
Reputation: 2818

MySQL nested queries problems and optimisations

I have database of scientific conferences.

CREATE TABLE uni #University
  region          varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  name            varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  id              int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,     
  PRIMARY KEY     (id)

    uni_id          int unsigned NOT NULL,
    name            varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    id              int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
    PRIMARY KEY     (id),
    FOREIGN KEY (uni_id) REFERENCES uni (id)

CREATE TABLE conf #Conference
    uni_id          int unsigned NOT NULL,
    name            varchar(255) NOT NULL, 
    id              int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
    PRIMARY KEY     (id),
    FOREIGN KEY     (uni_id) REFERENCES uni (id)

CREATE TABLE visits #table participants
# id_student visit conference id_conf and maybe have winnner place
    id_conf         int unsigned NOT NULL, 
    id_student      int unsigned NOT NULL,
    place           int unsigned, #1..3
    PRIMARY KEY     (id_conf, id_student),

    FOREIGN KEY (id_conf) REFERENCES conf (id),
    FOREIGN KEY (id_student) REFERENCES student (id)

I need code 5 select requests:

1)get names of students who visit conference "DataBase 2015"

    (SELECT * FROM visits v 
        INNER JOIN conf c 
        ON (v.id_conf = c.id)) vc # visits with names of conference
    INNER JOIN student s 
    ON (vc.id_student = s.id)
    WHERE vc.name = "DataBase 2015";

2) get id of unisersities which students have winners places on conference "DataBase 2015"

    FROM student s 
          (SELECT id_student 
                  FROM visits v 
                  INNER JOIN conf c 
                  ON (v.id_conf = c.id) 
                  WHERE (v.place is NOT NULL and 
                         c.name = "DataBase 2015")
           ) winers
    ON (winers.id = i.id_student);

3) Get university id where held more then 1 conferences

SELECT uni_id FROM conf c GROUP BY c.uni_id having COUNT(*) > 1;

4) Get university which student have places in ALL conferences. It means we need compare number of all conferences and number of conferences in which students of some uni have any win place

Need write something like this(java):

uni_list.stream().filter( uni -> {
        Set<Conference> id_have_winners = new new HashSet<>;
        for(Student s : getStudents(uni.getId()) {
            for(Conference c : conferences) {
               if (studentWinConference(s, c)
        bool haveWinnersInAllConferences = id_have_winners.size() == conferences.size();
        return haveWinnersInAllConferences;

5) get Uni which students visit only one conference.

SELECT id_conf, id_student, uni_id FROM 
    visits v INNER JOIN student s ON (s.id = v.id_student) GROUP BY s.uni_id having COUNT(v.id_conf) = 1

6) get Uni which students visit some conferences but nobody won

1, 2, 3 are works, but I need сouncil for possible simplifications; 4, 5, 6 is hard and I would be glad to any tips or code

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Views: 68

Answers (1)


Reputation: 37129

Try these queries. You are welcome to add some data to http://sqlfiddle.com/#!9/12247/16 example and let me know if something doesn't work. Include expected output also.

Name of students who visit conference "DataBase 2015"

select distinct s.name
from visits v
inner join conf c on v.id_conf = c.id
inner join student s on v.id_student = s.id
where c.name = 'DataBase 2015'

ID of universities with winning students for "DataBase 2015"

select distinct u.id
from visits v
inner join conf c on v.id_conf = c.id
inner join student s on v.id_student = s.id
inner join uni u on s.uni_id = u.id
where place is not null
and c.name = 'Database 2015'

University ID where more than 1 conference was held

select uni_id
from conf
group by uni_id
having count(*) > 1

University with students placed in all conferences

select distinct s.uni_id
from student s
left join (
  select id_conf, id_student, uni_id
  from visits v 
  inner join conf c on v.id_conf = c.id
  where place is not null
) data on data.id_student = s.id and data.uni_id = s.uni_id
where data.id_student is not null

University students visited only one conference

select s.uni_id
from visits v
inner join conf c on v.id_conf = c.id
inner join student s on v.id_student = s.id
group by s.uni_id
having count(*) = 1

University whose students weren't placed

select distinct s.uni_id
from student s
left join (
  select id_conf, id_student, uni_id
  from visits v 
  inner join conf c on v.id_conf = c.id
  where place is null
) data on data.id_student = s.id and data.uni_id = s.uni_id
where data.id_student is not null

Upvotes: 1

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