Reputation: 53
Consider a text file named "nett" with the following content:
admin@(none):/tmp/home/root# cat nett
BSSID: 00:22:07:29:D4:23 RSSI: -71 dBm Band: 2.4GHz Channel: 1 802.11: b/g/n SSID: Inteno_24 noise: -70
BSSID: 00:19:77:12:97:94 RSSI: -54 dBm Band: 2.4GHz Channel: 1 802.11: b/g/n SSID: AK-Gjester noise: -70
BSSID: 00:19:77:12:97:95 RSSI: -55 dBm Band: 2.4GHz Channel: 1 802.11: b/g/n SSID: AK-Ansatt noise: -70
BSSID: 02:26:16:B2:37:AD RSSI: -73 dBm Band: 2.4GHz Channel: 6 802.11: b/g SSID: Trimble Service (5132555899) noise: -87
BSSID: FA:8F:CA:88:F9:8E RSSI: -45 dBm Band: 2.4GHz Channel: 6 802.11: b/g/n SSID: Chromecast6286 noise: -87
BSSID: 00:22:07:3F:67:6B RSSI: -86 dBm Band: 2.4GHz Channel: 13 802.11: b/g/n SSID: Inteno-676C noise: -87
I am trying to print formatted data from this file to the terminal using awk. This is part of a much longer script. The following script illustrates the problem i need to solve:
awk ' \
{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)if($i~/SSID:/)printf "%s%s", "BSSID: " $(i+1)} \
{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)if($i~/Channel:/)printf "%s%s\n", "Kanal: " $(i+1)}' nett
The second line with the Channel: works correctly, awk loops though the line one word at a time searching for the "Channel:" word and then prints the next word with some custom text. There may be a variable number of columns in a line, so targeting a spesific column will not always work in this case.
However, the real problem is the first line. There are two problems here that needs addressing:
1: Since there are both a word "BSSID" and "SSID" then the search pattern needs to be exact. Currently both "BSSID" and "SSID" is matched.
2: The text that i need to print out may in this case be more than one word, like in the fourth line:
BSSID: 02:26:16:B2:37:AD RSSI: -73 dBm Band: 2.4GHz Channel: 6 802.11: b/g SSID: Trimble Service (5132555899) noise: -87
Here I need awk to locate multiple words between SSID: and noise: and print all words.
In the current state of the script I get the output:
BSSID: 02:26:16:B2:37:ADBSSID: TrimbleKanal: 6
Since awk will process the rest of the output correctly, then an pure awk solution to this will be much appreciated. Please note that output lacks spacing in the right places which is done on purpose to make the problem as compact and visible as possible.
Best regards!
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1761
Reputation: 14955
Use gawk
capture groups:
$ gawk 'match($0,/^BSSID:\s+(\S+).*Channel:\s+(\S).*SSID:\s+(.*noise:\s+\S+)/,a)\
{print a[1],a[3],a[2]}' nett
Column by column:
$ gawk 'match($0,/BSSID:\s+(\S+)/,a){printf(a[1]" ")}
match($0,/\s+SSID:\s+(.*noise:\s+\S+)/,a){printf a[1]" "}
match($0,/\s+Channel:\s+(\S+)/,a){printf a[1]"\n"}' nett
Note \s+SSID:\s+(.*noise:\s+\S+)
will capture everything between SSID
and noise
00:22:07:29:D4:23 Inteno_24 noise: -70 1
00:19:77:12:97:94 AK-Gjester noise: -70 1
00:19:77:12:97:95 AK-Ansatt noise: -70 1
02:26:16:B2:37:AD Trimble Service (5132555899) noise: -87 6
FA:8F:CA:88:F9:8E Chromecast6286 noise: -87 6
00:22:07:3F:67:6B Inteno-676C noise: -87 1
Check gawk
Upvotes: 3
You can process it in one loop just assign them to variables, this method is also adaptable to other situations. If for instance the order of the data is rearranged this will still handle it as you had before with multiple loops.
awk ' \
{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) {
if($i~/Channel:/)chan="Kanal: "$(i+1)
if($i~/^SSID:/)ssid="SSID: "$(i+1)
if($i~/^BSSID:/)bssid="BSSID: "$(i+1)
if($i~/^noise:/)noise="noise: "$(i+1)
if($i~/^RSSI:/)rssid="RSSI: "$(i+1)
if ((length(chan)>1) && (length(ssid)>1) && (length(bssid)>1) && (length(noise)>1) && (length(rssid)>1)) {
printf "%-30s %-24s %-10s dBm, %s\n",ssid,bssid,rssid,noise,chan
} }' "${1}"
Fyi: I took your test data and cat'd it to itself 20k times. Then ran a test using your solution with multiple loops vs. the above and the result was:
cp awk_test.txt awk_test_tmp.txt; for i in {1..20000}; do cat awk_test_tmp.txt >> awk_test.txt; done
$> time selected_solution.awk awk_test.txt 1>/dev/random
real 0m5.944s
user 0m5.500s
sys 0m0.440s
$> time my.awk awk_test.txt 1>/dev/random
real 0m4.733s
user 0m4.382s
sys 0m0.347s
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 203985
Given your posted answer, here is the sensible way to implement the awk part from your question (and the shell print '\n'
after it in your answer):
$ cat
awk '
BEGIN { FS=": +" }
for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) {
value = $i; sub(/ +[^ ]+$/,"",value)
n2v[name] = value
name = $i; sub(/.* /,"",name)
printf "SSID: %-32s", n2v["SSID"]
printf "BSSID: %-20s", n2v["BSSID"]
printf "RSSI: %s, ", n2v["RSSI"]
printf "noise: %s dBm ", n2v["noise"]
printf "Kanal: %-2s\n", n2v["Channel"]
END { print "" }
' nett
$ ./
SSID: Inteno_24 BSSID: 00:22:07:29:D4:23 RSSI: -71 dBm, noise: -70 dBm Kanal: 1
SSID: AK-Gjester BSSID: 00:19:77:12:97:94 RSSI: -54 dBm, noise: -70 dBm Kanal: 1
SSID: AK-Ansatt BSSID: 00:19:77:12:97:95 RSSI: -55 dBm, noise: -70 dBm Kanal: 1
SSID: Trimble Service (5132555899) BSSID: 02:26:16:B2:37:AD RSSI: -73 dBm, noise: -87 dBm Kanal: 6
SSID: Chromecast6286 BSSID: FA:8F:CA:88:F9:8E RSSI: -45 dBm, noise: -87 dBm Kanal: 6
SSID: Inteno-676C BSSID: 00:22:07:3F:67:6B RSSI: -86 dBm, noise: -87 dBm Kanal: 13
The above will work with any awk in any OS.
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 53
Here is what I ended up with: (all comments, variables and filenames in norwegian). This particular solution can be lookup up by searching for "# Presenter nabonettverk"
# Sletter eventuelle eldre filer
if [ -e linje ] ; then rm linje ; fi
if [ -e temp_assoc ] ; then rm temp_assoc ; fi
if [ -e temp_assoc_dhcp ] ; then rm temp_assoc_dhcp ; fi
if [ -e temp_assoc_static ] ; then rm temp_assoc_static ; fi
if [ -e bssid ] ; then rm bssid ; fi
if [ -e noise ] ; then rm noise ; fi
if [ -e temp_mac ] ; then rm temp_mac ; fi
if [ -e temp_mac2 ] ; then rm temp_mac2 ; fi
if [ -e kabel_dhcp ] ; then rm kabel_dhcp ; fi
if [ -e kabel_statisk ] ; then rm kabel_statisk ; fi
# Presenter linjedata
cat /etc/banner | grep STY
printf '%-72s\n' "============================== LINJE ============================="
adsl info --stats | grep -m 1 -B 1 -i "Bearer:" > linje
adsl info --stats | grep -i mode -m 1 >> linje
adsl info --stats | grep -w -A 3 -i down >> linje
adsl info --stats | grep -m 1 -i hec >> linje
adsl info --stats | grep -A 2 -i "total time" >> linje
adsl info --stats | grep -A 2 -i since >> linje
cat linje
rm linje
# Presenter tilkoblinger
printf '\n%91s\n' "=================================== TILKOBLINGER =========================================="
printf '%-13s\t%-6s%-6s\t%-6s%-6s\t%-6s%-6s\t%-6s%-6s\t%-6s%-6s\n' \
"Grensesnitt:" \
"WLAN:" \
"$(if [ "$(cat /sys/class/net/wl0/operstate)" == "unknown" ] ; then printf '%s' "aktiv" ; fi)" \
"LAN1:" \
"$(if [ "$(cat /sys/class/net/eth4/operstate)" == "up" ] ; then printf '%s' "aktiv" ; else printf '%s' "av" ; fi)" \
"LAN2:" \
"$(if [ "$(cat /sys/class/net/eth3/operstate)" == "up" ] ; then printf '%s' "aktiv" ; else printf '%s' "av" ; fi)" \
"LAN3:" \
"$(if [ "$(cat /sys/class/net/eth2/operstate)" == "up" ] ; then printf '%s' "aktiv" ; else printf '%s' "av" ; fi)" \
"LAN4:" \
"$(if [ "$(cat /sys/class/net/eth1/operstate)" == "up" ] ; then printf '%s' "aktiv" ; else printf '%s' "av" ; fi)"
# Finn antall og type enheter
total=$(brctl showmacs br-lan | grep -v 00:22:07 | grep -v 02:22:07 | tail +2 | wc -l)
wlan=$(wlctl assoclistinfo | tail -n +3 | awk '{print $2}' | wc -l)
kabel=$(( $total-$wlan ))
# Presenter enheter
printf '%-30s\t%-8s%-3s\t%-6s%-3s\t%-8s%-3s\n\n' "Aktive nettverkstilkoblinger:" "Totalt:" "$total" "WLAN:" "$wlan" "Kablet:" "$kabel"
# Dersom trådløs er aktivert
if [ "$(cat /sys/class/net/wl0/operstate)" == "unknown" ]
# Hent alle trådløse enheters MAC-adresse
wlctl assoclistinfo | tail -n +3 | awk '{print $2}' > temp_assoc
printf '%s\n' "================================================= WIRELESS =================================================="
# Antennehastighet
wlctl rate > wlrate
# Hent modemets ssid, bakgrunnsstøy og kanal. Presenter resultat.
wlctl status | grep -B 1 -i mode | awk 'NR%2{printf $0" ";next;}1' | awk -F'"' '{print $2}' >> modem_ssid
wlctl status | grep -B 1 -i mode | awk 'NR%2{printf $1" ";next;}1' | awk {'print " Bakgrunnstoy(noise): " $11"dBm, kanal " $14'} >> modem_ssid2
printf '%-6s%-32s%-18s%-9s%s\n' "SSID: " "$(cat modem_ssid)" "Antennehastighet: " "$(cat wlrate)" "$(cat modem_ssid2)"
rm modem_ssid modem_ssid2 wlrate
# Hent andre trådløse nettverk og skriv til bssid (fil) og bakgrunnsstøy til noise (fil) dersom dette finnes
if [ -n "$(wlctl scanresults_summary)" ]
wlctl scanresults_summary >> bssid
wlctl scanresults | grep -B 1 -i mode | sed '/^--$/d' | awk 'NR%2{printf $1" ";next;}1' | awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)if($i~/noise:/)print $(i+1)}' >> noise
printf '\n'
# /if [ -n "$(wlctl scanresults_summary)" ]
# List opp nabonettverk. Dersom bssid (fil) finnes, så finnes også noise (fil)
if [ -e bssid ]
printf '%s\n' "Andre nettverk ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
# Flett sammen bssid (fil) og noise (fil) til nett (fil)
exec 6<noise
while read -r line ; do
read -r f2line <&6
echo $line " noise: "$f2line >> nett
done < bssid
exec 6<&-
rm bssid noise
# Presenter nabonettverk
awk ' \
{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)if($i~/^SSID:/){ s=index($0," SSID");e=index($0," noise"); printf "SSID%-34s", substr($0,s+5,e-(s+6))}} \
{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)if($i~/BSSID:/)printf "BSSID: %-20s", $(i+1)} \
{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)if($i~/RSSI:/)printf "RSSI: %s dBm, ", $(i+1)} \
{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)if($i~/noise:/)printf "noise: %s dBm ", $(i+1)} \
{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)if($i~/Channel:/)printf "%-7s%-2s\n", "Kanal: ", $(i+1)}' nett
printf '\n'
rm nett
# /if [ -e bssid ]
# Sorter wifi enheter i dhcp og statisk liste
while read enhet; do
if [ -z "$(grep -i $enhet /tmp/dhcp.leases)" ]
printf '%s\n' "$enhet" >> temp_assoc_static
printf '%s\n' "$enhet" >> temp_assoc_dhcp
done < temp_assoc
rm temp_assoc
# Dersom trådløse maskiner finnes i DHCP-tabellen presenteres disse som dynamisk satte klienter
if [ -e temp_assoc_dhcp ]
printf '%s\n' "Klienter (DHCP)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
while read enhet; do
printf '%-6s%-32s%-5s%-19s%-4s%-16s%-20s%-4s%-3s\n' \
"Navn: " \
"$(cat /tmp/dhcp.leases | grep -i $enhet | awk {'printf $4'})" \
"MAC: " \
"$(cat /tmp/dhcp.leases | grep -i $enhet | awk {'printf $2'})" \
"IP: " \
"$(cat /tmp/dhcp.leases | grep -i $enhet | awk {'printf $3'})" \
"Signalstyrke(RSSI):" \
"$(wlctl rssi $enhet)" \
done < temp_assoc_dhcp
rm temp_assoc_dhcp
# Dersom trådløse maskiner ikke finnes i DHCP-tabellen presenteres disse som statisk satte klienter
if [ -e temp_assoc_static ]
printf '%s\n' "Klienter (Statisk) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
while read enhet; do
printf '%-38s%-5s%-19s%-4s%-16s%-20s%-4s%-3s\n' \
"Statisk (navn ikke synlig)" \
"MAC:" \
"$enhet" \
"IP:" \
"$(grep -i $enhet /proc/net/arp | awk '{print $1}')" \
"Signalstyrke(RSSI):" \
"$(wlctl rssi $enhet)" \
done < temp_assoc_static
rm temp_assoc_static
# /if [ "$(cat /sys/class/net/wl0/operstate)" == "unknown" ]
# Dersom minst en kablet maskin eksisterer
if [ "$kabel" -gt 0 ]
# Hent alle MAC-adresser tilkoblet
brctl showmacs br-lan | grep -v 00:22:07 | grep -v 02:22:07 | tail -n +2 | awk '{print $2}' > temp_mac
# Dersom minst en trådløs maskin
if [ "$wlan" -gt 0 ]
wlctl assoclistinfo | tail -n +3 | awk '{print $2}' > temp_assoc
# Fjern alle trådløse MAC fra den generelle listen
while read enhet ; do
if [ -z "$(grep -i $enhet temp_assoc)" ]
printf '%s\n' "$enhet" >> temp_mac2
done < temp_mac
rm temp_mac
rm temp_assoc
# /if [ "$wlan" -gt 0 ]
# Dersom ingen trådløse klienter bruker vi opprinnelig MAC liste
if ! [ -e temp_mac2 ]
mv temp_mac temp_mac2
# Sorter kablede enheter i dhcp og statisk liste
while read enhet; do
if [ -z "$(grep -i $enhet /tmp/dhcp.leases)" ]
printf '%s\n' "$enhet" >> kabel_statisk
printf '%s\n' "$enhet" >> kabel_dhcp
done < temp_mac2
rm temp_mac2
# Har nå enten liste over dynamisk tildelte klienter eller statisk satte klienter eller begge deler
printf '%-110s\n' "================================================== KABEL ==================================================="
# Presenter kablede dynamiske klienter
if [ -e kabel_dhcp ]
printf '%s\n' "Klienter (DHCP)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
while read enhet ; do
printf '%-6s%-32s%-5s%-19s%-4s%-16s\n' \
"Navn: " \
"$(cat /tmp/dhcp.leases | grep -i $enhet | awk {'printf $4'})" \
"MAC: " \
"""$(cat /tmp/dhcp.leases | grep -i $enhet | awk {'printf $2'})" \
"IP: " \
"$(cat /tmp/dhcp.leases | grep -i $enhet | awk {'printf $3'})"
done < kabel_dhcp
rm kabel_dhcp
# /if [ -e kabel_dhcp ]
# Presenter kablede statiske klienter
if [ -e kabel_statisk ]
printf '%s\n' "Klienter (Statisk) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
while read enhet ; do
printf '%-38s%-5s%-19s%-4s%-16s\n' \
"Statisk (navn ikke synlig)" \
"MAC:" \
"$enhet" \
"IP:" \
"$(grep -i $enhet /proc/net/arp | awk '{print $1}')"
done < kabel_statisk
rm kabel_statisk
# /if [ -e kabel_statisk ]
# /if [ "$kabel" -gt 0 ]
# Opprydding
printf '\n\n%s\n\n' "WIFI nettverkslisten kan oppdateres manuelt med 'wlctl scan', merk at dette tar 15 sekunder."
IOP Version: DG150-WU7P2U_STY2.4.11RC1-150127_1608
============================== LINJE =============================
Max: Upstream rate = 1277 Kbps, Downstream rate = 15388 Kbps
Bearer: 0, Upstream rate = 669 Kbps, Downstream rate = 7198 Kbps
Mode: ADSL2+ Annex B
Down Up
SNR (dB): 9.4 19.2
Attn(dB): 40.5 23.2
Pwr(dBm): 19.5 13.1
HEC: 1655 0
Total time = 49 days 16 hours 25 sec
FEC: 10300984 716
CRC: 1238 0
Since Link time = 4 days 14 hours 31 min 17 sec
FEC: 824368 212
CRC: 141 0
=================================== TILKOBLINGER ==========================================
Grensesnitt: WLAN: aktiv LAN1: av LAN2: aktiv LAN3: aktiv LAN4: aktiv
Aktive nettverkstilkoblinger: Totalt: 3 WLAN: 0 Kablet: 3
================================================= WIRELESS ==================================================
SSID: Inteno-859A Antennehastighet: 144 Mbps Bakgrunnstoy(noise): -80dBm, kanal 1
Andre nettverk ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
SSID: Liverpool BSSID: 00:21:29:0C:6E:B8 RSSI: -61 dBm, noise: -78 dBm Kanal: 6
SSID: Liverpool1 BSSID: B8:A3:86:55:C2:9C RSSI: -62 dBm, noise: -78 dBm Kanal: 11
SSID: Kjetil sin Chromecast BSSID: FA:8F:CA:76:98:6A RSSI: -64 dBm, noise: -78 dBm Kanal: 11
================================================== KABEL ===================================================
Klienter (DHCP)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Navn: * MAC: 00:21:29:0c:6e:b7 IP:
Navn: DIR-655 MAC: b8:a3:86:55:c2:9d IP:
Klienter (Statisk) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Statisk (navn ikke synlig) MAC: 00:10:f3:18:c2:9f IP:
WIFI nettverkslisten kan oppdateres manuelt med 'wlctl scan', merk at dette tar 15 sekunder.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 5982
You can use some character index maths to extract the words between SSID and noise in your line 1 problem, and match SSID and BSSID separately. Ugly but it works :-/
awk ' \
{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)if($i~/BSSID:/)printf "BSSID%s", $(i+1)}
{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)if($i~/^SSID:/){ s=index($0," SSID");e=index($0," noise"); printf "SSID:%s", substr($0,s+5,e-(s+6))}} \
{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)if($i~/Channel:/)printf "%s%s\n", "Kanal: ", $(i+1)}' nett
on your input file sample gets me this output
BSSID:: Inteno_24Kanal: 1
BSSID00:19:77:12:97:94BSSID:: AK-GjesterKanal: 1
BSSID00:19:77:12:97:95BSSID:: AK-AnsattKanal: 1
BSSID02:26:16:B2:37:ADBSSID:: Trimble Service (5132555899)Kanal: 6
BSSIDFA:8F:CA:88:F9:8EBSSID:: Chromecast6286Kanal: 6
BSSID00:22:07:3F:67:6BBSSID:: Inteno-676CKanal: 13
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 1456
awk 'function w(m){match($0,"\\<"m": ([^ ]*) ",a);return a[1]}{print w("BSSID"),w("SSID"),w("Channel")}' file
00:22:07:29:D4:23 Inteno_24 1
00:19:77:12:97:94 AK-Gjester 1
00:19:77:12:97:95 AK-Ansatt 1
02:26:16:B2:37:AD Trimble 6
FA:8F:CA:88:F9:8E Chromecast6286 6
00:22:07:3F:67:6B Inteno-676C 13
Upvotes: 1