Reputation: 31
I'm trying to get the online or offline status of all network printers using the powershell. I have two simple codes:
$servers = "myserver1", "myserver2"
gwmi win32_printer -ComputerName $servers | Where-Object {$_.shared} | %{ $prname = $_.Name; $prtname = $_.portname; $srv = $_.systemname; $status = $_.detectederrorstate; $location = $_.location; gwmi win32_tcpipprinterport -computername $servers | where { $_.Name -eq $prtname } | select @{name="Name";expression={$prname}}, @{name="Server";expression={$srv}}, @{name="Status";expression={$status}}, @{name="Location";expression={$location}}, hostaddress }
Which makes output like:
Name : printer_name
Server : printer_server
Status : detectederrortate
Location : room_number
hostaddress : printer_fqdn
$pp= gwmi win32_tcpipprinterport | select hostaddress
foreach ($p in $pp) {
$pr = $p.hostaddress
if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $pr -BufferSize 16 -Count 1 -Quiet) {Write-Host "$pr is online"}
{write-host "$pr is offline"}
With output
printer_fqdn is offline
printer_fqdn is online
How can I get output like this
Name : printer_name
Server : printer_server
Status : 0
Location : room_number
hostaddress : printer_fqdn
Ping : Online\Offline
using test-connection cmdlet and paste the result of 2nd script into the new string with ping results?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 5757
Reputation: 2001
$servers = "myserver1", "myserver2"
$printers = gwmi win32_printer -ComputerName $servers | Where-Object {$_.shared} | select Name, @{n='Server';e={$_.systemname}}, @{n='Status';e={$_.detectederrorstate}}, Location,
$prtname = $_.portname
gwmi win32_tcpipprinterport -computername $_.systemname | where { $_.Name -eq $prtname } | select -exp hostaddress
$printers | % {
$_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Ping -Value $(
if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $_.hostaddress -BufferSize 16 -Count 1 -Quiet) {
} else {
$printers | sort ping, name | ft -a
Upvotes: 1