Reputation: 1957
Are have you any idea to do it? I'm not familar with any code parsers, but I know with clang is feasible.
The code I want to parse:
// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.
#pragma once
#include "InventoryItem.h"
#include "ItemView.h"
#include "InventoryScreen.generated.h"
class UGUIBase;
DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_OneParam(FInventoryScreenEvent, UInventoryItem*, item);
class FLYING_API UInventoryScreen : public UGUIBase
virtual void NativeConstruct() override;
virtual TSharedRef<SWidget> RebuildWidget() override;
UFUNCTION(BlueprintNativeEvent, BlueprintCallable, Category = "Update event")
void UpdateItemView(const TArray<UInventoryItem*>& Items);
virtual void UpdateItemView_Implementation(const TArray<UInventoryItem*>& Items);
void OnItemClicked(UInventoryItem* item);
UPROPERTY(BlueprintAssignable, Category = "Button|Event")
FInventoryScreenEvent OnClickedBy;
TWeakObjectPtr<UItemView> ItemView;
Look at macros like a UCLASS and UFUNCTION. The using this macros may be entails wrong parsing. But I need to get all functions decorated by UFUNCTION macro (function names and arguments).
My useless code (Python):
import clang.cindex
def look_header(node):
print([c.displayname for c in node.get_children()]) # Here I got 'DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_OneParam()', 'UGUIBase', 'UInventoryScreen', 'UGUIBase'
for c in node.get_children():
if c.displayname == "UInventoryScreen": # I want to get all children of this class (all functions)
print(list(c.get_children())) # What subitems in this class? I got empty list (no anything)
for cc in c.get_children():
index = clang.cindex.Index.create()
tu = index.parse('InventoryScreen.h')
print('Translation unit:', tu.spelling)
I removed UCLASS() and FLYING_API macros due to wrong parsing. The code below to avoid this not helps:
#define UCLASS(...)
#define FLYING_API
Output of python code:
Translation unit: InventoryScreen.h
['DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_OneParam()', 'UGUIBase', 'UInventoryScreen', 'UGUIBase']
Upvotes: 2
Views: 2013
Reputation: 69902
I did a quick google search for "libclang parse c++".
One interesting link it came up with was this:
Which ought to give you enough information to do what you want.
Sorry I can't post code myself - I've never needed to do this.
Upvotes: 3