Reputation: 2448
I have a CSV file with two columns.
Sample Data:
Computername,Collection Name
MyServer01,NA - Data - SRV - Patching - Prod - Sat 18:00
MyServer02,NA - Data - SRV - Patching - Prod - Sat 22:00
MyServer03,NA - Data - SRV - Patching - Prod - Sat 02:00
MyServer04,NA - Data - SRV - Patching - Prod - Fri 18:00
MyServer05,NA - Data - SRV - Patching - Prod - Fri 02:00
MyServer06,NA - Data - SRV - Patching - Prod - Sun 18:00
I am looking to split the CSV into separate files along the collection. As the above example, Sat 18:00
So far I have the code:
$data=Import-Csv .\servers2.csv
$data | Where-Object {$_ -like '*fri*' -and $_.'Collection Name' -notmatch 'all.da.servers'} | Select ComputerName,'Collection Name'
The end goal is multiple text files based on the collection. So Servers-Fri-1800.txt
and Fri-1800.txt
. The server names will live in Servers*.txt and the Fri-1800.txt would contain the date in the format 12-11-15 18:00
I wanted to ask first because something tells me this method might be horribly inefficent. -Thanks!!
-Edit, the desired output. **Worth noting these text files will be read by another Powershell script, hence the reason for thinking a PSCustom
object with the filtered properties would be ideal.
contains MyServer01
and Sat-1800.txt
contains 12-11-15 18:00
contains MyServer02
and Sat-2200.txt
contains 12-11-15 22:00
-edit 2, add code preview. Is there an easier way to accomplish this?
$data = import-csv .\file.csv
$data | Where-Object {$_ -like '*sat?18:00*' -and $_.'Collection Name' -notmatch 'ignore.string'} |
% {"{0}" -f $_.Computername} | out-file Servers-Sat-1800.txt
Upvotes: 2
Views: 647
Reputation: 13567
Try the Group-Object command. It is made to take a big mess of objects and group them together by a common property.
I took your sample and made a few more iterations
MyServer01, NA - Data - SRV - Patching - Prod - Sat 18:00
MyServer02, NA - Data - SRV - Patching - Dev - Sat 18:00
MyServer03, NA - Data - SRV - Patching - Dev - Sat 18:00
MyServer04, NA - Data - SRV - Patching - Prod - Sat 18:00
MyServer05, NA - Data - SRV - Patching - Prod - Sat 20:00
MyServer06, NA - Data - SRV - Patching - Prod - Sat 20:00
Saved it as a CSV called T:\comps.csv. Now, to organize into different CSVs for each collection.
$groups = import-csv T:\comps.csv | Group-Object -Property Collection
ForEach ($group in $groups){
$name = $group.Name -replace ':',''
$group | select PCName | Export-Csv -Path "t:\$Name.csv"
Had to remove the ':' from the collection names, but the end result is a bunch of CSVs, named the right name, with the right members inside.
>dir t:\ *.csv
Directory: T:\
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
12/11/2015 5:16 PM 375 comps.csv
-a---- 12/11/2015 5:26 PM 98 NA - Data - SRV - Patching - Dev - Sat 1800.csv
-a---- 12/11/2015 5:26 PM 99 NA - Data - SRV - Patching - Prod - Sat 1800.csv
-a---- 12/11/2015 5:26 PM 98 NA - Data - SRV - Patching - Prod - Sat 2000.csv
>gc 'T:\NA - Data - SRV - Patching - Dev - Sat 1800.csv'
#TYPE Selected.System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject
Upvotes: 3