into a cell with the same info as in the test section it throws a wrong data type error. I tried setting breakpoints to step through but it doesn't event get to screenupdating=false apparently.
What it does - in case it matters - I see that frequently in posts so figured I'd preempt it. Skip this part if it doesn't matter. :-) Basically it flips the vlookup around so that =InvertedVLookup(Q25:Q43,R25:V43,N25,5) looks at cell N25 as a string and then uses the list of strings in q25:q43 as part of a substring search. If it finds a match it returns the value from the 5th column where the match was. If it doesn't find a match it looks at the values in r25:v43 line by line, expanding comma delimited lines in order to find the line that has the most matches. Its for orders that don't have normalized text.
So Red Fire Truck truck001 in N25 would be looked at repeatedly by the parts list in column Q and if there is a truck001 it would return column 5(price). If not it would look through r:v for any that have truck then any that did it will look at the color and other descriptors. This way If we get Fire truck truck001 red or truck, fire, red truck001 it finds it. Likewise if we keep seeing the same abbreviation or misspelling we can comma delimit that so that red, redd would find the match while both are in the same cell.
Public Function InvertedVLookup(Substrings_Array As Variant, Table_Array As Variant, Target_String As String, Column_Index_To_Return As Integer, Optional Approx_Match As Boolean = True)
'by [email protected]
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim sResult
Dim LB As Integer, UB As Integer, LB2 As Integer, UB2 As Integer, iMax As Integer
Dim bDuplicate As Boolean
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim aExpanded_Table_Array
Set ws = ActiveSheet
Dim aTableDelimitersExpanded()
Dim aApproxMatch() As Integer
' ' =========== test variables ==== comment out when using function instead of sub ==============
' Dim Substrings_Array As Variant
' Dim Table_Array As Variant
' Dim Target_String As String
' Dim Column_Index_To_Return As Integer
' Dim Approx_Match As Boolean
' Substrings_Array = ws.Cells.Range("Q25:Q43")
' Table_Array = ws.Cells.Range("R25:V43")
' Target_String = ws.Cells.Range("N26").Value
' Column_Index_To_Return = 5
' Approx_Match = True
' ' =========== test variables ==== comment out when using function instead of sub ==============
bDuplicate = False
iMax = 0
LB = LBound(Substrings_Array)
UB = UBound(Substrings_Array)
LB2 = LBound(Table_Array, 2)
UB2 = UBound(Table_Array, 2)
Dim strTemp As String
For i = LB To UB
If IsNull(Substrings_Array(i, 1)) = False Then
If InStr(LCase(Target_String), LCase(Substrings_Array(i, 1))) > 0 Then
sResult = i
Exit For
End If
sResult = "Target String Null"
GoTo ErrorHandling
End If
Next i
If IsEmpty(sResult) = True Then
If Approx_Match = True Then
ReDim Preserve aTableDelimitersExpanded(LB To UB, LB2 To UB2)
ReDim aApproxMatch(1 To UB, 1 To 1)
Dim str
Dim strSplit() As String
'Check for and total the number of matching qualifiers
For i = LB To UB
For j = LBound(Table_Array, 2) To UBound(Table_Array, 2)
strSplit = Split(Table_Array(i, j), ", ")
For k = LBound(strSplit) To UBound(strSplit)
If IsNull(strSplit(k)) = False Then
If InStr(LCase(Target_String), LCase(strSplit(k))) > 0 Then
aApproxMatch(i, 1) = aApproxMatch(i, 1) + 1
End If
End If
Next k
Next j
Next i
'look at aApproxMatch table for highest value to indicate best match
For i = LB To UB
If aApproxMatch(i, 1) > iMax Then
iMax = aApproxMatch(i, 1)
sResult = i
bDuplicate = False
ElseIf aApproxMatch(i, 1) = iMax Then
bDuplicate = True
End If
Next i
'check for ties based on qualifiers
If bDuplicate = True Then
sResult = "Multiple Matches"
GoTo ErrorHandling
End If
sResult = "No Match"
GoTo ErrorHandling
End If
End If
'return the result
sResult = Table_Array(sResult, Column_Index_To_Return)
'If sResult = "Target String Null"
'If sResult = "No Match"
'If sResult = "Multiple Matches"
InvertedVLookup = sResult
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Function
Upvotes: 2
Views: 156
Reputation: 7979
this should work as wanted:
Public Function InvertedVLookup(Substrings_Array As Variant, Table_Array As Variant, Target_String As String, Column_Index_To_Return As Integer, Optional Approx_Match As Boolean = True)
Dim sResult
Dim Bou(2) As Long
Dim aApproxMatch() As Integer
Dim strSplit() As String
Bou(0) = LBound(Substrings_Array.Value)
Bou(1) = UBound(Substrings_Array.Value)
For i = Bou(0) To Bou(1)
If IsNull(Substrings_Array(i, 1)) Then
InvertedVLookup = "Target String Null"
Exit Function
If InStr(LCase(Target_String), LCase(Substrings_Array(i, 1))) Then
'If InStr(1, Target_String, Substrings_Array(i, 1), 1) Then '<~~~ better use this than LCase
sResult = i
Exit For
End If
End If
Next i
If IsEmpty(sResult) Then
If Approx_Match Then
ReDim aApproxMatch(1 To Bou(1), 1 To 1)
For i = Bou(0) To Bou(1)
For j = LBound(Table_Array.Value, 2) To UBound(Table_Array.Value, 2)
strSplit = Split(Table_Array(i, j), ", ")
For k = LBound(strSplit) To UBound(strSplit)
If Not IsNull(strSplit(k)) Then
If InStr(LCase(Target_String), LCase(strSplit(k))) Then
'If InStr(1, Target_String, strSplit(k), 1) Then '<~~~ better use this than LCase
aApproxMatch(i, 1) = aApproxMatch(i, 1) + 1
End If
End If
Next k
Next j
Next i
For i = Bou(0) To Bou(1)
If aApproxMatch(i, 1) > Bou(2) Then
Bou(2) = aApproxMatch(i, 1)
sResult = i
ElseIf aApproxMatch(i, 1) = Bou(2) Then
InvertedVLookup = "Multiple Matches"
Exit Function
End If
Next i
InvertedVLookup = "No Match"
Exit Function
End If
End If
InvertedVLookup = Table_Array(sResult, Column_Index_To_Return)
End Function
Skipped a lot of obsolete code...
Upvotes: 2