Reputation: 161
I'm trying to create a typical Housie/Bingo Game ticket in 2.0 (VB). But, not being succeeded. Ticket contains 3 row with 9 columns. Total 27 blocks, and it must be only 15 should be fill outta those 27. and each column contains value like 1st column should be between 1-10 and 2nd must have random values between 11-20.. It doesn't matter how many blocks filled in each column.. 1 is must, no single column should be blank, all 9 columns must be filled, some have all 3 blocks filled, some have 1 with total of 15 blocks filled in whole ticket. with random numbers..
Guys here was the typical housie ticket specification.. Please help me out generating a ticket like this. I've tried but, not being that much succeeded, I get whole column blank and validating columns.. takes extra load on system. please find me the way to make it.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 7175
Reputation: 191
Hello might be a decade late but here is how I did it. It's in C#
using System;
namespace HelloWorld
class Program
public static void Main (String[] args)
for(int times=0;times<2;times++)
private static void startGame()
int[,] game = new int[3, 9];
int occupancyLimit = 15;
while (occupancyLimit > 0)
int i = getRandomNumber(3);
int j = getRandomNumber(9);
// Console.Write(game[i,j]+" ");
int data = validateAndReturnNumber(i, j, game);
if (data>0)
game[i, j] = data;
for (int i = 0; i < game.GetLength(0); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < game.GetLength(1); j++)
Console.Write(game[i,j] + "\t");
private static int validateAndReturnNumber(int i, int j, int[,] game)
//do not override existing elements in array
if (game[i,j] != 0)
return -1;
//column cannot have more then two elements
int columncounter = 0;
for(int c=0;c<3;c++)
return -1;
//rows cannot have more
then two cells filled in and
//rows cannot have more
then two empty cells
for(int columnIndex=0;columnIndex<=6;columnIndex++)
return -1;
// rows cannot have more then 5 elements
int rowcounter = 0;
for(int r=0;r<9;r++)
//Applying, rows cannot have more then 5 elements
return -1;
//return getRandomNumberForColumn(j);
int data = 0;
Boolean isValueSet = false;
data = getRandomNumberForColumn(j);
isValueSet = isValueExistsInCol(game, i, j, data);
} while (isValueSet);
return data;
private static bool isValueExistsInCol(int[,] game, int i, int j, int data)
Boolean status = false;
for(int k=0;k<3;k++)
status = true;
return status;
private static int getRandomNumberForColumn(int high)
high = 10;
high=(high + 1) * 10;
int low = high - 9;
Random random = new Random();
return random.Next(high-low)+low;
private static int getRandomNumber(int max)
Random random = new Random();
int num=random.Next(max);
return (num);
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1
I have prepared a code for playing Housie with an arbitrary number of players. It informs whether anyone has won the game and terminates when someone has won the full house
The approach given to this problem goes like this; I have prepared 10 lists. Each list has with 3 unique random numbers arranged in ascending order, ranging from 10 to 20, 20 to 30, ..., 80 to 90. Next, I have assigned the first number in 5 random lists to the top row, the second number in another 5 random lists to the middle row, and the third number in another 5 random lists to the bottom row. I have done this with the intention of not repeating the numbers, ensuring that only 5 numbers are printed on each row of the ticket, each column has it's number in an ascending order form top to bottom
I have used empty strings ' ' to be printed where there are no numbers to be printed and I have used the asterisk/star ' * ' mark to tell to the player that he/she has marked that number on that ticket!
Here's a sample ticket;
<player name>, your ticket is as follows:-
[' ' ' ' ' ' '33' ' ' '54' '66' '72' '83']
[' ' '12' '27' ' ' '45' '57' ' ' ' ' '88']
['8' '19' '29' ' ' '49' ' ' ' ' '75' ' ']
<player name>, do you want to mark?(Type 'Yes' or 'No'):
I have then asked whether the player wants to mark. Then I ensure that the player inputs an integer present in the ticket and which has also been called
It's looks like this(after marking);
The lucky number is 54!
<player name>, your ticket is as follows:-
[' ' ' ' ' ' '33' ' ' '54' '66' '72' '83']
[' ' '12' '27' ' ' '45' '57' ' ' ' ' '88']
['8' '19' '29' ' ' '49' ' ' ' ' '75' ' ']
<player name>, do you want to mark?(Type 'Yes' or 'No'): Yes
<player name>, type the number you want to mark: 54
<player name>, your ticket is as follows:-
[' ' ' ' ' ' '33' ' ' '*54' '66' '72' '83']
[' ' '12' '27' ' ' '45' '57' ' ' ' ' '88']
['8' '19' '29' ' ' '49' ' ' ' ' '75' ' ']
Notice that there is an asterisk mark beside the integer 54
It then asks whether the user wants to check if he/she has won! The confirmatory message regarding the winners is as follows;
<player name>, do you want to check if you have won?(Type 'Yes' or 'No'): Yes
Sorry <player name>, you have not won!
Jaldi 5 Winner: None
Top row winner: None
Middle row winner: None
Bottom row winner: None
Full house winner: None
I have ensured that the numbers called don't get repeated(The main board is a list with numbers ranging from 1 to 90 and each time a number is called the sam random number is removed from the main board and while the player is given the opportunity to mark, the code ensures that the number is present in the player's ticket and the number is not present in the main board. If the player inputs a number which doesn't satisfy the above mentioned conditions, it keeps on asking until the player input a correct number
The speciality of this code is that it accepts arbitrary number of players. It initially asks you the number of players playing the game and then asks that many times the name of each individual player
Finally, the code automatically gets terminated when a player wins the full house
Here's the code I've prepared;
import random
import numpy as np
def list_of_ten(lower_limit, upper_limit):
yield list(str(number) for number in range(lower_limit, upper_limit))
def replace(numbers_list, row, collection):
for element in numbers_list:
if len(element) == 1:
collection[row][0] = element
elif int(element) == 90:
collection[row][-1] = element
collection[row][int(element[0])] = element
def check_number(number, array):
row_counter = 0
column_counter = 0
for row in array:
if number in row:
for element in row:
if element == number:
return True, tuple((row_counter, column_counter))
column_counter += 1
row_counter += 1
return False, None
def class_instantiation(player_count, class_to_create):
names_dict = dict()
counter = 0
while counter < int(player_count):
temporaray_input = input(f"Enter the name of the player{counter + 1}: ")
names_dict[temporaray_input.lower()] = class_to_create(temporaray_input)
counter += 1
return names_dict
def call_method(diction):
for tup in diction.items():
def call_numeral(diction):
for tup in diction.items():
return diction[tup[0]].call_number()
class Player:
board = list(range(1, 91))
jaldi_5_winner = None
top_row_winner = None
middle_row_winner = None
bottom_row_winner = None
full_house_winner = None
def __init__(self, name): = name
self.full_list = list()
self.check_top = list()
self.check_middle = list()
self.check_bottom = list()
n1 = random.sample(next(list_of_ten( 1, 10)), 3)
n2 = random.sample(next(list_of_ten(10, 20)), 3)
n3 = random.sample(next(list_of_ten(20, 30)), 3)
n4 = random.sample(next(list_of_ten(30, 40)), 3)
n5 = random.sample(next(list_of_ten(40, 50)), 3)
n6 = random.sample(next(list_of_ten(50, 60)), 3)
n7 = random.sample(next(list_of_ten(60, 70)), 3)
n8 = random.sample(next(list_of_ten(70, 80)), 3)
n9 = random.sample(next(list_of_ten(80, 91)), 3)
number_list = [n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8, n9]
self.ticket = np.array([[' '] * 9] * 3)
self.top_row = [element[0] for element in random.sample(number_list, 5)]
self.middle_row = [element[1] for element in random.sample(number_list, 5)]
self.bottom_row = [element[2] for element in random.sample(number_list, 5)]
replace(self.top_row, 0, self.ticket)
replace(self.middle_row, 1, self.ticket)
replace(self.bottom_row, 2, self.ticket)
def display_ticket(self):
print("\n\n" + f"{}, your ticket is as follows:-" + "\n")
def call_number(self):
print(f"The lucky number is {Player.board.pop(Player.board.index(random.choice(Player.board)))}!")
def mark(self):
mark_it = input("\n" + f"{}, do you want to mark?(Type 'Yes' or 'No'): ")
while not mark_it.lower() == 'yes' and not mark_it.lower() == 'no':
mark_it = input("\n" + f"{}, please type 'Yes' or 'No' only: ")
if mark_it.lower() == 'yes':
mark_number = input("\n" + f"{}, type the number you want to mark: " + " ")
condition = check_number(mark_number, self.ticket)
while not condition[0] or int(mark_number) in Player.board:
mark_number = input("\n" + "Type a number present in your ticket which has also been called: ")
condition = check_number(mark_number, self.ticket)
if mark_number in self.ticket[0]:
elif mark_number in self.ticket[1]:
self.ticket[condition[1][0]][condition[1][1]] = "*" + mark_number
winner_input = input("\n" + f"{}, do you want to check if you have won?(Type 'Yes' or 'No'): ")
while not winner_input.lower() == 'yes' and not winner_input.lower() == 'no':
winner_input = input("\n" + f"{}, please type 'Yes' or 'No' only: ")
if winner_input.lower() == 'yes':
if len(self.full_list) == 5 and Player.jaldi_5_winner == None:
print("\n" + f"{}, you have won jaldi 5!" + "\n")
Player.jaldi_5_winner =
elif len(self.full_list) == 15 and Player.full_house_winner == None:
print("\n" + f"Congratulations, {}, you have won the game!" + "\n")
Player.full_house_winner =
elif len(self.check_top) == 5 and Player.top_row_winner == None:
print("\n" + f"{}, you have won the top row!" + "\n")
Player.top_row_winner =
elif len(self.check_middle) == 5 and Player.middle_row_winner == None:
print("\n" + f"{}, you have won the middle row!" + "\n")
Player.middle_row_winner =
elif len(self.check_bottom) == 5 and Player.bottom_row_winner == None:
print("\n" + f"{}, you have won the bottom row!" + "\n")
Player.bottom_row_winner =
print("\n" + f"Sorry {}, you have not won!" + "\n")
print(f" Jaldi 5 Winner: {Player.jaldi_5_winner} ")
print(f" Top row winner: {Player.top_row_winner} ")
print(f"Middle row winner: {Player.middle_row_winner}")
print(f"Bottom row winner: {Player.bottom_row_winner}")
print(f"Full house winner: {Player.full_house_winner}")
no_of_players = input("How many players are going to play housie?: ")
players_dict = class_instantiation(no_of_players, Player)
while True:
if Player.full_house_winner != None:
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1
$arr = new SplFixedArray(27);
$final_array = array();
foreach ( $arr as $key => $val )
$final_array[ $key+1 ] = $val;
foreach ( $arr as $key => $val )
$elements_array[ $key+1 ] = $val;
if($i==1 || $i==10 || $i==19 )
if($i==2 || $i==11 || $i==20 )
if($i==3 || $i==12 || $i==21 )
if($i==4 || $i==13 || $i==22 )
if($i==5 || $i==14 || $i==23 )
if($i==6 || $i==15 ||$i==24 )
if($i==7 || $i==16 ||$i==25 )
if($i==8 || $i==17 || $i==26 )
if($i==9 || $i==18 || $i==27)
$x1 = 0;
$ar1[$x1]= $q;
if($x1 != 5)
$in1 =rand(1,9);
if(!in_array($in1, array_keys($ar1)))
$ar[$x1]= $in1;
goto loop;
$ar1[$x1]= $q;
if($z1 != 5)
goto in;
$x2 = 0;
$ar2[$x2]= $q;
if($x2 != 5)
$in2 =rand(10,18);
if(!in_array($in2, array_keys($ar2)))
$ar[$x2]= $in2;
goto loop2;
$ar1[$x1]= $q;
if($z2 != 5)
goto in;
$x3 = 0;
$ar3[$x3]= $q;
if($x3 != 5)
$in3 =rand(19,27);
if(!in_array($in3, array_keys($ar3)))
$ar[$x3]= $in3;
goto loop3;
$ar3[$x3]= $q;
if($z3 != 5)
goto in;
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 105059
First redefine your requirements:
This is how I'd do it:
) of numbers 1..90 and remove all selected in step 1selectNums
array.This algorithm will take you exactly 9 steps + 6 steps in the loop so it's deterministic which is better for the processor utilization. And it also fills your ticket with up to three numbers per column and not less than 1 (if I understood your requirements due too poor english in the question).
Yo when you select random numbers you always select a number between 0 and selectNums
array length which will give you position in array where you have to take a number from.
Above steps will get you to a point where you will get exactly 15 numbers with at most 3 from the same ten numbers range. Fine. All you have to do now is to create your ticket.
, row2Count
and row3Count
and set them all to 0.selectNums
array and put it in the row with the smallest count and put in on the ticket in that particular row. When there are at least two rows with the same count, you can select whichever you prefer by either selecting one randomly or taking the first one (quickest).selectNums
arrayThis part should get you to fully filled ticket with all columns having at least one number and all rows containing exactly 5 numbers in total.
If smaller numbers are not allowed to be under larger ones, you can always add an additional step to this process and reorder numbers in those columns that have more than just one number in it.
This solution has been simplified by using arrays and counters. You could of course create a complete object model that would be functionally rich and would provide you all the info you need. You could for instance have a Ticket and TicketColumn classes:
public class TicketColumn
public int Count { get; }
public int? FirstRowValue { get; set; }
public int? SecondRowValue { get; set; }
public int? ThirdRowValue { get; set; }
public void Reorder() { ... }
public class Ticket
public TicketColumn[] Columns
public int FirstRowCount { get; private set; }
public int SecondRowCount { get; private set; }
public int ThirdRowCount { get; private set; }
Or something similar. This is just an idea that this whole program would be better off in object oriented manner.
Upvotes: 5